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tartarus - gators teleporting

Discussion in 'World Building, Scenes, Environment, & Overworld' started by Alley Oop, Jun 10, 2019.

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  1. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    06/10/2019 03:59
    Title: tartarus - gators teleporting
    Reproduction Rate: intermittant
    Blocker? no
    Details: i think they're actually bouncing up and down the drop pit above their little dead end
    Steps to Reproduce:
    User Specs:
    OS: Linux 5.1 ManjaroLinux 18.0.4 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4430 CPU @ 3.00GHz (4) System RAM: 24053
    GPU: GeForce GTX 970/PCIe/SSE2 GPU RAM: 4096
    Area: Tartarus
    Area Display Name: Tartarus
    Loc: (1.0, 412.3, 101.7)
    Debug: VGFydGFydXN8fCgwLjk5OSwgNDEyLjI2MSwgMTAxLjcwMyl8KDAsIDAuMDQ3LCAwLCAtMC45OTkpfC0zNjUuMTk5MXwxOS44MzI2M3wxMg==
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