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Red Directional Arrow On Map Pointing Wrong Direction...

Discussion in 'User Interface (Including Launcher)' started by Khalest, Jul 8, 2018.

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  1. Khalest

    Khalest Avatar

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    Im going to try to go by the Bug Report Template -

    1. Red Directional Arrow On Map Pointing Wrong Direction...

    2. I dont know what reproduction rate is...

    3. I dont know what a blocker is either...

    4. The red directional arrow on the online-in town map is pointing the wrong direction on several maps of towns. Sometimes its just pointing backwards as you go forward, others like in Highvale Outskirts during a siege it was pointing forward when i went left, back when id go forward & so on. Its happened on several maps now, most were player owned towns but just earlier it happened on Highvale Outskirts & Nightshade Pass...

    5. To reproduce it i just go back into the area it happened...

    6. I assume by User Specs you mean System Information, if so heres a link to it - https://mega.nz/#!pLg0lIIA!vYCQi6-SfvwnLr266Jhr2AzGXzV0CyxYP-RnCjkFJWo
  2. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    @Khalest, if you do /bug in game (or hit the bug report icon i the upper right), the game will generate a report with the right template, with a lot already filled in, and put it on your clipboard. it'll then open your browser to the bug reporting forum for the current release. all you have to do is create a thread, post in the template, and fill in details.

    a blocker is something that actually keeps you from playing or completing the game. crashes, severe graphic errors to the point you can't see what's going on, broken quests in the mainline quest... things like that.
  3. Undone

    Undone Trap Master Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Hi thanks for your report! I’m working dillegently to fix all of these small map issues and make things more consistent moving forward. It would be very helpful if you could list which additional maps are off (other than high vale outskirts and nightshade).
    Jaesun and Rentier like this.
  4. Khalest

    Khalest Avatar

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    I did hit the /bug & i waited for a few minutes but nothing ever happened. You do mean type /bug in the chat box while were in the game like we do /stuck right? An i didnt see the info about the Bug button in the upper right among the others, im heading back in right now & ill do that as soon as im in an area w/the problem, thx.

    Also ty very much for explaining what a blocker is...now i have a really dumb question for you...umm...err...how do i put it on my clipboard? lolz, ive seen that term before but evidently ive been able to accidently avoid using it or finding out what it means...[​IMG]
  5. Khalest

    Khalest Avatar

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    Your very welcome, an you & everyone in tech support are doing one helluva bang-up-job. I mean all new games suffer from problems & one like this that has taken on all the things it has to do. Then combined all that into a huge game covering, id say, the equal land mass of one & one half earths, which is 196.9 million miles plus another half earth bringing the total mass to 295.35, so about 300 million miles of territory. So...NO, you guys are doing above & beyond what any game company could even think about doing, let alone actually doing it, an doing it well & keeping it all pretty much in check, including continuously adding new content regularly.
    An as for the other map names, i would have listed more but try as i might i couldnt remember any of the other names. I actually suffer from a condition called CRS...(Cant Remember ****) and it causes me to not remember things...[​IMG]
    So as soon as i hear back from you & you educate me on what a clipboard is & explain how i post things to it, ill get you the information you requested...[​IMG]
  6. Undone

    Undone Trap Master Moderator SOTA Developer

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    lol no worries! Just drop them here when you find them. I am trying to find a systematic way to make the maps a little less painful for everyone and appreciate your help and understanding!
  7. Steevodeevo

    Steevodeevo Avatar

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    - Twins Foothills red arrow is off (at least it is now after I died and re-spawned at the Ank, I will need to check if breaking the map nav happened due to death).
    edit: this is really weird @Undone , i am sure Twins Foothills map has always worked. I exited and re-entered to check if my death disoriented the map navigation, but nope, Twins map nav (red arrow) is broken.

    - The new map in East Vauban foothills doesn't navigate properly.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2018
  8. Duffrey Blake

    Duffrey Blake Avatar

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  9. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    okay, reverse order here. when you copy and paste something, your clipboard is where the information is temporarily stored. copy writes to the clipboard, paste reads from it. you don't need to do anything special to write to it, the /bug command does it in this case, and you don't get any notification that something has been written to your clipboard, any more than you get a pop-up telling you you copied something every time you normally hit copy doing other things on your system.

    ...actually that's not quite true in this case; the command:

    a: opens your web browser to the forum
    b: generates a draft report which it puts...
    b1: in your chat under misc, with some extra intro text
    b2: on your clipboard

    (hitting the bug button and typing /bug do the same thing.)

    do you have misc turned off? you would never see it, then, but it would still be happening.

    here's mine:

    The following has been added to your system clipboard for convenience in pasting.
    Please check the Shroud of the Avatar bug forum to see if your bug has already been posted,
    and please post the following as a reply to an existing bug or as a new thread. Thank you
    for helping to test Shroud of the Avatar!

    07/09/2018 09:15
    Reproduction Rate:
    Steps to Reproduce:
    User Specs:
    OS: Linux 4.16 ManjaroLinux 17.1.11 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4430 CPU @ 3.00GHz (4) System RAM: 15993
    GPU: GeForce GTX 970/PCIe/SSE2 GPU RAM: 4096
    Area: Ardoris
    Area Display Name: Ardoris
    Loc: (114.8, 56.7, 67.7)
    Debug: QXJkb3Jpc3x8KDExNC44MzYsIDU2LjczMywgNjcuNzQpfCgwLCAtMC45ODIsIDAsIDAuMTg5KXwyMDEuODY1OXwxNi42MjI2M3wxOA==
  10. Steevodeevo

    Steevodeevo Avatar

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    @Undone and now i find that superstition canyon, that has always worked i'm sure, is broken.

