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[Repro needed] dismissingpet, moving the new pet summoning whistle to neck slot caused an error mes

Discussion in 'Items & Inventory' started by Kelly O'Shay, Mar 16, 2018.

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  1. Kelly O'Shay

    Kelly O'Shay Avatar

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    3/16/2018 2:35 PM
    Title: After dismissing previous pet, moving the new pet summoning whistle to neck slot caused an error message, but still seemed to work ok after the error message.
    Reproduction Rate:
    Steps to Reproduce:
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz (8) System RAM: 12212
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT 740 GPU RAM: 2018
    Area: HiddenVale_Forest02_Tier4
    Area Display Name: South Ravenswood
    Loc: (11.1, 30.3, 154.3)
    Debug: SGlkZGVuVmFsZV9Gb3Jlc3QwMl9UaWVyNHx8KDExLjA5MSwgMzAuMjgzLCAxNTQuMzA1KXwoMCwgMC44MSwgMCwgMC41ODYpfDEwOC41NzIyfDIwLjc4NzQyfDMuODk5MDg0

    My pet died, but I had a chance to try out my new pet res. That worked, and the summoning timer was about used up. So, I got a new summoning whistle ready. When the timer ran out, I dismissed the resed pet and move the new whistle over to my paper doll in the neck slot.

    I got an unexpected error message. But the pet whistle worked fine after that.

    Please see the error below.

  2. Lexie

    Lexie Bear Queen Emeritus

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    @Kelly O'Shay
    Thanks for letting us know. I tried to repro what happened to you on our internal server, but I'm not seeing the error msg.
    I'll keep an eye out for future reports.
  3. Kelly O'Shay

    Kelly O'Shay Avatar

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    Got a couple more a couple minutes later. This time the action was skinning.

    Not sure of steps to repro, but I will say that this new character was having a real hard time in South Ravenswood at this low level. The lag didnt seem too bad, but I was rushing everything, switching from combat to non-combat and using heals and stuff from non combat and switching back to combat very fast. And, using a lot of pet heals from non combat while in combat mode fighting to try to survive and keep the pet alive.

    first error, photo above: [3/16/2018 3:08:57 PM] Server:

    next two errors, photo below: [3/16/2018 3:09:10 PM] Server:

