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[Fixed 67033] Tablet of Cataclysm

Discussion in '*** Bug Report Archive (After R75) ***' started by Bedawyn, May 2, 2020.

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  1. Bedawyn

    Bedawyn Avatar

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    05/02/2020 23:34
    Title: Tablet of Cataclysm
    Reproduction Rate: 1/1
    Blocker? No
    Details: I stumbled on a Child of Cataclysm while going about my regular business; talking to him didn't yield anything useful, but since I knew he hadn't been in that location before, I decided to re-explore the house he'd moved into. I found the Tablet of Cataclysm there (two copies actually), and as with the conversation, there was no immediate indication that it was anything other than "flavor" -- until I noticed in my inventory that it was marked as a quest item. Looking at my journal, I found a spoiler-y entry about the Doe quest. However, I haven't begun the Doe quest yet, and would get smashed if I tried (this character is nowhere near the level needed to survive the scene where the quest begins).

    Steps to Reproduce: Visit the location below (not saying where to avoid spoilers for other readers) and poke around in places you shouldn't politely be.
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-8130U CPU @ 2.20GHz (4) System RAM: 8089
    GPU: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620 GPU RAM: 2150
    Area: Novia_R6_Hills04_01
    Area Display Name: Highvale Outskirts
    Loc: (-224.1, 49.8, -188.9)
    Debug: Tm92aWFfUjZfSGlsbHMwNF8wMXx8KC0yMjQuMTUsIDQ5LjgyLCAtMTg4Ljg3Mil8KDAsIDAuODUsIDAsIDAuNTI3KXw4MzYuMzU3NnwxMy4zNzgyMnwxLjI1
  2. Sannio

    Sannio Lead Quest and Level Designer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Thanks for the report! Issue #67033
  3. Bedawyn

    Bedawyn Avatar

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    Huh, just noticed that report included the location info for Highvale, instead of where I actually found the tablet. Oh well, I assume Sannio knows where I meant!
  4. Sannio

    Sannio Lead Quest and Level Designer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Yup, the quest is still fresh in my mind and I knew exactly where to look. :)

    I submitted the fix several days ago, but aren't sure where it landed in the update pipeline. I'm pretty sure you picked up a letter on the dresser which was incorrectly pointing to the "tablet." The letter now properly points to the correct "plain" version of the doctrine, plus I made two plain versions: one in English and one in Runic.
    Anpu and Bedawyn like this.
  5. Bedawyn

    Bedawyn Avatar

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    Yep, saw it in patch notes several days ago! Will run by to look at it next time I'm in the area. Thanks!

    Meanwhile, what should I do with the Tablet already in my inventory? Will it still work when I eventually do begin that quest, or will having it already screw up the earlier stages somehow? If I just destroy it, will that be safe, or has having it flicked some invisible switch for me that will stay flicked after I get rid of it? (I should have checked to see if the journal entry was still there after the patch, but didn't think to -- I'll try to remember when I'm next in game.)
  6. Sannio

    Sannio Lead Quest and Level Designer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Good question!

    I poked around in the quest data and see that you should only have a small hiccup that will automatically correct itself when the quest is concluded.

    Some details for you:
    1. At the start of the quest, you'll get a "Get Tablet of the Cataclysm" task. You already have the tablet, so the task will linger until the quest is fully complete.
    2. Normally, collecting the tablet will give you a "Deliver Tablet to Doe" task, but you won't get that task because you already have the tablet. Not to worry, you'll have two other collection tasks that will also send you back to the doe upon their respective completions. You need all 3 items anyway.
    3. When you finish the entire quest, the lingering "Get Tablet of the Cataclysm" task will clear itself after a moment or two.
    Anpu and Bedawyn like this.
  7. Bedawyn

    Bedawyn Avatar

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    @Sannio, thank you!

    While I'm sure it has as many drawbacks as any other paid work, right now I can't help thinking you must have the best job in the world. Poking around in the details of things like that and exploring the what-if-the-player-does-this, what-if-they-do-that-instead would be like catnip for me. :) (Of course, clashing what-I-want-to-do up against the limits of what's-realistically-feasible would bring me down to earth pretty quickly. Ah well.)
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