    07/09/2018 15:42
    Title: broken map
    Reproduction Rate:
    Steps to Reproduce:
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz (8) System RAM: 16337
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 (192-bit) GPU RAM: 1495
    Area: Novia_R6_Hills01_SuperstitionCanyon
    Area Display Name: Superstition Canyon
    Loc: (62.7, 71.9, 219.7)
    Debug: Tm92aWFfUjZfSGlsbHMwMV9TdXBlcnN0aXRpb25DYW55b258fCg2Mi43MjgsIDcxLjg4MywgMjE5LjY2Myl8KDAsIDAuMTIsIDAsIDAuOTkzKXwxMy45MzEwM3wzMS4xNzE3NHw0LjEzNDAyMg==
  11. mike11

    mike11 Avatar

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    Brittany Alleys
    Brittany Wharfs

    ..more coming as I find them I'll put em here, too
    Undone likes this.
  12. Undone

    Undone Trap Master Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Digging into this issue a bit more I'm finding that the coordinate transformations for scenes with 90 and 270 degree rotations is wildly inconsistent. I fill likely have to add a column to the internal DB that allows me to manually determine if the coordinate transforms need to be flipped or not - as of right now the client is deciding, and as you can see deciding incorrectly for many maps.

    I'm working on a fix and hoping I can sneak it in for the next hotfix (will still require me manually going and updating each "broken" map, but once they're updated they will continue to work). If it doesn't make it into the hotfix it will most certainly be in the next release.
  13. Echondas

    Echondas Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    hey @Undone - for map issues, should we still be using this thread - or submit each one individually as a bug - for things like scenes missing a map, or the map doesn't match the scene any more, etc?
  14. Undone

    Undone Trap Master Moderator SOTA Developer

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    That spreadsheet would be great but I'm afraid it's going to be out of date with old data once I push these changes through. Thoughts on how to best coordinate? I was just going to make a mega post but not sure if that would get lost in the shuffle during release.
  15. Echondas

    Echondas Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    I've run into a few map issues recently and haven't been sure whether everything in the current spreadsheet is 'known' or if I should just post the bug, or what..

    Perhaps it might be easier to start a new spreadsheet that includes a required column for a link to a forum bug post. Players would have an easier place to search than the forums or bug archives when checking if it's already a known issue - If it's already something you folks have a JIRA on, you could enter that into the same column?

    Maybe also sticky that spreadsheet w/ instructions in the "World Building, Scenes, Environment, & Overworld" bug forum and edit the original thread to refer people to the new spreadsheet - or use the old one but clean out anything that has been fixed?

    Whatever you folks think would work best to communicate which maps need some TLC and help avoid dupes?
  16. Undone

    Undone Trap Master Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Let me see if this fix goes through for an upcoming patch and then I can start systematically going through the more popular scenes and verifying that they work or not. After I do that maybe I'll startup another spreadsheet with different categories. My current priorities are:
    1. getting the avatar icon pointing and moving in the right direction
    2. removing scenes that show the wrong map and we have no map
    3. correcting scenes that show the wrong scenes yet they have a map
    4. fixing map scaling/positional precision issues for current maps
    5. investigating/verifying lot automation
    After I get past the first one we'll start collecting more issues as it will be difficult for me to cover all 300+ scenes.
    Jaesun and Echondas like this.
  17. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    When you are ready for step 2 @Undone perhaps make a sticky in the bug forum, asking specifically for areas using the incorrect maps?

    I do a ton of exploring and are aware of a number of areas using the wrong map. We could enter the area and get the area map name via the /bug command and then report them to you by posting the information, if that would help you.
    Undone likes this.
  18. Steevodeevo

    Steevodeevo Avatar

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    @Undone i'm pretty sure Ulfheim map nav is off as well.

    Not sure if you want us to keep reporting now you have found a core nav issue, but i'll keep banging them in loc by loc as I find them for now and until i'm told to desist :).
  19. Undone

    Undone Trap Master Moderator SOTA Developer

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    yea lets wait until 805 which should fix a lot of things =)
    Jaesun likes this.
  20. Khalest

    Khalest Avatar

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    Aerie, Endurance, Journeys End, Elementum, Vanguard, Etceter, Xenos, Reliquary & Highvale Outskirts are all having problems with the red arrow pointing the wrong direction, but not only that but it goes the opposite direction or to a 90 degree angle to the direction im traveling. Like when i go North the arrow is pointing South but its moving in a Westerly direction, ya, its hell trying to get to something on the map when it does that. Also 2 more things, Highvale Outskirts is also showing the landmarks in the wrong area on the map. Like it shows the Monastery down past the middle of the map where the Ranch is supposed to be. It does seem to show all the little silver markers for the different things in an area in the wrong spot, instead of like just showing one of them in the wrong spot, i dunno if thats good or not :p And the other thing was the Overland-world map would show the towns on it (when you looked on your avatar mini-map) but when you got to the area with your avatar on the map that a town was supposed to be...it wasnt there....[​IMG]
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