Problems with the current game that need addressed ASAP

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BodyCount, Jan 26, 2017.

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  1. BodyCount

    BodyCount Avatar

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    Where to begin... I have achieved adventure level 89 I own a house, I have most gm crafting abilities (outside of masterwork) and have played in 75+ of the different zones... I have visited the add-ons store and purchased items I have put enough time into the game to work a second job so with that said...

    1.) When I log in I'm not a big crafter or gatherer I like to use my characters abilities whether that is PvE or PvP (currently PvP is non-existent and worse than Lineage 2 flag/gank system)

    2.)PVE - fight the same mobs over and over no different strategy round em up or mow em down 1 by 1. Half of the zones are the same layout (and I watched a Twitch Live event that showed you guys are working on "sieges"... What if I told you every Discord or TS or Ventrilo I have been in EVERYONE skips through the siege to get to the town. and the people that do want to fight it can't kill 10+ liches at a time so they just die endlessly.. The best form of greifing or pvp in this game is to drag the liches to the zone-in entrance of the siege and die. so that anytime someone zones in they just get THUMPED by all the Liches!... So you have spent time and effort on Sieges that no one enjoys or wants to partake in... If you would like some ideas hop into my Discord!

    So after killing 5 million thugs and 5 million bears and wolfs and spiders.. I got a group to go kill more difficult mobs to see if we could get better loot. but the mob that I can kill solo and the mob that takes 5-8 of my buddies and me to kill drops the same if not LESS loot than the mobs i was killing by the thousands by myself. So that right there is a huge PROBLEM! no reason to group up and fight more difficult mobs because the loot does not scale. (developers coming from UO should know earth elementals dropped 115gp on average and dragons dropped near 2k and then gazers and all other mobs were tailored to drop gold based on their difficulty... Elder gazers dropped 1k and regular gazers dropped 150ish, those numbers are relatively close it has been awhile... but you get the idea)

    3.) The dungeons are a decent step in the right direction but loot tables still fail, miserably, to produce. Stop working on sieges and spend time where you can get more bang for your buck.

    4.) you have a unique concept that most games don't have and that is "the World Map" HOWEVER, the zones NEED to be larger and fewer and they NEED to have more mobs in them (atleast 10 times larger than they are with less dead space, in between mobs). Not many have experienced the flawed concept behind the instances you have but those who were involved in Control Points, when they were a thing to do in this game, couldn't even get in the same zone as their friends because the zone was "capped" make all of the zones 10 times larger than they are and add 10x the amount of mobs so those that like to adventure can do so and do it in Multiplayer (maybe)... I play in Friends Only 99.9% of the time because the zones are SO small that if 2 other people are in the zone I get about 25% of the mobs to kill that I would if I would have just joined friends only so the 10% boast in Multi-Player is negated heavily because I am killing 75% less Mobs (so who cares about 10% more exp on each of those mobs...)
  2. GrayFog

    GrayFog Avatar

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    I agree with you on everything you posted :p
    They are working this year on pretty much everything you mentioned in your post, i am 100% sure on this.

    Loot atleast will see deep improvements over the next couple of releases, starting with R38 (Today) already.
  3. Thwip

    Thwip Avatar

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    Have you ever seen sausages being made?
  4. Weins201

    Weins201 Avatar

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    Actually they screwed the game up when they let player advance so fast - shold have been much more like UO and take time, ALOT of time to get where you are.

    But since they are developing, the only real hope I have left is that they are holding a lot of content and stuff up their sleeves for the actual "release".

    If all that happens when the game "releases" is another patch and wala, it will be a HUGE disappointment.

    Since every time I log in I am reminded that the game in UNDER CONSTRUCTION , they even took the time to remind you in 75%= of the scenes.

    SO if they where smart they will stick to their guns let players who gamed the system, if the players do not want to polish and nit pick the smaller inconsequential bugs and system mechanics then , well to bad.
  5. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    I expect loot tables to be last.
    Think of the lead we have now, if they implemented proper loot tables 6-10months before release, new people could never compete as it would be flooded. And comparing gold amounts from anything else to in here is invalid. I made 40k on am imp in diablo 3. Completly irrelivent.
    While i agree the loot tables underwhelming, i actully get it from a long term economic point of view for the game. Expect that to be relativly last.

    Larger scenes, less of them. I agree.

    Especially when accounting for pvp focused areas. Im intrested too see how big blood bay is in this regard.

