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[Repro Needed] switching to free-look mode

Discussion in 'User Interface (Including Launcher)' started by Alley Oop, Nov 5, 2017.

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  1. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    11/5/2017 2:45 PM
    Title: switching to free-look mode
    Reproduction Rate: 25%, maybe?
    Blocker? in battle, could be
    i suspect this was not done quite right. i find myself with a free-swinging camera often after using mouse movement, and have to click the right mouse button again to leave it. it's not a key-mapping issue: i have toggle cursor completely unbound as i never want it.

    edit: i am also sometimes finding myself in a state in battle where right mouse only will cause me to move, when i have positioned myself where i want and just want to swing the camera around.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    User Specs:
    OS: Linux 4.9 ManjaroLinux 17.0.6 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4430 CPU @ 3.00GHz (4) System RAM: 16001
    GPU: GeForce GTX 970/PCIe/SSE2 GPU RAM: 4096
    Area: POT_forest_metropolis_02_template/Stinging Tree Hollow
    Area Display Name: Stinging Tree Hollow
    Loc: (139.2, 41.2, -67.0)
    Debug: UE9UX2ZvcmVzdF9tZXRyb3BvbGlzXzAyX3RlbXBsYXRlfFN0aW5naW5nIFRyZWUgSG9sbG93fCgxMzkuMjMyLCA0MS4xNzIsIC02Ni45NjQpfCgwLCAwLjgyOCwgMCwgMC41NjEpfC0yNDguMjE2NHwxNC40NzU4M3wxOA==
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2017
    Rentier likes this.
  2. Aurelius Silverson

    Aurelius Silverson Avatar

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    I'm seeing something very similar - at login all seems 'as usual' with a mouse pointer visible on the play screen and useable to interact with items - but if I open any window (for example the inventory) with a keypress, then close that window, I find I'm in a version of the free camera system. Bizarre thing is I can get the pointer visible again by standing in front of something that needs access settings, such as a chest or a door in my house, and clicking the right mouse button - which brings up the security settings menu and a mouse pointer (just as if the pointer was there and hovering over the item), so I can close that and drop out of the free-swinging camera and back to a mouse cursor again.

    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz (8) System RAM: 32717
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 GPU RAM: 4059
    Area: PRT_forest_metropolis_01/Port Titan
    Area Display Name: Port Titan
    Loc: (61.9, 38.7, 184.2)
    Debug: UFJUX2ZvcmVzdF9tZXRyb3BvbGlzXzAxfFBvcnQgVGl0YW58KDYxLjg2MSwgMzguNjk4LCAxODQuMjAyKXwoMCwgMC42NjIsIDAsIC0wLjc0OSl8Mjc3LjE2N3wxNC4xNjA2OHwxLjI1
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  3. Lexie

    Lexie Bear Queen Emeritus

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  4. Attenwood

    Attenwood Portalarian Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    If possible, please provide steps for the team to reproduce this issue. We are currently unable to get this problem to occur internally.
  5. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    no 100% trick. i think it's prone to happen if i'm mouse-moving and don't release both buttons at exactly the same moment.

    edit: i had thought it might be related to a recent libinput update and was going to try downgrading it, but then @Aurelius Silverson chimed in from windows 10
  6. Attenwood

    Attenwood Portalarian Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Have been toying with variations of moving with mouse, left+right click, and haven't had this happen yet. : / Do you happen to have any other mice on hand to see if trying with a different mouse might handle the situation differently?
  7. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    i downgraded libinput from 1.9.1 to 1.8.3 and that seems to have fixed it, though given its intermittency i'm still keeping an eye out. ..but that will mean aurelius has a completely different problem.
  8. Aurelius Silverson

    Aurelius Silverson Avatar

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    Rather long but hopefully understandable description follows ...

    Log in - when the scene and my house loads up, the lot deed UI is open, and the mouse cursor is clearly visible. Movement direction is defined by holding down the right mouse button and using wasd keys. Direction of view is also changed by holding down the right button and moving the mouse.

    Close the lot deed ui, using the mouse, pointer remains visible.

    Open the inventory menu, and close it, using the I hotkey - and the mouse pointer is completely gone, moving the mouse changes the view direction, but there is NO pointer - even if I try move the mouse so far it should leave the SotA playing screen and the mouse pointer should appear over the Windows task bar at the bottom of my screen, in never does.

    In this state, I can open other hotkey controlled windows, such as Options and Skills - and when I do that, while those are open, the mouse pointer is visible again and can be used to close those windows or highlight items in those windows - but as soon as I close such a window, using either hotkey or mouse, the pointer vanishes again and I'm back in the strange 'free camera' type mode.

    If I then walk up to an item that has a label but not an associated menu - for example a piece of furniture in my home - I can maneuver to see the Description (for example Brown Suede Sofa Item permissions kindred), but clicking on it changes nothing. However, it I walk up to an item that has a more complex permissions menu (for example a chest or a door), I can right-click while the object name is visible, which brings up the first level menu for such items which I can navigate either through keys or the now visible mouse pointer!) - and if I choose permissions options, that brings up the appropriate sub-window .. and if I close THAT sub window, either by mouse or keypress, I return the the usual game view with the mouse cursor visible again, and controlling view direction only if I hold down the right button. But as soon as I use any other menus - either by hotkey or mouse - it goes back to the 'free camera' state with mo mouse pointer visible, and unless I have an item handy that I can walk up to and go through the menus again, I can't find a way to get out of that mode.

    Whilst the pointer is visible - even if it's while a options menu is open from using a keyboard shortcut - I can use the pointer to interact with things in-game, or to open other menus - but as soon as those menus are closed, pointer vanishes.

    If I get things back to normal, then log out and log back in on a different account - then right from the start it's in the 'free camera' type mode with no pointer, and can only be 'fixed' by the same workround of walking up to an item with multi-levels of menu.

    The simplistic descriptions would be that the mouse pointer is working fine and remains visible for everything except the main SotA playscreen, but on that screen is behaving very strangely, sometimes visible, sometimes not, setting seem to be 'overruled' by the free movement system sometimes, but only in certain circumstances, and getting out of that state is very fiddly indeed.

    The mouse works fine in all other applications and games (in case it's relevant, as far as I am aware SotA is the only thing on this PC using Unity), I don't have alternative one handy to test but since this one's always worked fine for all things including SotA, I doubt it's a mechanical issue, and no drivers for it have been updated for a pretty long time. I have a sneaking suspicion there may be a 'damaged' or corrupted Unity mouse control element somewhere in my system...
  9. Aurelius Silverson

    Aurelius Silverson Avatar

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    @Lexie @Attenwood

    Well it seems I have found a way to fix the problem I was having - quite why it works is beyond me, as I have never used this particular setting at all, but I went in to options, and bound the Toggle Cursor to the 'home' key on the keyboard (prior to doing this it was not bound to any key at all) , and closed the menu - and as usual the mouse pointer was not visible at all and the 'free camera' mode was in use - hit 'Home', pointer reappears and works exactly as it always used to do, lets me control movement direction, is green when over an 'interactive' item and silver otherwise......

    That state stays through swapping characters or completely closing and restarting the client - so it seems to be 'fixed'. Why the game launched with the cursor visible and made it invisible only after opening a menu and closing it again, I have absolutely no idea at all - but at least this option seems to have 'fixed' something back to normal for me!
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