Chris Chat With Elryin Silvertree Today Nov. 19, 2020

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Wilfred, Nov 19, 2020.

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  1. Wilfred

    Wilfred Avatar

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    Chris had a really good chat with @Elryin Silvertree today.

    !Shroud of the Avatar - Ep#4 Silvertree Developer Interview Series Today @ 3pm EST

    Chris joined about 01:11:20, and left about 02:25:20

    My favorite parts:

    01:41:30 - Request to add more tree nodes for gathering wood, and more wood loot on Reapers.

    02:02:00 and 02:13:05 - More wood added to Reaper loot! :)

  2. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    Oh good. Instead of actually using the harvesting skill, let’s just throw more wood on Reapers.....
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2020
    Net and Violet Ronso like this.
  3. craftymethod

    craftymethod Avatar

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    I think it should be a goal that all trees should be harvestable, if not some message about restricted area or something?
    Net, Prada, Wilfred and 1 other person like this.
  4. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    Heck I even asked for a Grove type scene where it would be like the mines but for trees, the answer I got was "We can't do that due to the threat factor" or something like that.
    Prada, craftymethod and Anpu like this.
  5. macnlos

    macnlos Avatar

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    Trees... they f'd up trees from the start. I ran around the town I first went to trying to figure you why I cannot chop a single tree. Finally someone had to explain to me that trees in town were different then trees in "scenes". Then while in a scene I had to learn that only "some" trees were choppable. < = = = F'd up right from the start. I'm literally playing UO right now. It is more fun running a UO Emulator on a server I have in the house and running around mining, lumberjacking and stuff then it ever was in SotA. This is one of the systems where this team was too smart by 1/2. Same thing with mining. What should they do now? Too late, they've committed themselves down a horrible path and there is no turning back at this point.
    Prada and Girlsname like this.
  6. AzazelReborn

    AzazelReborn Avatar

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    What on earth is a Threat Factor? Is it me or am I missing something?
    Prada likes this.
  7. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    Something about mob density vs ressource node, so since forests have wolves, bears and spiders, there are already a set quantity of gatherable nodes from the animals, so the amount of trees is limited that can'tgo too high because there's not unlimited supplies of mobs there, that is what I understood from it.
  8. Turk Key

    Turk Key Avatar

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    Nah. I think it has to do with scene warming. If all the mobs and animals in a scene croak from scene warming, imagine the imbalance from all the loot collection possible.
    Violet Ronso likes this.
  9. AzazelReborn

    AzazelReborn Avatar

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    Seems that could be the reason the mines are full of skeletons and ghosts. From what that comment shows, the more gathering node you have, you need to have X amount of creature or mobs associated with it.

    To me that is archaic coding for me, they need to understand that the game has moved on from the good old days, where players are there for solely role-playing and never leaving their lots and dance parties. The new generation does not want that at all, they want to enjoy their game and feel that they are achieving something. If you want need blood change is needed if you only want the Fat Cats that barely keeps your game alive we are stuck with this crap.

    If you want to role-play the game has plenty of that too, they can both co-exists. We have a unique game here lets make it better for everyone.

    This is the main issue with this game, the developers are scared of the Fat Cats.
  10. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    I mean, I've said it before but one of the games I've played the most is runescape. Runescape allows you to focus on a single skill at a time without ever needing you to do any other activity if you want. Here is an example of the "Mining Guild" in Runescape : [​IMG]

    It has most of the ores available in the game, from Iron (Tier 2) to Adamant (T6), all this in an enclosed area with absolutely no mobs, so you can spend thousands and thousands of hours there, and you could actually never fight in the entire life of your account. Almost every single tree is chop-able (I think there's less than 10% of the trees in the game that aren't), and every single activity is rewarding in some way or another (for both exp and gold, "social interaction" is not a reward it's just a bi-product of doing these rewarding activities.

    But let's remember, Shroud of the Avatar is a job or a chore, not a game, you can't always be having fun right?
  11. Prada

    Prada Avatar

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  12. craftymethod

    craftymethod Avatar

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    I think even if they have to lower the yeild a great deal it would just be real nice and great for RP to be able to go to a local tree in a town and grabs a couple pieces of wood.
    Violet Ronso likes this.
  13. Dartan Obscuro

    Dartan Obscuro Avatar

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    That's not about role playing at all. The node limits and monsters are to slow you down and cost you equipment wear and consumables. By having these barriers the resources can have value. If you could go into a forest scene clear cut it and have 10,000 wood in an hour then the resources and anything crafted from them end up being worthless.

    But I think they have missed an opportunity. Some people would like to chop trees or mine without combat. To make that work they would need a more active gathering system where chopping a tree would be as involved and costly as killing the mob currently defending it. And they would likely need to significantly increase the weight of all resources making strip mining / clear cutting a logistical challenge.
    shadowvice likes this.
  14. Beaumaris

    Beaumaris Avatar

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    A great chat. Thanks for posting the link!
    Wilfred likes this.
  15. oplek

    oplek Avatar

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    Another take is that they're slow to grow. Which can be expedited by player efforts to plant and raise trees. We have 25-year whisky. That seems about right for a tree.

    It'd also push people into making use of sorely neglected zones.

    I remember another person complaining that mines shouldn't have monsters, because mines are for mining. Sure, if we want to take a realistic route, then those mines should also be permanently depletable. It'd be more interesting if existing items had to be scrapped for metal because more was difficult to actually find. And treasure maps could occasionally be for one-time lost-mine instances, or forests.
  16. AzazelReborn

    AzazelReborn Avatar

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    This is a MMO and a medieval fantasy game. It's not realistic at all or a simulator, it's supposed to be a fun game that should attract thousands of players. I don't mind that mines have monsters that spawn every 5 seconds because I am high level player and they do not interrupt my mining because of my level. But I do understand how painful it was to get here and with certain builds its actually horrible.

    25 Year Whisky you talked about. It takes a real life year to mature and it is useless, I mean useless. Try it and you will see your self. The most useless item drink in the game (This is no joke). It's like the developers are laughing at us when they came up with the idea, what a joke.

    I would like them to make the zones with forest in their names to have ample amounts of tress. There is only one zone in the game that has that feature, there rest I wouldn't bother going there.
  17. Angelique DeVailly

    Angelique DeVailly Avatar

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    Quebec Canada
    Hi. I don't think The founders ever called it an mmo i've heard them often say virtual world or rpg...
    Anyways what i found tough at the beginning harvesting was the delay it took to cut a tree or skin an animal. The quantities seemed enough its easy to harvest a few hundred during a game play when you know where they are.
    I think what would of helped newer players would of been having some scaled trees taking less skill and time in lower zones and adding a few more. Like a maple sapling then a young maple to make it easier but i think recently all the harvesting skills were made faster. The way i see it is if there was x amount of trees to harvest more they would have to make skills and items cost x more as well to balance things out not to flood the market , but adding demand and supply . So wouldn't just that be more grind?
    I'm just asking because i harvest for fun and my own reserves since i don't need the money selling anymore. If they did it in lover level scenes for lower players would be the only benefit or am i missing something?
    Violet Ronso likes this.
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