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Detach/Move Nameplate from Avatar in UI

Discussion in 'Wishlist Requests' started by Magnus Zarwaddim, Feb 19, 2020.

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  1. Magnus Zarwaddim

    Magnus Zarwaddim Avatar

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    This has been suggested before. To reiterate: give us the ability to detach the nameplate which is above the Avatar's head (making it moveable) or to move it under the avatar. I know I can hit (N) to make it disappear, but this doesn't help when I am focused on a fight and my deck and need to know what my HP is at. Looking up to the top left in the heat of a big fight with mobs (or players) is my only option.

    Additionally, there was some tweak in the past few months that makes the nameplate move left/right when I move around. Having my nameplate detachable or moving it under the Avatar (and without this movement left/right) would allow a player to see their stats better without it interfering. Right now the nameplate looks to be attached to my head. When I have my Lich pet out, and when I am in the middle of a fight, there are all these nameplates interfering with my view - there are sometimes I mistakenly think a mob or my pet's healthbar is mine. In this situation (N) won't work either as I cannot tell what my pet or a mob's health is at immediately.

    Even just a healthbar that is below me (without my title/name/guild) or detached (where I can move it where I like) would be preferable.

    Please note: I am not asking that other Avatar's nameplate's be changed, as that along with mobs is fine to see in front of me because it is not directly above my Avatar's head, nor does it appear to move left/right when I move (I could be wrong about this last part).

    Alternatively, give us the ability to move the frame at the top left. I can then hit (N) and replace it with my frame.
    Anpu, Dollar Bill and Lesni like this.
  2. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    I am curious, is this something the Lua gang could solve for us? Is current HP a value they can fetch and let us move it around?
    Anpu likes this.
  3. Magnus Zarwaddim

    Magnus Zarwaddim Avatar

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    My understanding is that our UI elements cannot be moved/detached with LUA. It would be nice if they removed the restrictions - I am sure people can come up with some nice UI designs.
  4. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    Ohh yeah, I wasnt talking about the current UI elements, what I was thinking is more of the Lua guys creating a health+focus bar, and the allowing that bar to be moved, much like how the modules in Amalgamate and OCX can be moved around. I don't know if this is possible, nor if it would work for what you are asking, but it's an idea!
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