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[Known]method used to toggle helm visibility doesn't take into account whether the character is fade

Discussion in 'User Interface (Including Launcher)' started by scroda, Aug 23, 2018.

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  1. scroda

    scroda Empyrean Enforcer

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    08/23/2018 16:52
    Title: method used to toggle helm visibility doesn't take into account whether or not the character is faded out due to the camera being close
    Reproduction Rate: 100%
    Blocker? no
    Details: If the character is faded due to the camera being close and smooshed up against a wall then toggling the new helm visibility option will not keep the character's hair/helm faded.
    Steps to Reproduce: Walk up to a wall then situate the camera to be betwixt the wall and character so that the character fades out. Then toggle helm visibility via right clicking on your characters health/focus bar frame in the top left of the screen and see that the characters helm/hair will not be faded along with the rest of the body.

    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz (6) System RAM: 16344
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 GPU RAM: 8088
    Area: BasementScenePrisonRow_2Floor
    Area Display Name: Row Stone Prison 2-Story Basement
    Loc: (2.9, 7.7, 1.0)
    Debug: QmFzZW1lbnRTY2VuZVByaXNvblJvd18yRmxvb3J8fCgyLjg4OSwgNy42OCwgMS4wMDUpfCgwLCAtMC40MjcsIDAsIC0wLjkwNCl8LTE5NC45MzE5fDUuNzY1NTYzfDEuMjU=
  2. wizardsmoke

    wizardsmoke Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Issue # 61469
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