The excess xp and current 10x quest exp has trivialized 95% of the game content.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by OzzyOsbourne, Apr 23, 2020.

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  1. OzzyOsbourne

    OzzyOsbourne Avatar

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    Title speaks for itself. Since origin, the exp gain is now 4x.
    Enjoy your exp stimulus.
  2. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    Which quests? The main quest which can only be done 2 times per character, or the small handful of daily and repeatable quests?

    Granted the arcane catalyst one is quite a bit.
  3. Gravidy

    Gravidy Avatar

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    The previous amount of XP from doing quests was trivial. The 10X amount we're getting now is a significant improvement in rewards, although, personally, I don't think it goes far enough.
  4. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    Yeah the daily ones are actually worth your time to do now. Before, they were a waste of time.

    Unless there’s a quest that can be exploited.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2020
  5. Restless

    Restless Avatar

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    Yep. Those initiated can see the game was only ever made for adventure level 100.
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  6. Rowell

    Rowell Avatar

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    To be honest, before 10x Quest XP...I had stopped doing quests for years. The "reward" simply was not worth the time at all.
    When 10x Quest XP is active, I find myself wanting find/do quests, because it's worth the time now.
    Margaritte, Hazard, Astirian and 15 others like this.
  7. OzzyOsbourne

    OzzyOsbourne Avatar

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    All. Also the 4x exp that is
    You didnt address the topic of the thread.

    Change my mind.
  8. OzzyOsbourne

    OzzyOsbourne Avatar

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    Perfect example. "The quest wasnt worth the time" Actual you should rephrase it because you can definitely still get faster and more adventurer exp doing anything else. What you are referring to obviously is the producer exp. Now that you skipped the hard part with a free pass on the crafting side, you will see the actual lack of accomplishment with what the 10x does when you see the lack of gains in crafting because of the excess amount of free producer exp you got.
    Fetid SirDidy, Tailz and kaeshiva like this.
  9. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    Lack of gains? Excess amounts? I doubt that the possible 1.5m or so exp from the dailies I do is excess experience, especially since we are in x2 exp right now, which should go down, bringing me to 750k producer exp per day. Is it faster than before? Yes! Is the 8m per hour on adventuring faster than before? Hell yes! It is actually 8x faster than when attenuation started. Do we hear people saying that it is excess exp? No.

    Do you know what you sound like? You sound like someone who is upset that people are gonna have it easier than you had it. I'll use your own words in this thread "Change my mind."
    Astirian, Terrence Phillip and Malimn like this.
  10. OzzyOsbourne

    OzzyOsbourne Avatar

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    We are at 4x exp. You are perhaps just too new to know that.
    Me among many others do think it is excess exp and ruins the accomplishment factor. So saying no one is saying that it is excess exp is not accurate. I mean, this post clearly states it and again, the reply here fail to address the topic of the post which is how the exorbitant amount of easy exp is making 95% of the game content trivial. I'm not upset that people have it easier, if I am upset about anything, its the destruction of the game due to bad decisions and the incredible lack of bug fixing needed that go unaddressed. But please, stick to the topic of the thread.
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  11. kaeshiva

    kaeshiva Avatar

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    Its certainly upped the pace of gameplay.
    On one hand, it makes the years we spent doing things at the original progression rate, and now even the things we did during "permadouble" seem painfully slow.
    New players can get to levels of experience in a week that originally took months.

    This is good and bad; aside from the fact that its a bit insulting to veteran players who have put in years of effort to have that effort cheapened, let's set that aside for a moment and just think, "is this better for the game?"

    Good - can get a "build" sorted faster, and have enough glyphs/etc. to experiment, learn, find what you like, without having to grind early - especially since doing just the outskirts and main quests (excluding path of Oracle) you'll easily emerge level 85-90 just from the rewards. Then you can get some gear and go do stuff with people who have been around for a long time without being a complete mooch / feeling useless.

    Bad - you just reach the grindy bits faster. Once these bonuses are off, I think the 'stimulus' of players we're seing now will go back to their holes. I've seen this happen before, in an older game where every Christmas, for the month of December it was double exp. And you'd see loads of people on. And then for 11 months, nothing - the game was simply too painful to play at the base rates. When they did double events in the past, they decided to ultimately leave double as the new normal to combat this. Will this happen again?

    More Bad - most of the game's content is tier 5 and lower. There's a handful of higher level zones, and even fewer "good experience/gold" spots that get tiresome pretty quick if that's all you do.

    You miss SO much of the stuff in this game if you walk out of the outskirts and Tier 1-4 is too low to bother with. That was the case BEFORE 10x and double. Its even worse now.

    There's so many cool scenes that by the time you'd get around to visiting, its completely trivial/pointless. I asked about 8 people if they knew what zone this was, and the responses varied from "no" to "no" to "is that SotA?" I ran into a level 100+ player who didn't know where Ardoris was. Too many people are missing all the good bits. =(

  12. kaeshiva

    kaeshiva Avatar

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    In early times, before double and double-double, this game took effort. Especially on the crafting side. Being a grandmaster crafter meant something, you'd put in weeks/months to level your skills. 50k producer exp per hour or so, mining/harvesting everything in sight, having to physically make every item once to get it in your recipe book via discovery before they added supply bag drop crap and got everything else onto vendors and added teachability. Spending thousands of ores to level up the skills in the days before super pools and guidance pots and xp rate blessings. The turbo advancement of today has certainly 'cheapened' my historical efforts, but, if its better for the game, I can set aside my personal saltiness and go with it. However, I'm very much in doubt about whether it IS better for the game. If people have an easier time levelling, if people power through all the content, then they will get bored and run out of things to do that much sooner. The faster you go, the sooner you reach the end.

