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R42 From Someone New:

Discussion in 'Release 42 Feedback Forum' started by Trihugger, May 26, 2017.

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  1. Trihugger

    Trihugger Avatar

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    Hello! I started about two and a half weeks ago so please take everything that I say as "I know nothing different than R41." Disclaimer out of the way, let's begin:

    1) The heat system is amazing. This is a perfect marriage between locked and unlocked decks. Once focus costs are balanced out I believe it will serve its purpose very nicely as right now it's not quite punishing enough to always just burst and try to regenerate resources later.

    2) Upgrading Unity has been positive for me outside of a few cities, like Aerie. I'm sorry to hear others are struggling =(.

    3) I enjoy the new AI on mages. Fighting them feels somewhat refreshing as interesting as it truly feels like they fight back, buuuuut yea more on this below in dislikes =P.

    4) The new and improved Outskirts by Soltown has a much better and far more intuitive "welcome" lineup of quests now. It also feels complete as when you truly are done with the area, the captain does indeed give you a task to report to Soltown. All in all I liked it, I liked the changes, and I think if you can do that with the other two starting areas this will be a very firm and appealing first look to new players.

    5) Stat buffs having longer than zero duration is a godsend. I don't feel like I'm constantly having to monitor and do a pre-combat ceremony of fizzles and buffs before I try to kill anything. Great change.

    1) The new mages combined with the increased difficulty in splitting up a camp (and as a solo player you HAVE to split camps) make many areas impossible to do by yourself and for all intents and purposes appear that they were intended to be doable alone without needing to out-level and gear it entirely.

    For instance, the day before R42 hit I was finally able to venture into Elysium mines and begin collecting silver ore for masterworking. I can no longer get past the multiple mages and other things on my way to the silver ore now, nor do I see myself being able to do so any time soon.

    2) "Bright" bone pass should be named "Super Nova" bone pass as it is now EXTREMELY bright and I can't see a damn thing on my way to that gate from the Novia map.

    3) @Chris Riposte now has such extremely limited use it's not worth placing on the action bar. The skill isn't worth using outside of a parry and it is damn near impossible to differentiate when you parry a mob or a mob parries you while fighting a bunch (And remember, you're ALWAYS now fighting a bunch). A plausible fix would be to make some kind of change to the icon on the action bar for Riposte and similar *when condition X is filled...* abilities, IE a highlight, golden glow, etc.

    4) Crafting requires entirely too damn many ingots for rings. My damn ring has more metal in it than my 2h sword. Dafuq!?

    5) The difficulty jump in the story quests is pretty absurd. Also the "Truth" quests give no experience until the absolute VERY end 100k (which sucks, badly). I hope as time moves on more intermediary options/side quests/etc. are brought in because as it stands... For the Love storyline, I want to say the nastiest thing I had to deal with was maybe a 2 skull area before being told the next place I need to go is that 5 star Tower by Razer's evil CEO. Razer's evil CEO, if he got the mage AI bump, is probably even MORE of a nightmare right now than he was in the past. Clearly there are some leveling steps here that are missing and sorely missed.

    6) An actual explanation to new people about skills and pooled experience BEFORE they burn all their quest exp on stupid stuff (I may or may not fall into this stupid stuff category). Ultimately the combat experience gain of killing something vs the drain on your adventure pool by using abilities is nowhere near in check. If you've got all the skills you're actually using set to level your adventure pool is more like puddle in 110 degree heat. There isn't anything in the game right now to kinda *hint* at you that you need to specialize your progress and without the kind people here on the forums to direct me I'd have been up the creek and no paddle.

    7) Enchanting and Masterworking metal requirements are daunting. As a newbie, I honestly look at it and it is an insurmountable Mt. Everest-like beast staring me down. My suggestion would be to scale the material cost (and therefore leveling cost) along with how many times something has been masterworked/enchanted (keeping them separate from each other as they are now). For instance, the first time is cheaper, the 2nd is the same as it is now, and the third is more expensive so total cost remains the same, but the barrier to entry is lessened. Obviously this is vastly simplified as I know you can enchant/masterwork more than 3 times, but this is the concept I'd *like* to see.

    8) Weapons break at a rate more than 3x armor. This is annoying.

    9) Small Gathering nodes are way too nondescript; namely mandrake root, garlic, scales, and to a lesser extent nightshade. If I'm not expecting to see it, there's no amount of slowing down that's going to help me see it unless it's night time and I happen to see that sparkle. Playing and needing to strain my eyes to see gathering nodes is a pretty dumb design choice.

    I understand that this is still in early access and many of my gripes are on the to-do list, I just wanted to give voice to them.

    Thank you also for the timely patch the night of the 25th to address a lot of the problems R42 inadvertently created.
  2. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    there will usually be several, into next week.
  3. Trihugger

    Trihugger Avatar

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    Ah nice. I'm used to Elder Scrolls where something will break and then stay broken for 2-3 months afterwards.
  4. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    that happens sometimes too if they haven't tracked down the cause or it's waiting on something from unity, but they'll get the quick stuff.
  5. FrostII

    FrostII Bug Hunter

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    You mean like - "Next Target" NOT starting with you and moving out from there - has been since at least R35.
  6. Trihugger

    Trihugger Avatar

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    I mean more important things... Like their dungeon finder... core system used by every player level 10 and up... broken for 3 months lol. Leader was the only one in the party to get "random" dungeon experience, dungeon would load with 2-3 people out of the supposed 4 and replacing people via the tool was ALSO broken and more lol. Neither here nor there really; that's a fully fleshed out game and this one is in early development with that disclaimer.

    I have noticed that. Hopefully just an oversight since it really does sound like it should be a relatively simple fix.
  7. FrostII

    FrostII Bug Hunter

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    One would think, but we melee people are still waiting...........
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