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R18 Starting Experience Likes/Dislikes

Discussion in 'Release 18 Feedback' started by Beaumaris, May 28, 2015.

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  1. Beaumaris

    Beaumaris Avatar

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    Started new character for R18 to try to have a 'new player' experience . I took notes on things I noted as I went, classifying it simply as what I liked and what I disliked as I experienced it.

    Solace Bridge Starting Area
    - Like the scene in general. Good pace for new players to learn controls before facing a skeleton.
    - Like NPC conversations, they work fine. Not too much detail for a starting area is good.
    - Like the new player tips . The instructions simple enough to follow. Seemed adequate.
    - Like that the tip boxes are appear on top of one another.
    - Like finding the elf nearby
    - Like the quest logging. What Edvard told me is being recorded ok i think.
    - Dislike that the tip boxes are semi-transparent (at least in my settings). Multiple box text overlaps a bit.
    - Dislike that I can only find a sword/shield once outside the keep. Wishing for more weapons.
    - Dislike the 'another world' text. I felt it relied on me getting that context from the game's cinematic (which is ok for a brand new player, but I skipped this time)

    - Like being greeted by Lord British just as I materialized! Cool. Add that to every build :)
    - Like the Soltown campsite starting point a great deal. Felt comfortable, but with things to explore.
    - Like the depth of conversations with Emily, Linda, and the Traveller. And the cats :) It worked fine.
    - Like the diversity in the three cats. Fun :)
    - Like the scene appearance in general. Great shadows. I like the road lantern that beckons me to town.
    - Like that I cannot sell to the barmaid all of the spare alchemy stuff i picked up in Solace Bridge.
    - Like the Banker in the Inn vs. at the town zone point.
    - Like that I am finding reagents and arrows for sale.
    - Dislike that double clicking items like a bucket adds to inventory, when i expected to peer into bucket.
    - Perhaps trial and error is needed to learn what a containing is or not.
    - Dislike that adjacent wagon is not a gypsy wagon :) But I guess this is a refugee theme?
    - Dislike the mega bird chirps. At first it was nice, but then i noticed explosion of chirping happening a little too often. Sounded like pet store chirping gone wild for a bit. But it does subside after awhile.
    - Dislike no splashing sound when jumping in water.
    - Dislike leaving camp being a little unclear on what Emily or Linda told me to do. Nothing in journal.
    - Dislike Emma the Barmaid's pathing behavior on the stairs, running down then back up.
    - Dislike lighting in the Inn at night. It didnt feel warm in the Inn. But maybe its not suppose to.
    - Dislike lighting in the Soltown square in general. Too dark to see NPC faces at night in some cases.
    - Dislike hearing tavern style chatter standing outside of Soltown, but not hearing it at the Inn.

    - Like how the town / zone names have a notable contrast at night.
    - Dislike darkness level of overworld at night. As a new player, I wouldnt know where the roads were.
    - Dislike that towns and adventure zones have the same banner style. Hard to differentiate at night in runic.

    East Perennial Trail
    - Like that music from overworld abruptly ended on entering and it was eerily quiet.
    - Like that I think I heard rustling in the reeds.
    - Like the swamp land graphics more and more, especially trees/reeds that provide some color contrast.
    - Dislike that the game didnt warn me to build a deck after changing out skills in Soltown. Oops!
    - Dislike the spawn. I saw two other players in the zone, but no monster packs on making a circuit of it.
    - Dislike the spawn more. Ran around in zone for five minutes and finally saw one bear.
    - Dislike that as archer (ranged) with a royal founders bow it took me 22 arrows to kill one large brown bear.
    - Dislike that I can only carry about 100 arrows presently, and it takes 22 to kill one bear.
    - Dislike that I have a 4% chance to skin a bear, just outside a starting town (4%!)
    - Dislike that I got fed up with failed bear skinning in a starter zone. Bear corpse vanished before I could succeed.
    - Dislike that I continued to try to harvest the bear (locked in animation) after its corpse vanished.
    - Dislike slow (nil) health regeneration while standing doing nothing in combat stance.
    - Dislike no music in this zone at all, after awhile being there.
    - Dislike that Skeleton image in water seems to stretch and shrink as i run up to it or away from it.
    - Dislike spawn in that I saw one bear and 4 bandits in 20 minutes.
    - Dislike that a bandit kept hitting me causing damage after he was dead.
    - Dislike that with 3 points in ranged accuracy, 3 points in ranged distance, and 3 in damage that I could not kill a ruffian standing on a rock. He generated after hits faster than arrows could take him down.
    - Dislike that 100 arrows ran out so easily with so few kills. Dislike had to switch to sword.
    - Dislike that sword was able to handle foes much easier than arrows. Had much less trouble.
    - Dislike no arrow loot pickups despite investing 3 points in the arrow pickup skill.
    - Dislike not readily finding trees to cut, in the hopes of crafting more arrows. Not intuitive at first.
    - Dislike how complicated basic arrows are to craft when i am out in the wild with none, given their burn rate.
    - Dislike, in hind sight, that it cost me 200 gold for 100 arrows, seeing how fast they are burned in combat.
    - Dislike not seeing any level up message in the chat window, though I hear it and get a pop up otherwise.
    - Dislike that I find myself in Perennial Woods but am not really sure why (for game play) now.

    Overland Map
    - Like the illumination of East Perennial Trail after existing, but should it have a town image?
    - Like the overland map music, but couldn't hear it much because of tavern type noise.
    - Dislike that I hear Inn style voices outside of East Perennial Trail forest zone. Wrong audio.
    - Dislike that I am confused why some towns have illuminated runic banners, while some don't.
    - Dislike trying to understand where to navigate to or now on overland in the dark. Cant see roads.
    - Dislike that i need a torch on overland map, but i can live with that. It makes sense.
    - Dislike that founders cloak or dukes crown don't seem to be functioning as light source.

    - Dislike the darkness entering town again. Cant find vendors easily. Cant see PCs easily.
    Katrina Bekers likes this.
  2. Caliya

    Caliya Avatar

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    -The lighting changes so frequently, and nighttime is so terribly dark, it's almost impossible to navigate correctly. It's hard to even see the paths. Maybe this is intended, but it makes it more frustrating than the realism.
    -In the short time I played (the Grand Tour), it seemed like it was dark a lot more than light, probably because it's frustrating
    -Sunrise and time of day lighting is stupid awesome. The fact the light only showed on the east side of the trees at sunrise was uber amazing.
    -There seem to be a lot of lighting issues, though there are a lot of very awesome improvements
    -Walking on the overland map is painfully slow
    -Powerful skeletons res 3 times, instead of 2, seems overdone but the current XP for finally killing one is very nice
    -Nice that Spectral Foothills is greatly expanded
    -Disappointed Spectral Mines are so tiny
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