(Spoilers!) Viola fell out of the end of the Path of Courage - That should not be possible

Discussion in 'Quests & Lore' started by Vladamir Begemot, Aug 22, 2017.

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  1. Vladamir Begemot

    Vladamir Begemot Avatar

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    So Viola pops out of the solo end of Courage instance, not having finished, and asking me "That was it?"

    I had her go back in and we talked to everyone again until we had found the one keyword that she might have missed or maybe didn't happen do to a conversation ending bug.

    Asking her all the things she had tried to do, because hey, this is the main story and should be delivered with drama and not be able to be screwed up yet here we are:
    • The guard talked to me, we talked for a long time, pushed all the keywords (or thinks so)
      • Did she miss a keyword? Possibly, but should that be ruining the experience for players?
    • She typed in "The war with the Kobolds in finshed" as she had been told to tell by the Kobold king
      • She closed the window and went to the King to do the same
        • No answer
      • Told the same to Mara and tried to see if she had anything to say
        • She's not talking at all and autocloses
    • Figuring that she'd delivered the message to all 3 people in the room, and there's nothing left to do, she left
    She's trying a lot harder than I would have, too, by typing "The war with the Kobolds is finished."

    Deus Ex would not be one of the best PC games of all time if it were using our dialog system, nor would any of the top story based ones. Can you imagine getting part way through a grand finale dialog with one of the main NPC's and it lets you screw it up and walk out of the dialog in a way that makes you think you're done?

    No, if the system is delivering the goods, even casual players like Viola will know when they are done and there will be no mistaking it.
    discipleofweb likes this.
  2. Arya Stoneheart

    Arya Stoneheart Avatar

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    Yeah I also had a similar problem with the Path of Love in offline mode.

    Also got stuck talking to Sequanna at the end and even reported being stuck.

    Thankfully figured out the keyword I was missing and was able to finish.
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  3. Vladamir Begemot

    Vladamir Begemot Avatar

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    When these things happen, I can just imagine the reviews numbers quickly falling for the story part of the game. This is a shame, there's a lot of interesting ins and outs to the whole thing. I really want the story delivery to be as good as the plot itself.
    discipleofweb likes this.
  4. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    This is exactly why i asked if i should even bother playing the story yet, or if the *released * state of it was still too rough for me to actually fairly run through it and take an objective (as possible) rating of it.

    Basically came down to, that i should wait. Probably till release.
    Vladamir Begemot likes this.
  5. Belladonna Rose

    Belladonna Rose Bug Hunter

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    I had the same thing happen. But sent bug report to support and they fixed it last release.
    Kabalyero likes this.
  6. Vladamir Begemot

    Vladamir Begemot Avatar

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    Maybe the added it to the bug list but it's definitely not fixed. Hopefully soon!
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