"The World Needs Help Avatar! "Save us Avatar !' Welcome fellow Sosarian, Welcome to our New Britannia! ~Time Lord~
Hello everyone, just thought I'd drop by and say Hi. I Initially downloaded and tried this game 2 years ago and quickly dismissed It, because It didn't hook me In the 45mins or an hour I dedicated to It. However, last week, I gave It another shot and this time dedicated a couple hours to It and got hooked, enough to convince me to switch to playing online (I'd been playing offline up until that point). I've been taking my time exploring, although the game seems a little slow sometimes (both In terms of gameplay and performance), I've been enjoying It a lot. Just got done exploring Ardoris and went to the Swamp, currently working on upgrading my Leather Armor and maybe working on a better weapon
Welcome back! I also came back a few months ago. The game has really improved. I highly recommend joining a guild, There are actually a lot more players than it seems because of all the locations to be.
Welcome back! Indeed our game has been improved through ongoing crowd funded development. It hasn't been swift, but sota continues to improve with each release. I myself took a bit over a year break from it and returned to find a much more interactive world with many ways to play in it. ~Time Lord~
Welcome to New Britannia Be sure to ask questions on the forums, as we have a very helpful community to help get you started
Welcome abbasab! When you have any questions just ask them here in our forums and they will be quickly answered We have a great bunch of players here that are always super helpful! ~Time Lord~
Heyo! I've been playing for roughly 3 weeks now and have been greatly enjoying my time. Had always wanted to give this game a shot and finally settled in to try. Ultima Online was my first MMO (loved it), and have played a slew of others since then. I was not expecting to be as hooked to SotA as I have become, since I typically lose interest in many games rather quickly. I've convinced a friend to give it a shot as well and here's hoping they will enjoy it as much. o/
Hey there! Backed the game originally, only just found time to play through it. Finished the three opening scenes and the three outskirt areas, so I think I've made a good start. Does anyone know where I can pick up a Recipe: Meteoric Iron Sheet? There is a lot of very outdated information out there, tried various vendors in Resolute and Solania as mentioned, but their inventories must have changed in the years since that info was written. I am playing offline if that matters. Thanks!
Welcome! As for that specific recipe, the wiki is mostly up to date https://sotawiki.net/sota/Recipe:_Meteoric_Iron_Sheet However that item you will probably have to purchase from another player as npc's do not sell it. And it can only come as a random drop from supply bundles. There's several recipes that mostly only come from supply bundles and those you will probably need to buy from other players. Just be sure to buy them at a good price by using the Vendor Listing in Zone when you are in a town.
Thanks! Ah yeah I have been using that wiki, and it has been useful. I had to double check as that page hadn't been updated since 2017. I'll keep an eye out for more supply bundles, I have looted a few from enemies, thank you! Player vendors would be online only right?
Yes player vendors are only online. I was assuming you are playing online. If you aren’t playing online, you are really really missing out on an incredibly great community here.
Or download via the homepage if you prefer to Not play on steam. Click on "account" then "game client" to download client via the homepage.
Welcome @motbaymotmot and all . Enjoy the game. Again for anyone I can assist friend majoria in game. That will show when I'm online if I can help.
Hello. I originally pledged in 2013 since my and some friends have been Ultima Online junkies for a long while, though I never actually played until three weeks ago. I am enjoyed many aspects of the game and though I'm a role-player at heart and I'm still interested in finding some of that here in Shroud, for the time being the game mechs are really keeping me busy and entertained. I'm friendly by nature but not scared to speak my mind. I have already met some of those who are part of this community and have been really happy with the encounters thus far. Hello again and I hope to meet some more of you along the way.