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[Known] skeletons in vauban tower geting cover

Discussion in 'Combat, Skills, & Magic' started by Alley Oop, Jul 21, 2018.

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  1. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    07/21/2018 08:40
    Title: skeletons in vauban tower geting cover
    Reproduction Rate:three of them, and me
    Blocker?no, whittled them down eventually
    Details: the door was hard to get an angle to click on to come in, too. i tried moving away from the door once in, but it didn't sem to help

    Location of South Platform marked on compass and map.
    Alley Oop attacks Hardened Skeleton Footman and hits, dealing 4 points of damage.
    Alley Oop tried to attack Hardened Skeleton Footman but Hardened Skeleton Footman dodges.
    Alley Oop attacks Hardened Skeleton Footman and hits, dealing 5 points of damage.
    Hardened Skeleton Footman attacks Alley Oop and hits, dealing 4 points of damage.
    Alley Oop attacks Hardened Skeleton Footman and is parried, dealing 6 points of damage past the parry from Double Slash.
    Alley Oop attacks Hardened Skeleton Footman and hits, dealing 14 points of damage from Double Slash.
    Hardened Skeleton Footman attacks Alley Oop and hits, dealing 3 points of damage.
    Alley Oop attacks Hardened Skeleton Footman and hits, dealing 30 points of critical damage from Double Slash.
    Alley Oop attacks Hardened Skeleton Footman and hits, dealing 10 points of damage from Double Slash.
    Alley Oop attacks Hardened Skeleton Footman and hits, dealing 9 points of critical damage.
    Alley Oop attacks Hardened Skeleton Footman and hits, dealing 5 points of damage.
    Alley Oop attacks Hardened Skeleton Footman and hits, dealing 5 points of damage.
    Hardened Skeleton Footman tried to attack Alley Oop but Alley Oop dodges.
    Alley Oop attacks Hardened Skeleton Footman and hits, dealing 10 points of damage from Double Slash.
    Alley Oop attacks Hardened Skeleton Footman and hits, dealing 13 points of damage from Double Slash.
    Hardened Skeleton Footman attacks Alley Oop and hits, dealing 2 points of damage.
    Alley Oop attacks Hardened Skeleton Footman and hits, dealing 12 points of damage from Double Slash.
    Hardened Skeleton Footman attacks Alley Oop and hits, dealing 3 points of damage.
    Alley Oop attacks Hardened Skeleton Footman and hits, dealing 5 points of damage.
    Alley Oop attacks Hardened Skeleton Footman and hits, dealing 4 points of damage.
    Alley Oop attacks Hardened Skeleton Footman and hits, dealing 4 points of damage.
    Hardened Skeleton Footman tried to attack Alley Oop but Alley Oop dodges.
    Hardened Skeleton Footman tried to attack Alley Oop but Alley Oop dodges.
    Hardened Skeleton Footman attacks Alley Oop and hits, dealing 1 point of glancing damage due to armor.
    Hardened Skeleton Footman attacks Alley Oop and hits, dealing 4 points of damage.
    Alley Oop attacks Hardened Skeleton Footman and hits, dealing 4 points of damage.
    Alley Oop attacks Hardened Skeleton Footman and hits, dealing 4 points of damage.
    Alley Oop attacks Hardened Skeleton Footman and hits, dealing 2 points of damage past the parry.
    Hardened Skeleton Footman attacks Alley Oop and hits, dealing 2 points of damage.
    Hardened Skeleton Footman attacks Alley Oop and hits, dealing 3 points of damage.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    User Specs:
    OS: Linux 4.17 ManjaroLinux 17.1.11 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4430 CPU @ 3.00GHz (4) System RAM: 15993
    GPU: GeForce GTX 970/PCIe/SSE2 GPU RAM: 4096
    Area: Novia_R5_Hills01_01
    Area Display Name: East Vauban Foothills
    Loc: (-51.0, -92.1, -138.8)
    Debug: Tm92aWFfUjVfSGlsbHMwMV8wMXx8KC01MC45NjQsIC05Mi4wNjIsIC0xMzguODQyKXwoMCwgLTAuMTU4LCAwLCAwLjk4Nyl8LTc2Ljk4MzAxfDQwLjU3NzYzfDE4
  2. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    same cover problem in second tower, though that door was easy to click.

    third tower, though, i clicked on the door and the instant i moved forward i found myself above the room and yet well below the rest of the scene

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  3. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    was able to get into the room my third try by hugging the edges of the vestibule. third tower has cover problem too.
  4. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    one more: when the towers sank i stood my ground on top of the third, expecting to end up swimming. i ended up standing on the tower under invisible water. i cannot run out of it onto land either, when i get too close to shore there's invisible wall.

  5. Sannio

    Sannio Lead Quest and Level Designer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Thanks for the report. Issue #60776
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