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[Fixed] Starting with new Avatar at Solace Bridge - several bugs

Discussion in 'Quests, Conversations, & NPC's' started by Paladin Michael, Oct 18, 2018.

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  1. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    I know, this is not the standad format, forgive me, please. All 100%.

    1. Charlotte won't follow directly! After I leave the house she appears suddenly.
    But she won't follow inside the house. I walked up the stairs several times

    2. The water was missing all around!
    --> After entering for the second time, the water was there!
    The boat to leave Solace Bridge is still there ...

    3. Coming back (I left Outskirts directly)
    a) I started at the same place like the intro at the lunar rift. How should we be there without using the rift?
    (--> 5.a)
    b) the information about 'locations were marked on compass and map' was made again for every point of interest ...

    4. I couldn't climb up the ladder (may be no bug, but confusing, because we can climb every ladder)
    at Area: Solace Bridge (SolaceBridge) Loc: (-33,0, 77,4, -91,5) DBG: U29sYWNlQnJpZGdlfHwoLTMzLjAxNCwgNzcuNCwgLTkxLjU0Myl8KDAsIC0wLjkxNSwgMCwgMC40MDMpfC0xNTcyLjQ5MXwxMC4yMzE3fDUuOTUzMTA5

    5. After I opened the Pallisade Gate, the Fire wall is 'hanging' in the air ...
    a. From now I can enter the scene at both places, but it should be the regular entrance after we left and come back, even if we didn't use the gate before ...
    b. The fire should be off at the gate ...
    c. The compass says: Southeast exit, but we're looking NW N ...

    6. I hope you don't forget to place the hammer we have to find for the side quest with Raymond from the camp? I couldn't find it ;)
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2018
    liz_the_wiz likes this.
  2. Serafina

    Serafina Portalarian Emeritus

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    These should be fixed. Let me know if any aren't.
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