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[Responded] Attenuation not showing

Discussion in 'Critical Issues (Blockers, Performance, Crashes)' started by liz_the_wiz, Aug 25, 2019.

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  1. liz_the_wiz

    liz_the_wiz Avatar

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    08/25/2019 19:03
    Reproduction Rate: sporadic
    Blocker? incredibly frustrating

    We seemed to be able to keep xping without obviously hitting attenuation, although xp didnt seem to be quite enough to be not attenuated however, 7 rounds of UT in open.. still we didnt have the attenuation marker.. We then took a break, and then did some more rounds, we got attenuated that time.. but the next time round.. we did not..

    Steps to Reproduce:
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1950X 16-Core Processor (32) System RAM: 65421
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti GPU RAM: 11031
    Area: Novia_R8_Hills02_01
    Area Display Name: Upper Tears
    Loc: (455.7, -67.9, -169.2)
    Debug: Tm92aWFfUjhfSGlsbHMwMl8wMXx8KDQ1NS42NTYsIC02Ny44NzIsIC0xNjkuMTU2KXwoMCwgMC45OTksIDAsIC0wLjA0Nyl8MTkuMzc1NzZ8MjAuOTIyODZ8Ny40NjA0NA==
  2. Lord Subtleton

    Lord Subtleton Developer Emeritus

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    Thanks for the post. For R68, the attenuation limit was raised to 2 Million per hour. We did this as a debugging tool, to allow for prioritizing of scenes that need design changes. The goal was not to allow players to reach 2 Million per hour, though we knew that would be the result of the change. This change also made it more difficult some players to reach the attenuation point. Our long term goal is to reduce our reliance on the attenuation mechanic, so that players do not reach the attenuation point during normal gameplay. Once we reach that goal, the UI for attenuation could then be phased out.

    Liz, if I'm reading your post correctly, it sounds like seeing the attenuation marker is a form of achievement, and not having the attenuation indication is taken as a negative play experience. And you would still consider this a negative to game-play even if it was somehow shown that the everyone is getting the correct experience and the UI for attenuation is working as intended. I'm asking because "attenuation as achievement" runs counter to our stated goal of making it harder to reach attenuation, and eventually phasing that system out altogether.
    Alley Oop likes this.
  3. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    I think what liz is trying to say is that in her experience it has been inconsistent, which is the reason it is irritating?

    If that is the case, Liz, are you 100% sure you were getting the same EXACT amount on duplicate waves each time? As in, there is something like 5 or 6 different waves, and they simply repeat if you clear them within 2 minutes, are you sure you were getting the same amount of clears every 2 minute? I ask that because in my experience my experience gain has been consistent every time, but I haven't been doing UT much.
  4. liz_the_wiz

    liz_the_wiz Avatar

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    This was not "boo hiss" attenuation, with places like UT Port have created a spot where attenuation for a reasonable group is guaranteed, as a result.. guess where so many people go.. it is the quickest way for most people to get max xp, so they do.

    We are aware of the 2M cap.. the waves are no longer fixed, so its not an exact science, but Even at 2M, the attenuation symbol usually appears around 4-5 rounds in UT.. 7 rounds on, still no symbol, but the whole group had not gotten the symbol it wasnt just me.. and we had gained more than 2M xp (about 3.5 to be honest). We also had subsequent waves were some members did not attenuate.. If no one is interested in the fact that this cap got broken and the system didnt notice...

    we also later had some issues where one member lagged would cause cause them to reload into a new scene, and then we would get zapped to them, but someone else would then lag at that and we bounced around.. I saw this again today.. when you've bounced between scenes 5 times in around 15 minutes.. it gets very irritating.
  5. Lord Subtleton

    Lord Subtleton Developer Emeritus

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    @liz_the_wiz Your highest sustained XP gain rate is 1,849,962 / hour. Occurred on August 25 a little after 12:44 pm (CDT). When you get that close and then receive a burst of XP from killing a wave in quick succession, you might peek just barely over the top of 2M to get attenuated - but only for a moment. The UI will come on for a few minutes to let you know that it happened... But you would have to be looking at it at just the right time.

    I appreciate the post. We definitely need to know if the XP cap is broken. But in this case it appears not to be happening. In the original post, you mention that this is incredibly frustrating. I thought for sure you meant the attenuation indicator not showing consistently was the problem. Now I'm not so sure.

    As an aside, I did see the party instancing shenanigans that occurred today at 11:03 am. It does appear from the logs that a party member leaving the instance was the cause of the ensuing shuffle. Does appear to be a bug. I'll have to look into that more. EDIT: Issue #65544, marked as resolved on Dev branch.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2019
    Barugon, Brass Knuckles and Alley Oop like this.
  6. Echondas

    Echondas Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    I've run into/heard of players that I believe use the icon for this purpose, without realizing it, exactly like you are saying; when it appears, it brings a sense of achievement and is a sign/indicator that they are doing well. Maybe for others, it's a good excuse/signal to take a break and let the attenuation reset and then start grinding again.
  7. liz_the_wiz

    liz_the_wiz Avatar

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    Interesting stat :p however, I know that will have been in UT, and more over, if you view the xp over the hour there will be a huge burst at the start, and a lot of stop at the end.. Which is the format all UT groups go in. They judge breaks on seeing the att symbol as they feel after that, its not worth maintaining the killing with the lesser xp.

    It just strongly felt like we had someone slipped the attenuation, whether it had been because we had done some instance bouncing or whatever, but we seemed to be able to get way more than the normal xp.
  8. Lord Subtleton

    Lord Subtleton Developer Emeritus

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    The instance bouncing (now addressed on dev branch) is going to put you behind the curve on XP / hour (unless you maintain your high XP rate as party members drop out of the scene + the 0 xp you gain while switching instances), making it hard to reach and maintain the 2 Million / hour rate.
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