Wrap of Carapacian Cloth (3)

Discussion in 'Crafting & Gathering' started by Vaentorian, Feb 18, 2015.

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  1. Vaentorian

    Vaentorian Localization Team

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    Has anyone else produced this on the textiles station? I was churning out bolts of cloth, suddenly noticed this was sat on the station. I was chopping between the game window and internet browser at the time so not even sure how it happened :confused: there's no recipe in my book for it, so I can only imagine it's an occasional 'upgrade' to the normal product, rather than something you intentionally craft.

    Edit: scratch that, just done it again with fustian and realised that 'wrap' is actually a 'strap' in the recipe book... never mind ;)
    Tahru likes this.
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