Fun to play

Discussion in 'Skills and Combat' started by Artte, May 14, 2019.

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  1. Artte

    Artte Avatar

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    There really isn’t anything else. I was a heavy wearing archer. Body slam and sneak attack and archery. It was ok. But it took no imagination. Also I couldn’t do big damage to bosses. The fizzle rate was too nasty to get magery going. I am trying something new now. Fun and imagination might just be where it’s at. There are archery builds that seem to work The one I know about is all about free attack and range. He really mows em down. Just the same, it’s still too mono-habit. Is it really all about dps? Maybe you find a way to have fun and kill at will. Maybe you don’t. Maybe it’s the journey.
  2. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    DPS is the least subtle variable and pretty darn important. But its not everything.

    Im not a professional at PvP in this game so I couldn't tell you many intricacies, but I do know that I do very good in PvE with a build that takes a lot of twitch-based fighting, which is the opposite most peoples build's focus on. But even tho I can do a lot of DPS in PvE, I do next to none in PvP because it requires a lot more countering of other peoples builds than PvE does.

    I do dual wield short blades and specialize in light armor and subterfuge. If I get a target alone in PvE I can rip it apart, and I depend on my movment speed and light armor's Flurry for my defense and damage respectively. The defenses I use are 2-second defenses I have to strategically pop just as im being attacked.

    There are also some large monsters that you can physically dodge to avoid being killed while you fight them. The troll is the easiest to learn to fight, the dragon is much harder, and you get a great sense of accomplishment for defeating a dragon yourself.
  3. golruul

    golruul Avatar

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    Hmm, from what I've read here I thought ranged was pretty good at single target DPS, especially bosses. Also from what I've read, ranged is better at fighting dragons than melee.
  4. Nevyn Waldail

    Nevyn Waldail Avatar

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    I'm trying a rogue just now and enjoying it.
    Light armour
    Blades for using with subterfuge skills.
    4 locked skills rest rotating.
  5. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    I used to play heavy polearms, with 6 locked skills and 4 slots for my rotating skills (which I stacked).

    Now, I am playing a Light armor dual dagger dude with 9 locked glyphs (Chaotic Feedback being one of em) and just spamming my blades, offhand attack and death spells.

    I think this game has a nice balance where many kits can work for many situations. Once my closeout is fully set, I'm thinking of making a mage to solo big exp zones, and once that dude will be done, my next one will be a tank. Thanks to the shared pool exp, this allows for an easier time at making extra characters on a same account for different specs.
    Juan Solo and Nevyn Waldail like this.
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