1. Threads will remain in the main wishlist section while being discussed. After being reviewed by the Devs for initial feasibility, and depending on thread activity, the thread may be moved into one of the two subsections
    How to post your idea:
    Create a thread with a clear title that describes what the idea is about. Only one idea per thread!
    Please specify either in the title of the thread (if there is space) or at the very top of your post, what type of idea it is, For example: Housing (Houses, Lots, etc)
    Example title: Housing: Epic Keep and Castle Size Homes other than Pirate Ships
    Be sure to include details about your idea. Devs, and or players may reply to your thread asking additional questions, so please be willing to provide more details.
    Please see the sticky thread marked **READ FIRST** for more details...

Wishlist structure and rules for posting **READ FIRST**

Discussion in 'Wishlist Requests' started by Ravalox, Jan 26, 2023.

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  1. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Dallas, TX

    NOTE: this introduction will be removed once the transition of the wishlist is completed to the new structure and old wishes are cleaned up.

    The "catch all" wishlist threads including "Wishlist Requests", "Manage Orders", "Underutilized Ingredients", "Artifacts", "Socketing" and "Food" will be locked and existing posts will be reviewed and processed through intake if acceptable.

    All ideas going forward [apart from the "Decoration Wishlist - Items Already In-game" thread] will be in dedicated threads created by the players. (see below for details)

    I will be going through the threads from oldest to newest for cleanup. I will move threads we will not be acting on into the archive, and those that need to be discussed by the team into the "Queued for Review" subsection. If an idea is to be acted on, it will get a (Jira) SOTA-number inserted in the title of the thread/

    What is a wish vs Feedback vs Bug vs AskADev?

    AskADev: Use the AskADev command in Universal Chat (in-game) to pose technical questions regarding gameplay to the Devs that do not fit these other categories. A good example: "Is the Sawblade Sweep combo (Whirling Blades + Rend) intended to only hit 3 targets when Whirling Blades hits 4?" [to use AskADev: in game type /u then type "askadev If I ask a question using this example will I get in trouble?"]

    Feedback: Opinions on existing mechanics, features or other aspects of the game. An Example: "It seems there has recently been a change in the spawn rate of Razorback Destroyers. While earlier about 1 in 3 pigs that spawn there were RB's, now it's only about 1 in 10." [These types of posts go here.]

    Bug: Something already in game that is not working as intended. Example: "Ornate Brass Darklamp - causes black spots on the screen". [These types of posts go here.]

    Wishlist: Things that are not in the game that players feel should be in the game. Example: "can we get undead cow pets", or "Is it possible to get another guild rank, that a guild can add and edit?"

    The only type that should be posted here are wishlist requests.

    The players of SotA have come up with thousands of ideas over the years. some of these have been implemented, and others have not for various reasons. Some ideas are just not feasible and in some cases they open the door to potential exploits or other imbalances.

    Even with the possibility that your idea may not make it into the game, we still want to hear what things players wish were in the game, and posting them here will allow your fellow players to reply to your thread in support of your idea or to discuss the finer points.

    Please note that cordial discourse is welcome. Ideas can be debated as long as it is done with respect and does not violate the TOS. Posts can be moderated and threads can be closed if things get out of hand. If this happens, it also means that the idea most likely will not be considered.

    The wishlist section is setup where each idea should get it's own thread. If you are reading a thread and have another idea, please open a new thread. Posting multiple ideas in one thread causes more work in analyzing the posts, and also can cause ideas to slip through the cracks.

    Threads will remain in the main wishlist section while being discussed. After being reviewed by the Devs for initial feasibility, and depending on thread activity, the thread may be moved into one of the two subsections (Queued for Review, or Archived Topics) . [we want to give the players plenty of time to discuss any potential idea, so apart from moderation issues as noted above, we will be flexible, but please note that topics can be closed or moved to the subsections at our discretion.]

    How to post your idea:
    1. Create a thread with a clear title that describes what the idea is about.
      1. Only one idea per thread!
    2. Please specify either in the title of the thread (if there is space) or at the very top of your post, what type of idea it is, here is a list of some categories:
      1. Feature (Game mechanic, Menu screen, Skill, etc)
      2. Item (New Decoration, Weapon, Clothing, etc)
      3. Recipe (including ingredients)
      4. Dungeon Rooms (Player Dungeon rooms and components)
      5. Scene (New scenes/zones, POT Templates, etc)
      6. Housing (Houses, Lots, etc)

        Example title: Housing: Epic Keep and Castle Size Homes other than Pirate Ships
    3. Be sure to include details about your idea. Devs, and or players may reply to your thread asking additional questions, so please be willing to provide more details.

    Decoration Wishlist:

    There is a pre-existing thread dedicated to items that already exist in game that players wish were decorations. (most commonly, these would be items a player may run across while visiting an NPC city/town that a player cannot obtain for themselves). Please be sure to include a screenshot and paste in a copy of the /loc command to obtain the exact location in game to assist the Devs in locating the object.


    NOTE: Moving a thread into the Archive without a SOTA-xxxxx number assigned, indicates it will not be acted on at this time. The Archive is visible to all players; please scan the topics in there before creating a new thread so as to prevent duplication.

    NOTE: Threads moved into the Queued for Review subsection are not guaranteed to be implemented, these ideas will be discussed further by the Dev team and if accepted will gain a SOTA-xxxxx number in the title.

    Timeframes for ideas added to the project plan are not provided. Please watch our official announcements and blog posts for updates. Also please note that in some cases it is determined during development that an idea is not feasible, so in rare occasions, and idea accepted by the team may not go into production.
    Wilfred, Vaentorian, Anpu and 2 others like this.
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