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Highvale Outskirts - Task "speak to Leftenant Simone"

Discussion in 'Offline Mode' started by Paladin Michael, Sep 23, 2017.

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  1. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    1. Title: Captain Burnes asks to speak to Leftenant Simone for helping her
    2. Reproduction Rate: first try
    3. Blocker?--
    4. Details: I entered the monastary and talked to Leftenant Simone (didn't ask about her name). After asking for help she gave me the quest "Bedrolls and Wheat sacks". Then I met Captain Burnes, who asked me to speak to Simone, although I met her just before and received the quest "Bedrolls and Wheat Sacks".
      This wouldn't be a problem, but because of the task "speak to Leftenant Simone" appears, I have to speak to her again, without new information.
    5. Steps to Reproduce: Enter Highvale Outskirts --> Monestary --> Leftenant Simone --> Captain Burnes --> Leftenant Simone to clear the task "Speak to ..." without any further information.
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