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Ravensmoor: Paxillus Involutus corpse disappears in small room

Discussion in 'World Building, Scenes, Environment, & Overworld' started by Ancev, Feb 20, 2019.

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  1. Ancev

    Ancev Avatar

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    02/20/2019 01:38
    Title: Ravensmoor: Paxillus Involutus corpse disappears in small room
    Reproduction Rate: not sure
    Details: I came across Paxillus Involutus inside Ruins Ravensmoor, and 2 ferocious red spiders were following me. I mez'd them.. then died and came back to the area and the pax mushroom was fighting one of the spiders and a skeletal warrior. I killed the 2 skeletons then killed the pax mushroom inside of the small room it was in, and no corpse was left to loot. I checked all the rooms and near by corridor. Interesting dungeon since it was re-done. Nice job!
    Steps to Reproduce:
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz (8) System RAM: 8121
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 GPU RAM: 2007
    Area: Dungeon1_DragonBoneCrypt
    Area Display Name: Ruins of Ravensmoor
    Loc: (-51.2, 0.0, 167.8)
    Debug: RHVuZ2VvbjFfRHJhZ29uQm9uZUNyeXB0fHwoLTUxLjE1MywgMC4wMDEsIDE2Ny43ODYpfCgwLCAtMC43ODIsIDAsIC0wLjYyMyl8NDUwLjQ3MjZ8NjUuMjYwMjZ8Mi45MTgxNQ==
  2. Bayard

    Bayard Avatar

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    Agree this should be addressed as it is frustrating. There is a corpse, you just can't see it sometimes. When you kill the Paxillus Involutus the corpse collapses far enough from the point of death to often fall through a nearby wall. The corpse is there, you just can't loot or even see in some cases. If you lie down next to the wall it fell through and move your camera view, you can usually see it on the other side of the wall.

    If the 'action upon death' could be adjusted to not fall so far away from the 'location of death' then this problem could be eliminated. Think of wolves who collapse where they stand when they die.

    The workaround is don't kill the Paxillus Involutus near a wall but nobody should have to do that.
    Alley Oop likes this.
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