Cheat/Bot Detection...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Alcedes, Dec 6, 2016.

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  1. Alcedes

    Alcedes Avatar

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    I have long questioned Portalarium's ability to detect bots as they claim they can. So in my 2 month hiatus i remained active.

    I am proud to introduce "XLR8R". My grinding bot.

    This bot is currently configured to craft for 0-3 hours and then grind for 0-3 hours. or vice versa. Both times are randomly selected. As is the order. (craft first then grind or grind first then craft) The bot will then rest for 1-8 hours. And then restart itself. However, to simulate "typical" human behavior, it operates on a strict schedule; it does apply variances to its start and end times however as to not be predictable and hence, detectable.
    It takes random rests every 5-190 minutes.
    The duration of these rests varies from 1-28 minutes.
    It uses both mouse clicks and keystrokes to simulate combat.

    The mouse clicks are aimed at the center of each icon on the hotbar but are then adjusted by two modifiers. These modifier is a variable which ranges from -200 to +200 and is applied to both X and Y coordinates of the mouse click. This creates the illusion of inaccurate clicking of each glyph. I have also added a mouse click delay to the clicks. This variation ranges from -3 to +3 seconds and is applied to the mouse_click wait timer. And before anyone looking for a pattern gets fresh, it also randomly decides to not click glyphs at all.

    What this means is that though it is a bot, much like a human player it will behave very sporadically. there will be no existing pattern in when or where it clicks.

    The keystrokes were much easier to simulate as i only had to apply a delay to the keydown" and "keyup" instances.

    Furthermore, this bot monitors the chatlog. All text messages are relayed via a c script into discord and sent to the user. The user can then reply in the discord chat and the bot will then send the key strokes of the typed message sent via discord. This allows it to respond to messages.

    For more fun, i gave it the ability to simulate "f12" to take a screenshot and then via discord send the user the screenshot. This will allow for the player to "look around" remotely and simulate "sitting at the keyboard".

    I have given this script to ONLY 2 players. it is working and working VERY well.
    They have agreed to destroy any and all crafted goods and they have agreed to only grind in 1 skull zones that are of no XP gain to them. The script does not loot...but lets face it, that is easy to do and doesnt need tested.

    Using both the color change of the health bar (red/blue) and monitoring incoming dmage vs self healing (the combat log is surprisingly incomplete i noticed!) it will heal itself. Often.

    My challenge is issued to the entire player community AND of course the devs and their "anti-cheat" scripting.

    Tell me the name of the 2 players using my bot. I promise you this. It is undetectable. But im eager to admit I was wrong.


    PS - I AM NOT AND WILL NOT USE THE BOT MYSELF...I mean come on...that would be WAY too easy.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2016
  2. Alcedes

    Alcedes Avatar

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    PS, do not ask me for my bot. This is not an attempt to cheat the game at all. This is simply a TEST to let the good folks at portalarium test their anti-cheat methods. I simply want to give them the chance to test if their methods against someone who is actually creating something vs the typical cheater using some kind of AUTO-IT garbage script.

    Asking me for this bot will get you absolutely nothing. Except maybe your name pushed to the devs as someone looking for a means for cheating so that i can be sure they are monitoring you.....if they do such a thing.
  3. LoneStranger

    LoneStranger Avatar

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    Petaluma, CA
  4. Berek

    Berek Portalarian Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Please contact us via PM :).
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