Tutorial Encounter.

Discussion in 'Player Test Environment (QA Server) Feedback' started by Belladonna Rose, Oct 5, 2023.

  1. Belladonna Rose

    Belladonna Rose Bug Hunter

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    Just went through this and it is great. Just getting folks to actually do it we go back to the same issue as before. They only want to skip that stuff and go hack and slash. Then ask questions later.
    But it is a very nice tutorial . So well done.
    You might think to put Castle Atos automaton on that list cause alot of folks end up there pretty quickly
    Sannio likes this.
  2. Gwendolyn Obscuro

    Gwendolyn Obscuro Bug Hunter

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    I liked the tutorial over all. I'm not sure it all quite fits in to an inventory topic but close enough and it was short enough that I wouldn't think people would mind doing it (though yes probably most people will skip it). Two things I felt that could be added were mentioning shift and drag to split stacks in the conversation that mentions control drag to take one item and mentioning that taking things from containers can be considered stealing even if hovering over the container show green but then the button will say 'steal all'.

    I like that in addition to being told what to do in the conversation window the chat window also had some commentary about what was going on. However when I got to the harvesting area and was told that I needed to mine the ore to continue nothing about harvesting was put in my chat and my journal still said talk to the automaton.

    After I completed the tutorial and got my rewards I clicked topic and then a couple of the various keywords to see if he would repeat the instructions. He did for some but when I clicked harvest he said that is a topic that will be discussed later in the tutorial and to hold off on related questions for now.
    FrostII and Sannio like this.
  3. Sannio

    Sannio Lead Quest and Level Designer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    The Helpful Automaton in Castle Atos actually does send you to the tutorial. I accidentally left him off the list in the testing directive. Good catch! Adding it into the list now!
    FrostII and Belladonna Rose like this.
  4. Sannio

    Sannio Lead Quest and Level Designer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Thanks for the feedback! I finished two groups of bug fixes for this tutorial encounter earlier today (issues #71339 and #71716) and I think I fixed the bugs you mentioned. Most of these fixes related to typos and "needs better quest logic" situations.
  5. Belladonna Rose

    Belladonna Rose Bug Hunter

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    Yeah he reminded me of the droid from star wars...sassy and bossy
  6. Coswald_Dirthmire

    Coswald_Dirthmire Bug Hunter

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    [Edit] I posted this quickly and before I'd read all the other posts. This might be related to the issue Gwendolyn mentioned, which seems might be already fixed.[/Edit]

    I've started running through this tutorial a bit, and while I'm hoping to make a more useful and extended feedback post I wanted to post what seems like a bug that's halted my progress. If this sort of thing should should be in an independent QA Bug Post in future please let me know.

    10/05/2023 19:10
    Title: "Say 'Harvest' to Automaton" Quest cannot be cleared after AFK disengagement from Automaton.
    Reproduction Rate: 1/1
    Blocker? No
    Details: I was talking to the automaton that grants the "Say 'Harvest'[...]" portion of the tutorial, and while chatting with folks on stream I was non-responsive for long enough for the dialogue window to auto-close. Once I brought the window back up no form of typing or clicking "Harvest" or "Harvesting" would allow me to progress. The automaton instead goes to his "Harvesting is a topic that will be discussed at a later point[...]" line.
    Steps to Reproduce: Progress to this point in the tutorial and have the window auto-close from lack of engagement. I have not tested if the same bug occurs if the window is intentionally closed at this point in the tutorial.
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700F (20) System RAM: 32519
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER GPU RAM: 5980
    Area: TutorialEncounter_Plains01/Inventory101
    Area Display Name: Tutorial Encounter
    Loc: (16.2, 31.9, -0.6)
    Debug: VHV0b3JpYWxFbmNvdW50ZXJfUGxhaW5zMDF8SW52ZW50b3J5MTAxfCgxNi4xNzcsIDMxLjg3NywgLTAuNjI3KXwoMCwgLTAuODUxLCAwLCAwLjUyNSl8LTQ3MC40NDY2fDIyLjA4ODM1fDEuMjU=
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2023
  7. Sannio

    Sannio Lead Quest and Level Designer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    This sounds like more of the same "bad logic" that should be fixed with the next QA update.
    Coswald_Dirthmire likes this.
  8. Gwendolyn Obscuro

    Gwendolyn Obscuro Bug Hunter

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    I just went through the tutorial with an alt and the logic does seem to be better with the patch. It is still a bit confusing to have all the normal helpful automaton keywords available but really if you are doing a tutorial as basic as inventory that other stuff is all good to know too. If you decide to add more I think talking about the tabs/dropdown/filter on the inventory window could me mentioned, as well as shift/drag to split stacks as I mentioned in my other post.

    I did notice that when you say 'resources" you are given 3 options, say 'harvest' (continues conversation), 'no. list examples again' and 'can we slow down?'. The first time I asked him to say the list again and every time I ask to slow down he just tells me to say harvest to continue. The second time I asked him to say the list again he complied so not sure why he didn't the first time. And maybe asking to slow down should either say you can leave and come back when you want or say you will see examples of some of these resources in the next area (or just leave out the response option)

    Also, after the tutorial was finished and I received my rewards my journal still says 'Say Harvest to Automaton' so that might not be set to clear when the rewards are given out.
  9. Sannio

    Sannio Lead Quest and Level Designer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Thanks for the updates! I added the new issues to issue #71723
  10. Sannio

    Sannio Lead Quest and Level Designer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    @Gwendolyn Obscuro , I re-read your comments.

    Here's what the automaton says when you say "No. List examples again."

    Acknowledged. Examples include maple trees, pine trees, and cotton bushes in forests and fields; garlic along the road; mandrake sprinkled in magical areas; nightshade near death and decay; black pearl and clay near water; ore and granite in rocky areas; crystals in shadow; spider silk from spiders, and hides from other dead beasts.

    Say "harvest" to continue.

    Here's the response for when you say "Can we slow down?"

    The pace is yours to set. As always, you may leave at any time. Use the teleporter pad in the southwest corner of the central courtyard to return to your previous location. Return to this location by saying "tutorial" to any Helpful Automaton.

    To continue this current lesson, say "harvest" to this unit.

    Both of these responses break into 2 paragraphs in your chat window. I'm not sure, but I suspect you're getting both paragraphs but only noticing the most recent ones (the ones that want you to say "harvest"). Could it be that your chat window is of a size that doesn't show the first paragraph very well and it's not easy to see that there are 2 paragraphs? I feel this might be happening. I know this sort of thing has happened to me before, and I've adjusted those other responses to deliver the response as one paragraph. I'll do that here, too, to make sure nothing gets missed.