More pratice, less complains are the keys to winning

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Antrax Artek, Jan 20, 2018.

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  1. Antrax Artek

    Antrax Artek Avatar

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    I loved the game like it was at start, i never had to calculate anything or using math to be what i am.
    I completely ignored my adventuring level and i started doing pvp before level 70, i can bet all of you heard my name many times when talking about top pvpers. Yes, i'm still level 97 and although i'm a mage I never gmed a magic skills in around an year, and all know what i'm able to do vs people with 5/10/15/20 levels higher than me.
    And no, this is not thanks to SotA classless system cause, let me explain with an example, when i was playing wow some years ago, to reach very good results in 2v2 ladder i used to have all character slots occupied with all classes capped to understand how they play and beat them.

    “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

    Sun Tzu, The Art of War

    Like @Spinok said in another thread, my secret was always praticing and testing (digging in), learning to play every magic/weapon tree and spending days fighting my guildmates to improve mine and their real life skills.
    Games like MO and M&B teached me that i don't need to be higher level than others to win a fight and SotA is not far behind.

    I'm pretty shocked that such a large number of players are asking to convert SotA in a simplistic game base on levels, stats calculations, with an an exaggerated protection for players robbed or killed. There is already the most popular mmorpg on earth that integrated these thing (and also here if you walk in opposite faction zones you're dead meat, there is no oracle to protect you), SotA is another thing, it was designed for hard core skilled players and not for mathematical experts or 24/7 exp grinding trying to chase the level of others.

    In my personal opinion seems like many who were beaten too much here are trying to blame on devs, other players and every single aspect of the game (numbers, thieves, pvp zones, ramsom system, rmt, tank mages) asking for numbers to discover why they are going so bad in game.

    If it were up to me, i would have said Multiplayer Only,Full PVP and Full Loot instead to keep increasing protection of already protected players (Friends mode is for that, i'm still wondering why multiplayer is not full pvp), but obviously i'm not the one who decides.

    It sounds to me like "I want this and now! Cause i'm at high level and i grinded too much xp!".
    The wrong logic is (and it doens't works at all here in SotA): I'm level _ and i'm not able to do _ and here is written like that _ so i expect 2+2=4.

    More simulation, RP and skill-based gamplay instead of numbers, please stop trying to convert SotA in another game, the mmo market is saturated, we don't need another standard mmorpg game.

    PS:Using chatlogs, debug mode, XML sheets and players created database is nothing wrong so, roll up the sleeves and dig in guys;)
    Retro, Bow Vale, Datendrache and 15 others like this.
  2. 3devious

    3devious Avatar

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    I just need to be good enough to PK my husband repeatedly. Since he never plays that is a win on my part but because he never plays I can't make a goblet out of his skull so that is a lose on my part. I'll always have something to work for. o_O
    Antrax Artek and moxiepilot like this.
  3. Spinok

    Spinok Avatar

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    Yeah, Practice->Deaths->Knowledge... and I like it in Sota, if I want to make any activity efficiently, I should train a lot, so generally, even if I have very powerful character I still can't make all with the same efficiency.
  4. Antrax Artek

    Antrax Artek Avatar

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    The bad part is that math must be something for devs, not for players.
    But sadly many players here would be developers.
    jolanar likes this.
  5. Vladamir Begemot

    Vladamir Begemot Avatar

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    Find something(s) you like to do, work at them, succeed. It's like a life lesson.

    Second lesson, if you get bored at it (in SotA at least,) go find something else to do for a while, then come back. Something in game or something out of game. Don't beat your head to pieces doing something you don't enjoy.
  6. Kpopgurl

    Kpopgurl Avatar

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    While a lot of what you say is true, the other side has some valid points as well. I think you by a large point are fighting a strawman here.
    Some of the flaws have been there for years and finally got adressed which helps overall balance. SotA's combat has largely become button mashing, which is going to change now hopefully. PVP wise content is in the making... I am sure we will see drama about that soon enough ;)
    Stundorn likes this.
  7. Hornpipe

    Hornpipe Avatar

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    Some complains led to some fair changes.

    Things are not as simple as : everyone who complain is wrong or everyone who love the game is wrong. Sometimes changes are needed. Sometimes they are not.

    You mention PvP but for now, there is nothing to be proud of. The PvP population in Shroud, even if it has growed a little bit lastly, is very small.

    Also, boasting about your own results doesn't give you any authority on the subject. You probably understand well how the system works. I don't pretend to deny that. But you also seem to pretend that people who don't agree with you are wrong.

    Even in your case, either your arguments are good because they are built on good logic, fair observations and right calculations either those are false.

    I will never support any post where people simply claims to be right or to be in the right side. I won't support ideology. If a new player comes with a fair complain, I will agree with him, even if his opinion involves maths or don't comply with your "vision".

    When a system has flaws or is unbalanced, nothing prevents anyone to be good with it. That doesn't mean that the good performance of the fews successful people will help with the success of the game itself.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2018
    Cordelayne and Ajivani like this.
  8. Spinok

    Spinok Avatar

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    Its already founded, openworld pvp is a high end system in sota, where only the best of all can try to participate, feeling of open world PVP in Sota is already same as in EVE, you check the local and if you notice anybody you change the deck and ready to fight and this is how it should be.
    P.S. After new ransom system will be implemented, game rules will be changed, we all wait for this, it completely will make Sota on the level of EVE.
    Dhanas likes this.
  9. eli

    eli Avatar

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    I really disagree here. The netcode, targeting, CD cycles, effect stacks etc were not built with hyper competitiveness in mind. Remember the desync issues that came from the quasi-p2p game engine? What other "competitive" games unapologetically include 1-shot kills?

    Those things are theoretically being patched now, so maybe it will change, but you are characterizing it as something it presently is not.

    The character building competitiveness is not even really a consideration in this game, and grinding can completely overshadow the deck-building version meant to replace it.
    Ahuaeynjgkxs likes this.
  10. Timmy Vortex

    Timmy Vortex Avatar

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    Tiny difference though, just real tiny. Is you can get blobbed by 500 players in Eve Online ..this game is happy with 500 people online on the entire server :p
    Spinok and Cordelayne like this.
  11. Spinok

    Spinok Avatar

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    But 8x party of pro 100+ level team fighters even more dangerous then fleet to the average player in Eve. :D
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