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100% break ate over skill 100

Discussion in 'Release 34 Bug Forum' started by dreamlarp, Sep 28, 2016.

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  1. dreamlarp

    dreamlarp Avatar

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    1. Title: 100% break ate over skill 100
    2. Reproduction Rate: 100%
    3. Blocker?yes
    4. Details: I tried enhancing over 30 items with a skill over 106 in enchanting and everything I am trying to enchant breaks on the first try.
    5. Steps to Reproduce: Try and enchant anything with a skill over 100%
    6. User Specs:
    I have gotten most of the items I have tried to enchant with three enchants over the past few weeks since I got over 95 in enchanting. On both the main server since I got over 100 in the skill my break rate has greatly increased on the test server it has been 100%

    I am a game developer so i do understand that you are trying to slow production down sometimes and at those times I stop producing. but I think in this new release there is something broken above a skill level of 100.

    Note: Without giving any of us any type of GM bonus many of the people I know are going to sell thier accounts. And we have some very high pledges with over 300 of us. Please do something about this. From skill level 80 to 100 we get almost nothing as it is and with skills that take us all day long in the mines that is way too much to take. Just FYI
  2. Attenwood

    Attenwood Portalarian Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    We are going to need greater specifics to test the reported case. Internally testing with a set enchantment skill of 106, as indicated above, and I am able to enchant quite successfully.

    Please provide as close to a step by step reproduction case for the enchantment issue you're observing including /loc coordinates for the table you're enchanting at, and the item name you are attempting to enchant. We are seeing nothing close to a 100% fail rate as you describe.

    Thank you for reporting. We look forward to assisting you further.
  3. Attenwood

    Attenwood Portalarian Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Upon review of logging into your QA character, I have verified the ability to enchant an item at the Alchemy station. Again, we will need more details in order to address this issue further. Thank you.
  4. dreamlarp

    dreamlarp Avatar

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    Specificly I put two masterworks on the swords items. I then socket the item and try the first enchant. I did a bach of over 30 exceptional materworked and socketed daggers but stopped fter i broke a bit more than 30. I did them all in port archx draconis the synicate guild city. I am having the majority of items i try to enchant now on the main server break. 7 out of 10 so far. the same types of items with the same types of gems. Loc (64.7,39.5,224.0)

    Overall I must tell you at levels of enchanting skill from 90 to 100 i was able to safly put a third anchant on items. Just look at the ones i have on venders. after GM I started breaking a large % on the first try's.
  5. dreamlarp

    dreamlarp Avatar

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    Please also understand that I mine and craft all day. I play quite a bit with my sickness so I am very aware when anything changes. I play about 14 hours at least a day. Please check my time online so you can see that I am not just seeing a run of bad luck that we can get somethimes. But with 95% chance to succeed the numbers of me breaking even 3 out of 10 are astronomical.
  6. Attenwood

    Attenwood Portalarian Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    We may need to get into specifics. Specific item names, which masterworks you're applying, which sockets, etc before you get to the enchanting point.

    Upon latest build, I was able to successfully masterwork a dagger twice, socket the item with a Lunaism gem, and then successfully apply an enchant without issue, and staying true to the 95% expectation. Is it possible you might have gotten into a bad state for crafting? I would like to get as close to an exact repro case as possible to get this issue to occur as you see it.
  7. dreamlarp

    dreamlarp Avatar

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    I am over 85 in general masterworking and 81 in blades masterworking specialties. I put the skills masterworks on weapons such as double slash or thrust ect. The gems I use most often are diomonds or onyx but it has been happening with emeralds and rubies too. But the breakage also happened with cloth armor i was given to enchant that had 2 masterworks on them. i broke all the pieces on the first try (6 of them) My main cafting however has been in blades weapons since I got to the level of putting skills. BTW I am breaking way more now also with a specialty skill over 80. Look at when i made them and my skill level when I made over 40 daggers with 3 skills on them. Now i have not been able to reproduce that once.
  8. dreamlarp

    dreamlarp Avatar

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    ok on both servers i tried making daggers with lumaism gems and the sun gems. I made the moon gems and night and the sun gems durring the game day time. Niether one broke the masterworking or enchanting. Plus it seams to me that masterworking in this region does better than enchanting even with my much higher skill in enchanting so i am going to ask you did i just waist 2 weeks of resources to learn that you guys put in this new system without letting us know?
  9. Sara Dreygon

    Sara Dreygon Avatar

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    I'm 109 enchanting and 102 masterworking and on live today was successfully doing both (20 attempts each).
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