Astrolabe loading screen tip

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Elnoth, Feb 15, 2019.

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  1. Elnoth

    Elnoth Avatar

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    So one of the loading tips says this:

    An astrolabe is a product of alchemy that can be used to observe the celestial bodies of New Britannia! It is a valuable tool for craftsmen, explorers, and magic users.

    Now the ONLY thing that I can think of how the astrolabe can help is for looking at the constellations and seeing where the planets/moon are in relation to things above you, which can help in determining which towns under siege will have a particlar cabalist spawn there.

    Can anyone fill me in on how an astrolabe can help with craftsmen? Or magic users for that matter? I've crafted probably a thousand things, never noticed the celestial bodies having any impact at all. All my decks have an element of magic in them and apart from the sun/moon trees and the day/night effect on some passives I see nothing of substance here as well.

    Is this tip all fuzz and no substance?
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  2. Proteus Tempest

    Proteus Tempest Avatar

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    In the future, the alignment of the planets and such is going to have an affect on the results of crafting gear or it was talked about in the past anyway.

    This is a desire of RGs.
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  3. Jason_M

    Jason_M Avatar

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    It might also be a bit of lore, as well, referring to New Britannians more pertinently than Outlanders. Even if we never go the route of astronomically determined crafting, I think it's cool world flavor.
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  4. Floors

    Floors Avatar

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    It would be cool if it had an effect on magic too.

    Very few games (if any) have a working astrological model like Sota, it's one of the things the detractors conveniently gloss over.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2019
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