    For those of us who were already on the high end, the double-double is a bit of a blessing in that normal exp rates were rather pointless; prior to the experience bonanza we're experiencing today, there was very little reason for me to spend 100 hours at 1m/hr attenuation (or 50 at 2m attenuation, even) to squeeze out a couple more points of attunement. That's the softcaps doing their jobs. All this is doing is pushing those softcaps to the next threshold. And when this gets turned off, the exp that trickles in for a full play session wont be enough to shake a stick at.

    I'm okay with the game evolving. And if that evolution means progression is accelerated, fine. But giving, and taking away, I think is worse than not giving at all.
  13. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    Extra good - content which include players is high level content, you do not see people making groups for the Tower of the Shuttered eye, or Savrenoc Stronghold, or zones like that, groups go for either CPs, bosses, or high level dungeons.

    Another good - With all "adv lvl xxx only" groups, players can actually catch up faster and enjoy group play if they dont know people.

    Extra good - players will be able to make decent to good gear faster. Currently if you dont have GMs for enchants and masterworks, your gear will be sub-par, every time, because you can't get majors. With the possible work on crafting from Chris, who finally realized that crafting has barely any progression past 100, people would be even further behind once that would happen if it wasnt for the new multipliers.

    Extra good - new players will no longer be intimidated by all the crafting experience required for crafting, especially with how slow it was to acquire, and even more so for newer players.

    Bad - all the players who already worked that long just saw all the hours they spent in crafting devalued in terms of time to acquire.

    Bad - players who already used their quest resets cant benefit from the HUGE exp drops for the main quest line.

    Btw ozzy, I was here pre persistence, I know the old rates, but seeing how the first double exp became permanent, I stopped calling it double exp and just call it normal rates (since it is, the normal rate now...)
  14. Gravidy

    Gravidy Avatar

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    Yes I did.

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  15. Beaumaris

    Beaumaris Avatar

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    Thoughts? Its not trivialized. Experience is in the eye of the beholder. Someone just starting with early content will only know early content. They will not have the experience of a pro getting 100K per hour grinding the same daily quests, which is a behavior of longer term players. Longer term players generally are not going back and playing starting quests.
    Astirian likes this.
  16. OzzyOsbourne

    OzzyOsbourne Avatar

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    I feel like everyone is unaware of the soft cap elements in this game... leap frogging towards Grand Masters has definitely trivialized all the effort of character development.
    Starting a new character and 3 days later being able to SOLO the hardest boss in the game (spider queen) is not conducive to player retention imho. That person will never visit 95% of the rest of the content in the game ever again because of the leap frog and will undoubtedly ask for more and criticize the lack of content because of this. This isnt a good thing. Players making restrictive groups based on adv lvl is typical of any mmo. Thinking that you need to "chase" the top players isnt how this game should be played; you are missing out of beautiful content and exploration factors of which I believe @Lord British had intended. Pushing the goal post and limiting it with attenuation shouldnt even be a concept of any sandbox. Looking at top players and feeling like you cant craft, even at lvl 10 enchanting is faulty logic. The difference isnt game breaking as many believe. You are missing out on a lot of fun. The struggle was fun, the pursuit of personal gain and upgrading gear slowly like in the old days was fun. Somehow that view got corrupted by observing other players that have already certainly passed the soft cap to the extreme and shouldnt be put on a pedestal.
    Tailz, Black Tortoise, NihJoo and 4 others like this.
  17. Illiaro

    Illiaro Avatar

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    The mainline quest xp is welcome. Otherwise, it really wasn't worth the bother for new players. Repeatable quests like the dragon, the sieges, the letters, and the troll toenails are out of line. The nice thing, though, is it allows new players to catch up in crafting to have a go at enjoying that part of the game.
    Black Tortoise and Cordelayne like this.
  18. Scoffer

    Scoffer Avatar

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    A new character doing the dailies once, running the whole quest line (takes about 4 hours) then doing a reset and doing them all again has enough experience to GM every producer skill in game.
    So call it 9 hours ish? to completely invalidate 4 years of game play?
    Without crafting a single item?

  19. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    4 years of game play to actually be able to craft items at the required level for anything to be worth, considering that they still need the materials to pump all that exp into their skills, and will still reach the "Spend thousands in mats to get only a few good items", I don't think it is such a bad thing, personally.

    Also, lets not forget that Chris plans to work on crafting (if it wasn't for all the broken things he would already be on it), and that planned work is to try to make crafting a bit more rewarding as you level up, so this would widen the gap even worse, new crafters would actually never have a chance in our marker, considering some people already have 140+ at a bunch of places in crafting, so the Experience the you can get from the main quest means you can reach the minimum level to make a decent item, but you are still far behind any other crafter because they have the mats and the extra levels to make their items better.

    Let's try to think about it in the way that new players can now actually enjoy a system that has always been seen as a very daunting one which requires thousands of hours of investment only to reach the required levels to make something decent.

    One thing though, how about we remove the quest reset on any new accounts? That part could, admittedly, fall into the excess portion, I will agree with anyone saying this part.
    Terrence Phillip likes this.
  20. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    You can get all that crafting xp, but you still are going to have to go through tons of silver and Gold and other materials to level them up. Just getting crafting xp doesn’t magically level those skills up.....
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