Propose Idea for a PvP Tree (using existing spells) That Uses Hard/Skill caps

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ravicus Domdred, May 3, 2017.

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  1. Ravicus Domdred

    Ravicus Domdred Avatar

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    Well I am pretty tired and have not thought through an idea I just had, but I think it might be worth discussion. @Chris, I know in the past there was consideration or at least talk of a pvp skill tree. I think this might help a bit to balance pvp and yet let pve have the soft cap/decay system. What if the suggested pvp tree had hard caps, and only the pvp tree. This would allow for more of a leveled playfield. My Idea is that when you flag for pvp you automatically switch to the pvp tree with your pre selected skillset there. You can still gain exp in your pool but it wont be applied to your pvp tree if you reached the hard cap. It could be applied to your pve later however. Just a tired thought after 12 hours of pounding fence posts in. If this has been discussed before I apologize as I have not seen it. ( I had to post this before I forget it lol)
  2. Roycestein Kaelstrom

    Roycestein Kaelstrom Avatar

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    What would be the skills on this tree? How would it blend in with the rest of the trees?
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  3. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    I just see people complaining... * They are being forced to PVP or play a PVP'er to get the full experiance of the game! Why shouldnt i get these skills even if i dont want to PVP!?! *
    Look at the complaints non stop because someone had to run across a PVP zone to talk to a NPC.. *something something my immersion.

    Oh this skill thats under the PVP tree does 100% dmg to players but only 10% to monsters? thats not fair! .. back where we started lol

    I dont see any way they could really make this without a lot of backlash.
    Maybe if it was implemented earlier *shrug*
  4. Ravicus Domdred

    Ravicus Domdred Avatar

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    I guess when I wrote this thread I was thinking of using the same spells as we have now, but just in a different tree. The tree would be the big part of my idea being that it would be hard capped or skill capped. It would be cool to have more pvp skills and such but yes that would bring hostility from the pve side. I am open to input and changes of all kinds as this is just an interesting concept I had (to me at least).
    So again:
    1. Same glyphs as we have now (I would want more and different, but not needed)
    2. Unique feature would be hard caps/skill caps on the pvp tree, the pve tree would remain the same.
    3. When you are flagged for pvp you are forced into the pvp tree
    Roycestein Kaelstrom likes this.
  5. Earl Atogrim von Draken

    Earl Atogrim von Draken Avatar

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    I am never getting tired to point out that most MMOs removed PvP specific skillsets.
  6. Ravicus Domdred

    Ravicus Domdred Avatar

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    you posted while I was typing lol.
  7. blaquerogue

    blaquerogue Avatar

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    I just wish they wouldnt try anymore to entice people to PVP! Let them make the choice without being enticed. Most pve wont anyways and stated that over and over! We need a dev that says "tough ****, deal with it" My PVP play should not be adjusted for someone that does not pvp! you dont have to pvp if you dont want too, but leave my game play alone!
  8. Ravicus Domdred

    Ravicus Domdred Avatar

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    Well I certainly understand :) how you feel. Its just a suggestion to help balance pvp, not really enticing anyone. I think I am going to change the title of the thread as people are getting misleading ideas of what I am trying to say.
  9. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    The only balance wee need is a good decay system that not only decays on death, but on unused skills too.
    Then people need to specialize and cannot have everything 100+ , then a player with lots of time can hold more gm than I usually uses, because he use these all the skillS frequently, one part of the day he keeps up his death fire build, the second part of the day he keeps on holding his healer, earth or whatever deck. Or he just keep a whole tree up 100 to be the GM of that school.
    And yes then you have to use the "worthless" skills in a tree too, to keep them at 100.
    To go beyond 100 you have to work so hard on keeping it at 120 maybe that you hardly cannot keep another 2 skills at 100.
    This cause specialisation.
    The casual and normal player can then have some GM, but mostly have their skills locked at 80 and need also keep on working them to have no decay over time.
    Additionally death decay , same for crafting.
    If we want an economy and a balance and that character are usefull and important in a group then we need a hard cap or a softcap like this, otherwise we all end up having 150 GM and beeing Master of Everything it's just a matter of time.
    I can reach that what others did in some Month in 5 years, but do I want that, no!
    I think it's totally lame and not immersive , not authentic character building, no unique selling point.
    Specializing maybe means you cannot kill Everything alone, but do you want that?
    For offline SP this is all fine, but for MP it's not.
    For economy is not, for feeling making a difference in a group, be important to your fellows as a tank, DD , healer etc... and be somewhat unique it's not.

    The balance in PvP is not about balancing skills or decks , the balance comes from that everybody has its specific role, strengths and weaknesses.
    A Firemage is maybe a dread encounter for a knight in plate mail (ever thought of getting grilled in your armor) but less to an icemage who just extinguish the fire .
    A Knight in heavy Armor is maybe a dread encounter for an Archer, which is a dread encounter to a Firemage etc.. because he uses Air and blows the fire back and ignites the Firemage himself.

    Things like that balance PvP, some day you are lucky , some day you encounter the wrong person.

    It should be less about time spent having 10 GM.
    I know people with 10+ GM say it's not just about that, but playerskill, but imho it feels like you have to choose some fotm skills and equip and then on top the playerskill counts in.
    I am for more variance in character building and importance and difference for all MP aspects.
    Roycestein Kaelstrom likes this.
  10. Ravicus Domdred

    Ravicus Domdred Avatar

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    I know you are passionate about YOUR ideas. This idea will cause specializations in pvp if it has skill/hard caps.
    Stundorn likes this.
  11. Chrystoph Reis

    Chrystoph Reis Avatar

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    Look the people who love PVP don't complain about this type of stuff... PVP is not a casual thing. It invites champions and dickheads alike.... but not casuals, it's why there are not casual FPSes or Fighters (except for maybe on phones and goofy gadgets) Trying to adjust it to the casual PVP player who gets killed in a town trying to complete a quest, or pickpocketed while trying to shop is asinine a best.

    Most PVPers are aggressive, and at time want to be dickheads... even the champions.... *coughrisecorpor5kill5kill5killcough* :D It's how we roll...
  12. Ravicus Domdred

    Ravicus Domdred Avatar

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    @Chrystoph Reis, how does that have anything to do with this thread, I think you posted in the wrong one lol, this is not the thread that talked about getting res killed.
  13. Chrystoph Reis

    Chrystoph Reis Avatar

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    Hah you're right...
    Ravicus Domdred likes this.
  14. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    Ok, then play in the PvP scenes alone and stop entice people into PvP than it keeps the elitist powergamer show.
    If you want that and lock casuals off of content what is also pve content and lore related content and scenery it should be addressed that this is only hardcore min max gamer content. Good luck with that. Shitstorm and whining I forsee.
    And the Forum PvP will go on, the war will be brought to the board and with feathers and words they will fight against those elitist swordswingers.
    Not that i want this, but i foresee no good if they plan to integrate PvP and make it a essential part of the game.
    Then those who are more for story and pve , and these are way more than a few hardcore PvPers , wont hardly accept put that much work of the devs in a feature of the game that is just for a small elitist minority.

    Sounds bad, but there's no personal grudge, I just want to point it out and personally wish they do it for all of us and find a mediocre and modest way , not that extremes .
  15. idaniod

    idaniod Avatar

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    Hmmm.. like a separate PVP level that had it's own special abilities, that raised your PVP effectiveness?
    Ravicus Domdred likes this.
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