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[Known] Obsidian 4-story Row Home Roof

Discussion in 'Player Owned Towns & Player Housing' started by scroda, Apr 19, 2018.

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  1. scroda

    scroda Empyrean Enforcer

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    4/19/2018 4:44 PM
    Title: Obsidian 4-story Row Home Roof
    Reproduction Rate: 100%
    Blocker? n
    Details: The roof of the 4-story Obsidian row home has some issues.
    1. The ledges around the 4 sides are of varying sizes when they should be equal and symmetrical.
    2. The spikes on the 4-story home(the 4 corners of the roof) are rounded and smooth where the spikes are the 2 and 3-story homes are menacingly sharp and evil. Please copy/paste the spikes to the 4-story home.
    3. Underneath the 4 corner pieces on the highest roof area are missing blocks which make it look like heavy stone is levitating.
    4. The outside wall of the top room has some lighting issues on the outside.


    Steps to Reproduce: Go to the roof a 4-story obsidian row home and look around
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz (6) System RAM: 16344
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 GPU RAM: 8088
    Area: Novia_R3_City_Brittany
    Area Display Name: Central Brittany
    Loc: (-26.4, 55.8, -26.1)
    Debug: Tm92aWFfUjNfQ2l0eV9Ccml0dGFueXx8KC0yNi40MTMsIDU1Ljc3NiwgLTI2LjE0NCl8KDAsIC0wLjU0LCAwLCAtMC44NDIpfDQyNC4yNDMzfDI5LjkxMDkxfDEwLjMwMjUy
  2. Lexie

    Lexie Bear Queen Emeritus

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    And this is new on QA? weird.
    I've submitted: 58138. Thanks!
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