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UI: Health bar issues dedicated thread

Discussion in 'User Interface (Including Launcher)' started by Lexie, Nov 29, 2017.

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  1. Lexie

    Lexie Bear Queen Emeritus

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    I'm stickying this thread for ANY health bar issues. This is to help us compile what everyone MAY be seeing under build 705. Please don't include prior bugs or observations from older builds as it may unintentionally bias our current testing. If your health bar is fully red (full health) but the numbers say 480/500 for example, that's what we're talking about here. Or if you see 500/500 and the red bar is NOT full. This is for any health bar inaccuracies including not being able to get back to full health.

    Ideally we would like exact instructions that will always trigger these issues (naturally!) but we know this one has been hard to get the bottom of.

    Things to consider when posting bug information on heath UI issues:

    Screenshots - always awesome.
    Gear worn at the time - lots can affect health here, stats including artis
    Buffs worn at the time -like with gear, health can change. This includes arti buffs.
    All buffs. Food buffs. Devotional buffs. Buffs buffs buffs.
    If it changes while zoning, how frequently, after rezzing, etc.
    Does the info look right in the paper doll itself?

    Thanks folks! We're keeping an eye out for issues as well both internally and on live.
    Rentier likes this.
  2. Bryweyh

    Bryweyh Avatar

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    Okay, so the only buff that I have casted is Light, so I guarantee that it isn't a potion/food or casted buff. The only time my stats change from between 91-99 str is because of the in-game time of day (Sun/Moon Worship) and I also think that you have to spend a good amount of time in the scene before seeing this as reloading or exiting scene and resuming will fix it...

    I have seen this issue correct itself but varies depending on the time of day because then it will repeatedly become de-synced.
    I strongly believe it has to do with Sun Worship on an skills that involve time of day similar calculations. Maybe the "Sun Eater" plays a role in showing more hp then being given..

    I wear heavy Cooper Augmented chainmail along with bonesteel crown, shrod of the avatar, heart of sorrows,
    There is also heavy armor "Endurace" skill that may potentially be outputing false data when sun worship fluctuates its buff..
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  3. Lexie

    Lexie Bear Queen Emeritus

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    What was the scene name you saw this on? In case it is dependent on that particular map or map type...
    Several have mentioned Sun Worship but we're not seeing any issues with it just yet. Good point about staying in a scene long enough to see it without zoning out. What is a good time estimate you think?
    Rentiera likes this.
  4. Bryweyh

    Bryweyh Avatar

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    Im not for sure, I mostly notice it only when I have been mining for quite some time, mainly Elysium. I can't say I notice it elsewhere because I dont spend as much time in other scenes.

    I would say a good 40min a person may notice it but to for sure see it, I would say a couple hours max. I cant say i loaded into a scene with it being bugged yet. I cant think of anything else to add either.
  5. Mischievous Dragon

    Mischievous Dragon Riparian Reaper

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    Reproduced externally.
    12/2/2017 7:24 PM
    Reproduction Rate: 4/4, 100%
    HP regen goes into a malfunctional state and the Current Hit Points quit regenerating to the maximum level.
    This bug is reproductible even with an Adventurer Level 10 Avatar.
    This bug occurs also to Avatars who have not learned the 'Sun Worship' spell.

    Tested scenes:
    • Jaanaford
    • Aerie
    Tested Avatars:
    • Elene Sali
    • Alice
    • Emma Swan
    A workaround:
    • Exit to menu and Resume
    Steps to Reproduce:
    1) Be in Jaanaford or Aerie in the Afternoon
    2) Be "naked"
    3) Be without any buffs
    4) Wait for the night time
    5) Keep your Hit Points below 50% by using the 'Tap Soul' spell and by staying in the combat mode during the night time
    6) Wait for the Dawn
    7) Enter the non-combat mode and heal yourself upon the Dawn
    HP regen got into a broken state and few Hit Points are missing.

    Steps to Reproduce for the 'Strength of Earth' spell:
    1) Do the steps 1) - 7) above
    8) Cast the 'Strength of Earth' spell
    Several Hit Points are missing.

    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz (8) System RAM: 12244
    GPU: Radeon(TM) RX 460 Graphics GPU RAM: 4039
    Area: Novia_R6_City_Jaanaford
    Area Display Name: Jaanaford
    Loc: (100.8, 18.1, -55.0)
    Debug: Tm92aWFfUjZfQ2l0eV9KYWFuYWZvcmR8fCgxMDAuODQ2LCAxOC4wNjgsIC01NS4wMTUpfCgwLCAwLjkzMiwgMCwgMC4zNjMpfDEwNC45NjQ5fDEzLjQxNjY5fDUuMzI5OTk5

    Screenshot #1:
    One Hit Point is missing upon the Dawn.

    Screenshot #2:
    Several Hit Points are missing after casting the 'Strength of Earth' spell.

    Screenshot #3:
    Two Hit Points are missing.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2017
    Bryweyh and Rentier like this.
  6. Addle

    Addle Avatar

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    Seem to be able to reliably lower my health, and it can't go back up. Thought this might help reproduce things, if that's still an issue. Cast Berzerker's Stance, wait for the chunk of health to tick down, then cast Passive Stance immediately. I lose 5-6 health each time that can't be recovered by healing. I'm at 146/359 right now. Just did it again, stuck at 140/359, then 135/359. Screen is permanently glowey red bordered. For testing purposes, I just removed all my gear and did it again. 129/317, same basic thing still happens. As I mentioned, healing won't make it go any higher.

    If it helps at all, I'm in Arcadia, a POT. It's so reliable right now, hopefully that gives some clue what's going on. I can poke at it, isolate things, etc, on request. But seemed that was useful info, so here it is. I, er, really hope this fixes itself upon relogging. :) (EDIT: It did.)

    (EDIT: Forgot to mention, I had both Blessing of Sacrifice and Honor on.)
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2017
    Rentier likes this.
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