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Major bug in the Blood River Outskirts vigilante quest chain.

Discussion in 'Quests, Conversations, & NPC's' started by Aurelius Silverson, Mar 5, 2018.

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  1. Aurelius Silverson

    Aurelius Silverson Avatar

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    3/5/2018 7:21 PM
    Reproduction Rate: Since I can only do this once, no idea!

    Blocker? Completely stops the Blood River Outskirts vigilante chain

    Details: Did the earlier stages, had given Alberic vigilante plans stages 1 and 2, done the elf scalps and poison parts of the quest, went back to the vigilante camp and Drumplemouth gave me a copy of the Vigilante Manifesto - was yellow text labelled, as a quest item. Started back to hand it to Alberic, but since I knew the vigilante Marcus had asked for proof of the wrongness of the vigilante cause, when passing by him I spoke to him and handed him the manifesto- which he returned, telling me this had changed his mind and he would now leave and go to Aerie....

    But the copy he game me back was grey text, not yellow, when I go back to Alberic and talk about the manifesto he does not recognise it, and instead the gump that opens up when speaking to him says he wants a copy of plans stage 1 - but even if you hand him that, he just says 'so you have found nothing new'... Can hand him stage one, two or the grey text manifesto, that is the only response I can get from him. Now, when I kill a vigilante, I often get another copy of the plans stage one - but can't get another manifesto from Drumplemouth, so seem to be completely stuck with that quest line.

    VERY annoying since you get an xp reward for persuading Marcus of the truth - but are completely blocked from proceeding because you do that.

    Tried leaving the zone and returning, and logging out completely, nothing changes.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz (8) System RAM: 32717
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 GPU RAM: 4058
    Area: Novia_R7_Forest02_01
    Area Display Name: Blood River Outskirts
    Loc: (356.6, 86.0, 185.5)
    Rentier likes this.
  2. Puuk

    Puuk Developer Emeritus

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    Speak to him again and click on the keyword "manifesto." He'll accept the white version of the manifesto to complete the quest. I just repeated the steps you posted and was able to give the stage 1 vigilante note to him, then clicked on "manifesto" and turned it in, completing that quest.
    Aurelius Silverson and Rentier like this.
  3. Aurelius Silverson

    Aurelius Silverson Avatar

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    That works with one slight tweak - to get it to work you need to close the first gump that opens when you speak to Alberic, which asks for vigilante stage 1. Then, the manifesto keyword option is on the list and clicking it brings up the correct gump asking for the manifesto, and accepts the grey version of the manifesto. It's not at all clear you need to shut that down first - and it really should not be asking for it at all.
  4. Puuk

    Puuk Developer Emeritus

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    I put in a fix for that yesterday. It won't show up until the next update, but hopefully won't happen to anyone in the future. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
    Rentier and Aurelius Silverson like this.
  5. brypie84

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