    The pve ones, are actually less important imo as there IS a lot of them, and friends mode is always am option. I think the idea of camping 1 zone with your party all day is what they are moving away from. They WANT you to run a zone and move on.
    Vaentorian, eagell, BodyCount and 2 others like this.
  6. Satan Himself

    Satan Himself Avatar

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    Agree completely, and I'd add:

    1) get rid of confusing and annoying xp system. Let us just level through playing like in UO.
    2) do not cap skills BUT do make them increasingly more difficult to advance the higher you go (similar to the system currently in place)

    Thus rewarding players who spend more time in the game, and eliminating the need to constantly tinker with our skill trees to game the xp system.
  7. Insinious FizzleThorpe

    Insinious FizzleThorpe Avatar

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    So you would rather GM parrying off a bladespirt? The only reason I see XP as part of skill progression is to hinder unattended macroing on gustballs and the such. Which was ok to do.. Now that it is a banable offence to macro, police that and remove xp all together. Make skills go up on a real usebased system. You can still set parameters for 100 swings at skill level 20 will net you skill level 21. 1000 swings at 40 will net you 41.. 1000000 swings at 90 for 91 so on.. You want community interaction? Who doesn't remember the conversations at the bonewall while working on bandages and weapon skills.. or the mage in the back casting heals to increase their magic.. the rogue practicing hiding just about you shouting the reds are coming? Now imo that was a perfect skill ramp system had tons of interaction between players. Hell even butcherkinves in the Jehlom Pits worked well! Damnit I miss that game!
  8. Gix

    Gix Avatar

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    Zone size are decent enough, what they lack is purpose.
    Vaentorian, dakit, Numa and 6 others like this.
  9. dorkish

    dorkish Avatar

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    my bigest problem when i restarted the game was getting threw the passes haven't even gotten high enough for master crafting etc did notice that it's really hard to find and sort threw the recpies on the vendors i'd hope that they would just have the basic stuff to raise crafting skills then make all the good stuff mob or quest lootable you diffently need a guild to get stuff done at this point not very solo friendly but thats pretty much what i would expect at this point all the general stuff is allready in it's mostly clean up at this point polish the quests and loot tables and add a few zones and features here and there :)
  10. Insinious FizzleThorpe

    Insinious FizzleThorpe Avatar

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    I wouldn't even mind the ability to spar with your summons, aka practice on that daemon if you can live long enough!
    Lord Ravnos and Budner like this.
  11. cyathome

    cyathome Avatar

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    Yup, larger scenes is badly needed. They need to be at least large enough to support 3 full groups of players each in a different area. There is little room for the mulit-player aspect in these small scenes.

    But, more scenes not less! The world needs to be huge with tons of places to go and things to see, do and kill! The world size atm is a decent 'start' but it needs to grow... a lot.
  12. GrayFog

    GrayFog Avatar

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    disagree, agree :p
  13. 2112Starman

    2112Starman Avatar

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    I have no issue with any of these requests.

    I will say that every single one of them have been asked to the devs in the past and discussed by dev's in telethons and such and are still on plan to go through reversions.

    Im ok with you bringing them back up to reminds them of this.
  14. BodyCount

    BodyCount Avatar

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    I can sort of agree with you on this.. however I have a problem (I can admit this...) I game most days 6-8 hours... and some days I game 15 hours... so regardless of how much you hold back if I really want to. I can achieve it.
    MrBlight likes this.
  15. BodyCount

    BodyCount Avatar

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    Sometimes you get engulfed in making the game that you get on tangents, so just making sure we stay on focus =)
  16. Lord Spaz

    Lord Spaz Avatar

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    Is this game still in Beta??
  17. Lord Spaz

    Lord Spaz Avatar

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    they should have just bought the rights bacvk ;)
    Problem here is we all came for UO but its not the trend to make good games anymore they became way too complex to make it seems
  18. Nadomir

    Nadomir Avatar

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    Hannover, Germany
    Actually it's not even in Beta yet... but with the "Early Access" and croudfunding models the old "alpah" and "beta" phases kind of blur.

    All the point made by the op are valid and will be adressed sooner or later. There is still a lot to be done before this game is ready for official launch and all of that needs time. Nothing of it can or will be done "asap".
    Vaentorian likes this.
  19. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    IMO, UO sucks in comparison to SotA, even in it's current unfinished form.
  20. 2112Starman

    2112Starman Avatar

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    I beta tested UO, it was terrible as was the game in general for the first 6 months. In beta it took 5 minutes at times to take a step. People really dont know how well they truly have it in SOTA for a game not even in beta. It largely feels like a finished product with only 20% of its content needing work as well as finishing pass's on most systems.
    mercster likes this.
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