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[Known] Blessing of Elusiveness not working

Discussion in 'Combat, Skills, & Magic' started by Barugon, Apr 22, 2018.

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  1. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    4/22/2018 3:16 PM
    Title: Blessing of Elusiveness not working.
    Reproduction Rate: 100%
    Blocker? No.
    Details: I got the blessing of elusiveness and stuck around fighting the higher level pirates in Tenebris Harbor. I dodged no more than I normally would have. With my equipment, skills and fully buffed (including the blessing of elusiveness), my dodge is ~65. Below I included excerpts from my chat logs for when the invaders were attacking me.
    Steps to Reproduce:
    User Specs:
    OS: Linux 4.15 unknown 64bit
    CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Eight-Core Processor (16) System RAM: 32158
    GPU: GeForce GTX 1070/PCIe/SSE2 GPU RAM: 8192
    Area: Novia_R6_Forest02_01
    Area Display Name: Tenebris Harbor
    Loc: (-149.3, 39.5, -218.2)
    Debug: Tm92aWFfUjZfRm9yZXN0MDJfMDF8fCgtMTQ5LjMyMywgMzkuNDc3LCAtMjE4LjE4KXwoMCwgMC45OTYsIDAsIDAuMDg4KXwtMzE1Mi45NnwxOC44MDY5OHw2Ljc2Mjc=

    Invaders successfully attack:

    [4/22/2018 3:12:08 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 5 points of damage.
    [4/22/2018 3:12:21 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 9 points of critical damage.
    [4/22/2018 3:12:24 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 24 points of damage.
    [4/22/2018 3:12:29 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 56 points of critical damage from Piercing Shot.
    [4/22/2018 3:12:31 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 34 points of damage.
    [4/22/2018 3:12:32 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 51 points of damage from Piercing Shot.
    [4/22/2018 3:12:33 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 13 points of damage.
    [4/22/2018 3:12:34 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 42 points of damage from Piercing Shot.
    [4/22/2018 3:12:34 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 26 points of damage.
    [4/22/2018 3:12:35 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 53 points of critical damage from Blinding Shot.
    [4/22/2018 3:12:36 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 14 points of damage.
    [4/22/2018 3:12:37 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 22 points of damage.
    [4/22/2018 3:12:40 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 6 points of damage.
    [4/22/2018 3:12:48 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 14 points of damage from Piercing Shot.
    [4/22/2018 3:12:52 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 10 points of damage from Piercing Shot.
    [4/22/2018 3:12:57 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 22 points of damage from Blinding Shot.
    [4/22/2018 3:12:58 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 6 points of damage from Blinding Shot.
    [4/22/2018 3:12:59 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 12 points of critical damage from Piercing Shot.
    [4/22/2018 3:13:01 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 6 points of damage.
    [4/22/2018 3:13:04 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 6 points of damage.
    [4/22/2018 3:13:05 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 22 points of damage from Piercing Shot.
    [4/22/2018 3:13:06 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 13 points of damage.
    [4/22/2018 3:13:07 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 6 points of damage.
    [4/22/2018 3:13:08 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 13 points of critical damage from Blinding Shot.
    [4/22/2018 3:13:10 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 9 points of damage from Piercing Shot.
    [4/22/2018 3:13:12 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 5 points of damage.
    [4/22/2018 3:13:15 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 26 points of critical damage.
    [4/22/2018 3:14:51 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 18 points of damage from Blinding Shot.
    [4/22/2018 3:14:52 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 53 points of critical damage.
    [4/22/2018 3:14:53 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 9 points of damage from Piercing Shot.
    [4/22/2018 3:15:00 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 27 points of damage.
    [4/22/2018 3:15:17 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 26 points of damage from Blinding Shot.
    [4/22/2018 3:15:18 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 41 points of damage from Piercing Shot.
    [4/22/2018 3:15:20 PM] Invader attacks Barugon and hits, dealing 18 points of damage.

    I dodge the invader's attacks:

    [4/22/2018 3:12:23 PM] Invader tried to attack Barugon but Barugon dodges.
    [4/22/2018 3:12:32 PM] Invader tried to attack Barugon but Barugon dodges.
    [4/22/2018 3:12:33 PM] Invader tried to attack Barugon but Barugon dodges.
    [4/22/2018 3:12:51 PM] Invader tried to attack Barugon but Barugon dodges.
    [4/22/2018 3:13:03 PM] Invader tried to attack Barugon but Barugon dodges.
    [4/22/2018 3:13:18 PM] Invader tried to attack Barugon but Barugon dodges.
    [4/22/2018 3:13:19 PM] Invader tried to attack Barugon but Barugon dodges.
    [4/22/2018 3:15:04 PM] Invader tried to attack Barugon but Barugon dodges.

    Seems pretty low for 65 Dodge.
  2. Lexie

    Lexie Bear Queen Emeritus

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    I've submitted for review: 58378
    I suspect your DA may have already been really high to see a big benefit from it, but we shall look into it. :)
    Barugon likes this.
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