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Client not responding

Discussion in 'Critical Issues (Blockers, Performance, Crashes)' started by CatweazleX, Jun 14, 2018.

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  1. CatweazleX

    CatweazleX Avatar

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    Veritas Sanctuary
    Build 697:
    The clients hangs at 99% or shortly after loading screen is gone. One thread is at 100+% another one ~25%. The overall system is still responsive.
    It doesn't matter if i load into town or novia map.
    I am not capable to do a /devbug.

    Linux Ubuntu 16.04
    Intel Dual Core E6600 @2.4 GHz
    System Ram: 8 GByte
    Video: Cypress XT [Radeon HD 5870] VRam: 1GByte
  2. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    @CatweazleX, check the process size as it's loading?

    i just loaded straight from the loading screen into owl's head. it was 8.9gb by the time i appeared and it's still creeping up as i just stand here. by the time i ran to the exit it was 9.9, and 10.2 when the vale loaded.

    edit: dropped to 10.1 in n valeway

    6/14/2018 8:51 AM
    Reproduction Rate:
    Steps to Reproduce:
    User Specs:
    OS: Linux 4.16 ManjaroLinux 17.1.10 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4430 CPU @ 3.00GHz (4) System RAM: 15993
    GPU: GeForce GTX 970/PCIe/SSE2 GPU RAM: 4096
    Area: HiddenVale_Hills01_Road_Tier1
    Area Display Name: North Valeway
    Loc: (-12.6, 30.6, -105.1)
    Debug: SGlkZGVuVmFsZV9IaWxsczAxX1JvYWRfVGllcjF8fCgtMTIuNTg2LCAzMC41NiwgLTEwNS4wNzQpfCgwLCAwLjk5OSwgMCwgLTAuMDUzKXwtNTQuMjI2NTh8MjkuMjgxOTh8MTg=
  3. CatweazleX

    CatweazleX Avatar

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    Veritas Sanctuary
    i like such errors....
    Wanted to look up the numbers you wanted, and what shall i say.. the client responds now and i can move (overland map, 30 fps)
    However: Virtual Ram Usage: 7975M, Residential Ram Usage: 5940M
    Now, i try to go into town...

    Now the client does not response anymore
    Virtual Ram Usage: 8698M, Residential Ram Usage: 5792M, Shared Ram: 0 ???
    Watching the disk usage (some 100kb/s every few seconds) it seems i am in town but still see the loading screen.

    Next try:
    Loaded to overlandmap . i can move
    Loaded into town Endurance . can move
    VIRT: 8773, RES: 6144M, SHR: 18.728M
    FPS in this town is from 11 - 21 movement code seems to work, no problems moving around
    Walking to Veritas Sanctuary...

    Managed to load into Veritas Sanctuary and walked to Serafinas Boutique. Turned around to get some more deco loaded. Client stops responding (SHR: 646 Bytes). Walking around was no problem.
    Restart client. Loaded into Veritas Sanctuary and walked to my LOT. Deco loading has started. Turned around a little to see if other deco is already loaded. Client stops responding.

    After the last "client stops responding" and restart the client stops responding after load screen was gone when trying to load into town. The Avatar was not shown and also not all deco. Need to load to overland map and enter town from there. Walked to my LOT and waited some minutes until LOT deco becomes loaded. Turned around a little no problem. Turned around more so that new deco needs to be loaded -> client stops responding. Shared Memory drops to 0 Byte when this happened.

    @Ally Oop can you watch your shared memory when you encounter the same problem?
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2018
    Alley Oop likes this.
  4. Sorthious

    Sorthious Avatar

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    I had a hang at 98% Loading into Virtue Oasis earlier and then the game did a CTD. Hasn't happened since though.
    Feeyo likes this.
  5. Sentinel2

    Sentinel2 Avatar

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    I think this may be related. Hope this helps.

    6/14/2018 8:49 PM
    Title: Visiting Port Phoenix freezes at 98%
    Reproduction Rate: Nearly 100%
    Blocker? no. See steps to reproduce
    Details: Visiting Port Phoenix not possible without visiting another scene first.
    Steps to Reproduce:
    Well this was certainly interesting.

    It's working very well over all. Visited several scenes without issue. Chatted with a few NPC's. No issues with the controls. I attempted to enter Port Phoenix from the overworld and noticed it would freeze at 98% loaded. I would hear electricity like from a generator. Did that twice without successfully visiting the town. Visited other random scenes and returned to Port Phoenix. It successfully loaded!

    Next, I exited the game completed and retried visiting Port Phoenix immediately. Four more attempts. Each freezing at 98% every time. Couldn't get in.

    On the fifth attempt I restarted and was able to begin in Port Phoenix. Seems It eventually loaded far enough last time to start in town. Retried entering / exiting multiple times without issue. Completely exiting the game seems to reset something and reintroduce the 98% freezing problem. Don't know why this happens when visiting the town.

    Quit completely again to retry. This time, immediately visited Iron Gate nearby before returning to the overworld and visiting Port Phoenix.


    I could go on. It's been nearly 100% consistent so far. I haven't seen this problem in other towns as of yet. As I said. Very interesting.

    CPU and Hard Disk I/O monitoring shows load wasn't significant. Ubuntu 16.04 with the latest OS patches. I'll poke around a bit more later. I'm curious if there is something else I can look at to explain the behavior.

    User Specs:
    OS: Linux 4.4 Ubuntu 16.04 64bit
    CPU: AMD FX(tm)-8310 Eight-Core Processor (8) System RAM: 15947
    GPU: GeForce GTX 960/PCIe/SSE2 GPU RAM: 2048
    Area: POT_swamp_metropolis_01_template/Port Phoenix
    Area Display Name: Port Phoenix
    Loc: (157.5, 36.0, 262.9)
    Debug: UE9UX3N3YW1wX21ldHJvcG9saXNfMDFfdGVtcGxhdGV8UG9ydCBQaG9lbml4fCgxNTcuNDc2LCAzNi4wMiwgMjYyLjg2Nyl8KC0wLjAxMiwgLTAuNzEsIDAuMDE2LCAwLjcwNCl8MjY5LjQ3MDR8MTB8OC44NDU3Mg==
    Jaesun, Sorthious and Feeyo like this.
  6. Sentinel2

    Sentinel2 Avatar

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    So before ending my testing for the night. I tried entering Virtue Oasis. Same 98% freezing issue.

    For grinz and giggles I entered Wyrmsands after restarting the client. Now back to the Oasis. 98% and it freezes again. Hmmm....

    Virtue Isle visited then back to the Oasis. Nope. That froze again. Same problem but not able to enter the town. Even after visiting another scene / town first.
    Jaesun and Sorthious like this.
  7. BurningToad

    BurningToad Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Austin, TX
    Thanks for the reports! I believe these issues will be resolved in the latest build, 702, as we have reverted back to a different version of Unity and disabled the experimental performance optimizations.
    Sentinel2, Jaesun and Sorthious like this.
  8. Steevodeevo

    Steevodeevo Avatar

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    pre 18.x?
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