New Player PvE Questions

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Money Mike, Mar 28, 2018.

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  1. Money Mike

    Money Mike Avatar

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    Hey guys,

    Myself and a few others I play with just started this game and we’re liking the concepts so far. I just have a few questions in regards to PvE and content. This might not be the correct area to ask about PvE, but here it is.

    What are the best things/places to farm? Loot seems kind of bland, as monsters in tier 1 and tier 5 drop similar gold, regs, etc. Does every Monster have a chance to drop Rares other than COTO?

    What do strong monsters like dragons drop?

    Do artifacts drop off of any monsters or only certain ones?

    Other than artifacts, can you get good armor/weapons from monsters or is crafting the only way to get the best stuff?

    Are there dungeons like in Ultima? I.e. despise, shame, deceit, etc. I’ve found a few areas with secret areas like in black blade foothills with the Earth and Fire elementals in the cave, are these considered dungeons and does every zone have something?

    Any cool things to farm like Champ spawns, rare named monsters, etc.?

    What monsters should I be farming to get my skills up the fastest? I have 80 archery now, can barely take on tier 5 mobs.

    Thank you to anyone who helps answer some of the questions for me!
  2. Weins201

    Weins201 Avatar

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  3. Bubbagrim

    Bubbagrim Avatar

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    Pax Lair
    Did my best to answer some of your questions that I'm familiar with, maybe someone can pick up or add what I left off.

  4. Arya Stoneheart

    Arya Stoneheart Avatar

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    Human type mobs - humans, elves, undead. Places depends on color codes based on your adventure level - yellow is usually the way to go for XP.

    Try to stick with the yellow ones, if tier 5 is too much try a tier 4 like Serpent's Spine Foothills north of Brittany.
  5. Preachyr

    Preachyr Avatar

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    The gear you see now is basically what you will get throughout the game, except as you go to higher tiers you may get slightly more gold, and chances for artifacts increases.

    Weapons, and armor will mostly come from player crafters.
  6. Curt

    Curt Avatar

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    Animals don't drop gold or gear that can be sold. But you can skin them and that give crafting experience + animal hide you can sell.
    Humanoids drops gold and usually shoddy/rusty weapons at tier 1.
    There is plan's that items player has crafted but sold to npc vendors will show up in loot from mobs.
    Supply bundles is a rare loot that can drop from tier 3 scenes and up (i found a total of 10 grey supply bundles in a tier 3 so far)
    They can have artefacts and recipes

    Several towns has catacombs /sewers that kind of is an early dungeon

    Some mobs can drop weapons that can be salvaged with a very low chance to give a pattern
    That let you change the appearance of a weapon.
    When salvaging certain items you can also get rare components that can be used to craft good stuff
  7. danjacobsmith

    danjacobsmith Avatar

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    The loot tables slowly rise as you make it through the tiers. Even artifacts can randomly drop off normal tier 5 mobs with some luck. Around tier 4 and 5 you will start seeing yellow bags that drop. These bags can contain special recipes, drops and artifacts.

    There's a fair amount of named mobs in the game also. Named demons, liches, corpions and dragons (+more). These named mobs have expanded loot tables and they usually drop a page or two of items per kill.

    There is a large underground network of dungeons and zones that link to the overworld map (around 20 zones). These are some classic dungeon like experiences. There are a number of unique dungeon experiences too that are independent. At the high end of the game there's already more difficult dungeons such as the Rise and the home of the Kobolds.

    For additional group content there's also events. There's a number of wave like events that usually require a group. Each control point has an event like this, and they usually require a number of high level players to beat.

    While the game does lean towards a sandbox and most of the items are created by players, there's still plenty of items and reasons to go seek your fortunes out there. Many of the powerful mobs drop components required for the creation of the player made items.

    Good luck!
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