    [3/16/2018 3:08:56 PM] Patrick O'Shay attacks Grizzly Bear and hits, dealing 14 points of damage from Crossbow.
    [3/16/2018 3:08:57 PM] Patrick O'Shay attacks Grizzly Bear and hits, dealing 15 points of damage from Crossbow.
    [3/16/2018 3:08:57 PM] Large Brown Spider <Patrick O'Shay> attacks Grizzly Bear and hits, dealing 9 points of damage.
    [3/16/2018 3:08:57 PM] Server: OpPerf, OpCode=341639831, elapsedTimeMs=2992, Room:aa28a179-2739-4ee5-b8ee-763a4a13660f, GC:563/563
    [3/16/2018 3:08:58 PM] You commanded your pet (Large Brown Spider <Patrick O'Shay>) to stop attacking.
    [3/16/2018 3:08:58 PM] Patrick O'Shay attacks Grizzly Bear and hits, dealing 15 points of damage from Crossbow.
    [3/16/2018 3:08:59 PM] Patrick O'Shay attacks Grizzly Bear and hits, dealing 15 points of damage from Crossbow.
    [3/16/2018 3:09:00 PM] Patrick O'Shay attacks Grizzly Bear and hits, dealing 14 points of damage from Crossbow.
    [3/16/2018 3:09:01 PM] Grizzly Bear attacks Patrick O'Shay and hits, dealing 5 points of damage.
    [3/16/2018 3:09:01 PM] You commanded your pet (Large Brown Spider <Patrick O'Shay>) to attack Grizzly Bear.
    [3/16/2018 3:09:01 PM] Patrick O'Shay attacks Grizzly Bear and hits, dealing 23 points of critical damage from Crossbow.
    [3/16/2018 3:09:02 PM] Patrick O'Shay utters the phrase Frigo.
    [3/16/2018 3:09:03 PM] Patrick O'Shay tried to attack Grizzly Bear but Grizzly Bear dodges.
    [3/16/2018 3:09:03 PM] Large Brown Spider <Patrick O'Shay> attacks Grizzly Bear and hits, dealing 6 points of damage from Web.
    [3/16/2018 3:09:03 PM] Patrick O'Shay utters the phrase Ignis.
    [3/16/2018 3:09:04 PM] You used Flame Fist but hit nothing!
    [3/16/2018 3:09:04 PM] Large Brown Spider <Patrick O'Shay> attacks Grizzly Bear and hits, dealing 11 points of damage.
    [3/16/2018 3:09:04 PM] Patrick O'Shay's skill (Bulwark of Earth) has increased to level 23!
    [3/16/2018 3:09:04 PM] Grizzly Bear attacks Patrick O'Shay and hits, dealing 6 points of damage.
    [3/16/2018 3:09:04 PM] Grizzly Bear attacks Patrick O'Shay and hits, dealing 5 points of damage.
    [3/16/2018 3:09:04 PM] Grizzly Bear attacks Large Brown Spider <Patrick O'Shay> and hits, dealing 9 points of damage.
    [3/16/2018 3:09:05 PM] Patrick O'Shay utters the phrase Motus-Frigo.
    [3/16/2018 3:09:05 PM] Patrick O'Shay attacks Grizzly Bear and hits, dealing 14 points of damage from Crossbow.
    [3/16/2018 3:09:06 PM] Large Brown Spider <Patrick O'Shay> attacks Grizzly Bear and hits, dealing 12 points of damage from Poison.
    [3/16/2018 3:09:06 PM] Patrick O'Shay attacks Grizzly Bear and hits, dealing 2 points of partially resisted damage due to magic resistance from Ice Arrow.
    [3/16/2018 3:09:06 PM] Patrick O'Shay's skill (Ice Arrow) has increased to level 12!
    [3/16/2018 3:09:06 PM] Patrick O'Shay utters the phrase Frigo.
    [3/16/2018 3:09:06 PM] Large Brown Spider <Patrick O'Shay> attacks Grizzly Bear and hits, dealing 4 points of damage from Poison.
    [3/16/2018 3:09:07 PM] Patrick O'Shay attacks Grizzly Bear and hits, dealing 17 points of damage from Crossbow.
    [3/16/2018 3:09:07 PM] Large Brown Spider <Patrick O'Shay> attacks Grizzly Bear and hits, dealing 12 points of damage.
    [3/16/2018 3:09:07 PM] Grizzly Bear has been slain by Large Brown Spider <Patrick O'Shay>!
    [3/16/2018 3:09:09 PM] Large Brown Spider <Patrick O'Shay> is healed for 48 points of health by Patrick O'Shay.
    [3/16/2018 3:09:10 PM] Server: OpPerf, OpCode=603512098, elapsedTimeMs=2352, Room:aa28a179-2739-4ee5-b8ee-763a4a13660f, GC:563/563
    [3/16/2018 3:09:32 PM] Server: OpPerf, OpCode=4127131068, elapsedTimeMs=995, Room:aa28a179-2739-4ee5-b8ee-763a4a13660f, GC:564/564
    [3/16/2018 3:09:47 PM] You harvested an item (Animal Hide x1).
    [3/16/2018 3:11:03 PM] You commanded your pet (Large Brown Spider <Patrick O'Shay>) to attack Bear Patriarch.
    [3/16/2018 3:11:08 PM] You commanded your pet (Large Brown Spider <Patrick O'Shay>) to stop attacking.
    [3/16/2018 3:11:11 PM] Patrick O'Shay attacks Bear Patriarch and hits, dealing 13 points of damage from Crossbow.
    [3/16/2018 3:11:12 PM] Patrick O'Shay utters the phrase Assen-Terra.
    [3/16/2018 3:11:12 PM] Patrick O'Shay attacks Bear Patriarch and hits, dealing 13 points of damage from Crossbow.
    [3/16/2018 3:11:13 PM] Patrick O'Shay attacks Bear Patriarch and hits, dealing 30 points of critical damage from Stone Arrow.

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