Did anyone catch "Tartarus Acres" on Watchmen Ep. 3?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Magnus Zarwaddim, Nov 8, 2019.

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  1. Magnus Zarwaddim

    Magnus Zarwaddim Avatar

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    There is no connection, but I smiled when I saw "Tartarus Acres" on the entrance to the cemetery where Don Johnson's character was set to be buried after he got murdered (he actually "threw himself on the grenade" as Regina King's character noted later - so he was never "buried").

    I found this image, but it's not the one that I noticed. Later they are standing in front of it with a shot angled up where it is more clear and . . . ominious. :D


    I'm digging the show because it's a slow burn. Initial reviews of the first 6 episodes have been positive, but it's unclear if it will manage to be great. I personally loved the movie and obviously enjoyed the comics.

    Tartarus is a reference in Greek mythology to the Hellish Abyss (thank you, Google).
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  2. Gageman

    Gageman Avatar

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    Its a pretty cool show! Yes, I dont think many people caught the Tartarus Acres meaning. Tartarus is a fiery pit or prison of the damned. In Christian mythology, you could call it hell.
    very cool none the less.
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  3. Magnus Zarwaddim

    Magnus Zarwaddim Avatar

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    If only they made more than 8+ episodes per season of these cool shows. Forgetting Season 8, Game of Thrones was one of those shows you wish you had more of.

    At least we are getting some quantity (plus quality, hopefully) of shows on different platforms. His Dark Materials is one of those stories I've been meaning to read, but am also looking forward to the show. Another show I'm waiting on is The Boys, which I hear is close to rapping up filming (if not already) and which should be out in 2020. Nice choices all around.
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  4. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    It's a really ironic name for a cemetary.
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  5. Gageman

    Gageman Avatar

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    His Dark Materials looks pretty cool from the previews, but I have a couple shows ahead of it. I want to watch the new Jack Ryan episodes and I am going to thry to give Catherine the Great a chance. Historical fiction/drama can be iffy, hated the Tudors, Loved Borgia and Rome. we will see.
    Magnus Zarwaddim likes this.
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