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Scene exploit that make all creatures ignoring and not attacking any player?

Discussion in 'Critical Issues (Blockers, Performance, Crashes)' started by Chiasma, Nov 10, 2019.

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  1. Chiasma

    Chiasma Bug Hunter

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    11/10/2019 14:20
    Title: Scene exploit that make all creatures ignoring and not attacking any player?
    Reproduction Rate: 10)%
    1. I visited open scene Swamp and found Player A was in the same scene before me. Only me and player A was in the same scene and everything was normal.
    2. Player B entered the scene and everything was still normal. Three players including me were in the same scene.
    3. Player A left the scene. All creatures ignored me and not attacking me, but I could attack them.
    4. I saw Player B attacking creature smoothly and not losing any health as all creature ignored it too.
    5. When Player B left the scene, everything changed back to normal.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 7 (6.1.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHz (4) System RAM: 32715
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950 GPU RAM: 1960
    Area: swamp01
    Area Display Name: Mysterious Swamp
    Loc: (-12.6, 18.8, -163.1)
    Debug: c3dhbXAwMXx8KC0xMi41NzUsIDE4Ljc5MSwgLTE2My4wNzcpfCgwLCAwLjU1NywgMCwgMC44MzEpfDM2NjUuNjA1fDIxLjYzMzE4fDE3LjUwNjE3
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2019
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