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(Sold) WTS royal founder cutlass and more

Discussion in 'Sell Items (WTS Gear, Decorations, Crafted Items)' started by Alioth, Jun 6, 2018.

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  1. Alioth

    Alioth Avatar

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    WTS a few items that came with my account to raise funds in game to help me get my archery / fishing shop off the ground. Looking for IGG, would also consider COTO or PP but prefer gold. Make me an offer for individual items or as a set.

    Royal founders cutlass
    Founders cutlass

    Royal founder cloth tunic
    Founders cloth tunic
    Benefactors cloth tunic

    Benefactors cloak
    Founders cloak

    Steampunk top hat
    Portable aether vibration amplifier

    Not included in above, I also have a royal founders cloak and an immortality fruit seed which I want to keep, but if the offer was good enough I would consider including.
  2. Warrior B'Patrick

    Warrior B'Patrick Avatar

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    Athens, Georgia, USA
    Greetings @Alioth, I don't really need anything but was wondering what you might need to get the shop going? Where is your store so I can come by and look?
  3. Alioth

    Alioth Avatar

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    Hi @Warrior B'Patrick, thanks for asking. My shop is in the NE corner of Crossroads Alley. Please do stop by! Had our "soft" opening on 6/4 about a week ago, mostly have been selling off miscellany until I can get enough stock and such together to be more predominantly archery based. Also selling enchanted fishing rods and bait, with the eager anticipation for the fishing system to get updated someday. :D

    Things I am hoping to provide:
    - quality made bows and crossbows for early to mid tier game play
    - all the different bowstaves, crossbow stocks, and bowstrings for DIYers
    - quivers (eventually hopefully all the quivers for IGG)
    - all the different rare bows
    - an archery range in basement to try out bows before you buy
    - enchanted fishing rods and bait/tackle
    - limited selection of a few other adventuring supplies, like taming collars, scrolls, potions for convenience

    Things I am looking for:
    - grey pine crossbow stock recipe and fustian bowstring recipe (last ones i haven't found for decent price yet)
    - all other bow stave/stock/string recipes at a decent price to have these available for new players.
    - and then as much as I can get my hand on of the bowery mats:
    -Sooty bark
    -Pine resin
    -Animal Hide
    -Elven bows
    Hoping I can get it to all come together for a grand opening within the next few weeks, but we'll see. : )
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