Why PVP Fishing Contest was such a success...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by queenbee, May 20, 2021.


What would be your reasons for joining a PVP Fishing contest?

  1. They are a lot of fun!

    7 vote(s)
  2. The rewards, for sure!

    0 vote(s)
  3. The no ransom!

    4 vote(s)
  4. The chance to learn to PVP!

    5 vote(s)
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  1. queenbee

    queenbee Avatar

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    I hope we can get some ideas to expand and improve PVP by pointing out what made PVP fishing successful.

    FOCUS: The focus of the contest was not on who was the last man standing, but on catching the longest fish. So the average player had the same chance of winning as the veteran PVPer.

    NO LOSS: Due to the town being no ransom, there was no risk of loss other than body parts. So there was no risk of currency (armor/weapons/items) loss if one died. This was a good thing considering how many times certain people kept dying.

    REWARD: Including the cool looking PVP trophy, I also offered a reward high enough that I thought would be appealing enough for the average player to risk dying to enter the contest. With the four contests, the total amount of rewards were: 3500 COTOS, 600,000 IGG, three sets of basic bandit armor. I'm listing this because if the risk is going to be high, then I knew the rewards should be high. But as a lone player, I can't offer this often.

    I am not saying that there should never be a ransom. But the no ransom worked in this scenario. If there was a ransom every time someone died, the cost would have been way too high to be worth it.

    Groups: If you look at the top pvpers, they have a tendency to fight/duel/pvp together including Remnants of UO, OCX, Antrax Army, etc.. The average player will be a mix of people from various groups that normally do not play/fight/duel together. I personally come from a guild who really has no interest in PVP. This puts them and me at an extreme disadvantage. I've been working on ways to allow people who normally don't play together be able to group up, communicate, and fight together. Still needs a lot of work, but we have a good start.

    Most everyone had fun with the PVP fishing contest because everyone had a chance to win with the focus being on fishing and not the last one standing. The reward was high enough to make it worth dying. The simple rules of not res killing and everyone being respectful when handing out rewards (well I won't mention a certain individual who just couldn't help himself because he didn't have THAT skull) made the whole situation enjoyable.

    Now I'm hoping some ideas can be expanded and implemented from this post. Thank you! And thanks to Asmodi M'hul who took the initial step to risk holding the first PVP fishing contest in Blood Bay!
  2. mugmas

    mugmas Avatar

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    It was cool to see so many people in a POT! Some of the interactions and chat were hilarious. Good Job!!!! Look forward to the next one.
    Elgarion, Aldo, jrs99 and 2 others like this.
  3. Margaritte

    Margaritte Avatar

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    Thanks for putting this together, Bee! I know it was a lot of work, and every time something came up, you handled the issue with tact and grace. That's not always easy to do in PVP situations where hotheads often prevail. Can't wait to see what comes next, and please let me know if I can do anything to help!
    Elgarion, Anpu, Aldo and 1 other person like this.
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