Help with my template so I can solo most of all baddies. I have 100M XP pool.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Duke Gréagóir, Apr 28, 2020.

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  1. Duke Gréagóir

    Duke Gréagóir Legend of the Hearth

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    Even though I have been vocal with a few passionate templates I loved playing in the past (Tamer and Bard). With the new Bard CC nerf I am back to where I cannot don't have good damage to kill things. Most of the time I am soloing content as I am not on for hours on end to make a party worthwhile. Most days I have 30 min here, 10 minutes there, etc.

    IN control points and when I party up I am a healer due to my lack of DPS.

    My goal is to kill at least a Razorback Destroyer (30K hp) and Cabalists. I want to be able to get artifacts myself and not to sell my pledge items off for igg so afford most arties. I want to grind them myself.

    Right now I damage only 4K off of the Razorback Destroyer it heals back up to full strength.

    I have 100 million XP saved up. Please help me be a quick damage dealer. ( I tried swords and bows and I was ineffective only dealing gnat sized damage).

    I put one of my Specializations in taming. It did boost my tames HP to 2500ish which helps my soloing.

    I wear Fustian Cloth armor to boost my Focus and INT up.
    - No obsidian capitalist hood
    - No jewels in my armor to boost up any mage skill tree.

    What skills I have:
    - Fire all 100 except fire summon (88) and NO fire spec. I tried fire spec and I still was no damage dealer. What did I do wrong?

    - Life - All at 100, and No life spec.

    - Light Armor all 100 NO spec

    - Bludgeon - three skills at 100 and the three innates at 80 - 96 and NO spec. This is really just in case I need hit things. I don't have heavy armor so I cannot take a lot of damage.

    - Earth - All at 100 (except Torpor and Summon) No spec. Mainly to help with defense.

    - Moon - 80 in Meteor shower and a few others. not used much.

    - all other magic and combat skill trees are not used or a few points here and there for minimal magic resist.

    - Taming - all 100. I don't see adding more here will make my pet a tank and kill multiple things at once quickly.

    - Bard - all available skills 100 - 120. With CC nerfed I don't see me doing much damage anymore. Not that I was able to 5 stack CC like @Mac2 does in his video.

    - Tactics - 95-90 points in train strength, Healthy, 96 in armor and weapon Preservation. Stances at 40 as I don't know what stance I should be using to be effective.

    - Focus - 90-92 Heightened Awareness and Train INT, all three innates at 80, everything else at 40.

    This should give you a good example of what to work with.

    Thank you for your help!

    [​IMG] <- in case the IMG does not work it shows my fire ability.
  2. Dhanas

    Dhanas Avatar

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    I would buy an item of greater unlearn and invest everything in fire to have spec atleast to 80 and skills atleast to 120, rest rise your life attunement to 100 raising 10 skills to 100 in that tree and invest the rest to have atleast to 100 defensives, buffs and passive skills from focus/tactic and armor skills.
    With this set you should be able to solo cabalists and razorbacks.
    I would suggest to use chain chest + rest cloth and crafted wand if you want to keep your gear low cost. Artifacts do boost your dmg but they are not necessary to do those contents you mentioned.
    Duke Gréagóir and StarLord like this.
  3. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    If you really want to go 100% effectiveness, @Dhanas s post is the way to go, 100%.

    If you would like to keep taming, and always keep the possibility of using bard if Spec helps (as Chris seems to say in one of his tweets), here is my suggestion :

    Ranged : Get this up, this is usually free damage, it is very strong, serves everywhere, and can pair well with a Pet. In CPs, you should be able to get a nice 50+DPS while your Nightmare or Unicorn does an extra 30+, bringing your numbers up to what people want to see. You do not need all the skills either, Basic passive at 120 (8m exp), crit passive at 100 (4m exp) and maybe aimed shot, Piercing shot, rapid fire and Multishot all around 100 (Multishot is decent for CPs).

    Air : Air helps a ton for archers, as the DEX will boost your crits and help you deal damage. Chain lightnin can do some some nice damage too when you have decent int and dex.

    Tactics : Berserker stance is great for an archer, even better for an archer that wont take damage : Extra attack speed, movement speed, AND strength!

    Pets : Get yourself a Horsie (fire, light or dark) for CPs, and a Spider (ferocious black arachnid) to tank stuff like cabalists and Destroyers.

    Poison : Poison is insane, extra dps from corpion poison, reduced healing % from Festering. When you can kill fast and easy, take corpion, when you fight stuff with 30k hp, go for Festering.

    This setup, if you build on it, will allow you to not change too much to your actual play style, allow you to do the things you want to do, but will not allow you to shred through everything as if it was butter like how fire mages do.

    If you want to shred everything though, once again, use Dhanas's tip!
  4. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    Also, for your taming tree, raising summon pet to 126 (I think that was the sweet spot I found) raises my Pets level to 100 right out the box, which is a great place to actually stop. Afterwards, the combat related passives (apart from obedience) can be raised a bit as you acquire more experience. That could give your pets a little bit more oomph, making them hit harder, take more hits, have more HP and taunt better. Don't try to taunt with a horse though, they are crap at taunting!
  5. Xiones

    Xiones Avatar

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    Dark Side of the Moon
    Wait I haven't played in awhile. What did they nerf? on the CC Bard skill?
  6. Duke Gréagóir

    Duke Gréagóir Legend of the Hearth

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    It does 1/4 damage now as compared to before.
  7. Xiones

    Xiones Avatar

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    Dark Side of the Moon
    Why am I not surprised.
  8. Duke Gréagóir

    Duke Gréagóir Legend of the Hearth

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