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[Resolved] Very Strange Synchronization Behavior

Discussion in 'Critical Issues (Blockers, Performance, Crashes)' started by kaeshiva, Nov 15, 2018.

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  1. kaeshiva

    kaeshiva Avatar

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    We didn't check emotes, but when she 'jumped' I saw her jump (in the stuck place). Next time this happens we'll try emote, tho for now, we're kinda avoiding grouping together cause it keeps going weird.
  2. kaeshiva

    kaeshiva Avatar

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    Ok, it has happened again.
    Player is out of combat, but to my viewpoint, she is in combat, miles from where she actually is.
    She's doing emotes and dances, I cannot see any of them. Her character's just standing there doing nothing.
    She's (really) over by troll island but I see here here:

    Skeleton mage spawning here COULD hit and hurt her but she is miles away from it / couldn't fight back. I rescued.

    I've now moved to where she 'really' is over by troll island, and she's doing emotes, but I'm not seeing any of the text or any of the effects at either location
    She's doing breaths, leaves, etc. but I see nothing, its like she's not even here.

    I'm stood where she 'really' is (she marked with fire ring) but she's way over there > on my screen

    If she summons pet, it shows up.


    If she gets ATTACKED, by the thing miles away from her, her pet turns and runs to go rescue her off across the zone.

    To HER point of view, she's standing next to me, but taking fire damage from an invisible source, and her pet is running off on its own to go kill it.

    Here's a SS from her persepctive, you can see the ring of fire (cast by the skeleton mage that's after her, that isn't anywhere near us) but I can't see it on my screen. I see her across the zone taking damage.

    Sara Dreygon likes this.
  3. Apostle

    Apostle Avatar

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    11/17/2018 15:28
    Title: Sync issues
    Reproduction Rate: Not sure? 50%? Its happened twice in two different zones today.
    Blocker? Yes, kind of.
    Details: in-game The person im partied died and when he res'd by ankh his body was laying halfway down the clear near the loc I gave. I cant target him or anything, its in corpse formation. The health bar is empty as well just as if he was dead, but he has respawn long since. He can target the same creatures I can, but they don't target him. Also. his corpse spins around as he auto attacks, but other than the nothing happens. I cant interact with him at any way. Also, in one instance, there was a skeleton hitting his corpse down by the cliff, and he couldn't see anything on his screen (because on his screen, he wasn't at the cliff of course), and he was losing health and died. I could see everything, and my party member couldn't. Also I asked him to do an emote and nothing happened.

    Steps to Reproduce: So far this has happened in Brightbone Pass (which is the loc I gave), but this also happened earlier at Spectral Peaks. Try grouping with someone and playing for a while and maybe dying.
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz (8) System RAM: 32728
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 GPU RAM: 7988
    Area: BrightbonePass
    Area Display Name: Brightbone Pass
    Loc: (415.2, 29.3, 312.2)
    Debug: QnJpZ2h0Ym9uZVBhc3N8fCg0MTUuMTkzLCAyOS4zMDEsIDMxMi4xNzEpfCgwLCAwLjk0OSwgMCwgLTAuMzE3KXw5MzcuMTU5OHw2LjA3NDM2NHw0LjQzMTcxNw==
  4. kaeshiva

    kaeshiva Avatar

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    Just had this happen in town - while stood on same lot with Arkah, same behavior - he was standing there but wasn't there, showing in combat mode when he wasn't and despite being appearing next to each other, couldn't trade/interact.
  5. Lord Subtleton

    Lord Subtleton Developer Emeritus

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    @kaeshiva Thanks for all of the posts. They were helpful in solving the mystery. I'm marking this issue resolved, as of build #875.
    Jaesun, Sorthious and kaeshiva like this.
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