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Sun Glyph: Blind, Not Working Properly

Discussion in 'Release 28 Bug Forum' started by agra, Apr 2, 2016.

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  1. agra

    agra Avatar

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    1. Title: Sun Glyph: Blind, Not Working Properly
    2. Reproduction Rate: 100%
    3. Blocker? No
    4. Details:
      Summary: Blind does the opposite of what it claims to do, that is, for auto attack/free attack damage, it makes the target HARDER to hit, not easier.

      Presumptions: Damage Avoidance affects auto attack/free attack damage, that is, the higher your Damage Avoidance, the less you will be hit by auto attack/free attack, and conversely, the lower your Damage Avoidance, the more often you will be hit by auto attack/free attack. A target with zero percent (0%) Damage Avoidance will not reduce the baseline accuracy of an attacker.

      With that in mind, I broke out the trusty gustball and wacked away at it for 5 minutes and parsed my accuracy: ( ADV Level 47, 74 skill bludgeons , 40STR 35DEX )
      Total lines parsed: 270
      Total Hits: 222 , Total Misses: 48 , Accuracy: 82.22%

      .. then, the same with Blind, keeping Blind active on the target every 10 seconds: (and losing some auto attack swings in the process) Blind skill 56 (-35% dmg avoid for 10 sec) and 22 sun attunement:
      Total lines parsed: 249
      Total Hits: 187 , Total Misses: 62 , Accuracy: 75.10%

      Doesn't seem right, I repeated this experiment a few times, and the disparity was always somewhere between 5 and 7% LESS accurate. As in, I hit the target LESS when it was blinded. This seems backwards, so I tried a Duel/PvP controlled conditions. My target in PvP has 0% avoidance as a baseline, and the tooltip reflects a -35% avoidance rate when Blind is in effect on the target. Obviously, I had to be more cautious about not killing my target, but that aside, the test variables are consistent with the first test. As this is a live target, and not a gustball, crtis are parsed as well.

      Total lines parsed: 111
      Total Hits: 77 , Total Misses: 34 , Accuracy: 69.37%
      Total crits: 8 10.39%

      Ok, so accuracy against another player, even with 0% avoidance is considerably lower, that's surprising, but whatever, as long as we have our baseline, let's try it now with Blind, which produces a -35% Damage Avoidance number on the paperdoll/tooltip of the target, when in effect. You would think, with such a debuff, the target would literally be running in front of the weapon, grabbing it, and hitting themselves with it, but no..

      Total lines parsed: 94
      Total Hits: 58 , Total Misses: 36 , Accuracy: 61.70%
      Total crits: 0 0.00%

      Now I'm really confused, and have no idea what Blind is doing, but it's not "Blinding" my opponent, that's for certain.

      NOTE: If Blind does not affect auto attack/free attack damage, this test has no relevance. However, if that is true, please confirm that Blind not affecting auto attack/free attack is working as intended.

    5. Steps to Reproduce: Use Blind, note reduction of "Damage Avoidance" on target, note increase in difficulty to hit the target(?!?)
    6. User Specs: Not Relevant
  2. Attenwood

    Attenwood Portalarian Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Submitting for review. Thanks for reporting!
    agra likes this.
  3. Chris

    Chris Tech Lord Moderator Ambassador SOTA Developer

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    So I just stepped through the logic and this is working as expected. I think the problem is you're assuming that reducing someone's damage avoidance increases your hit chance and it does not. If you only have a 75% hit chance and the gust ball or the player you're attacking has a 0% damage avoidance, giving him a -35 DA will not make your hit chance go up to 110% or even 80%. The target has to have some value to decrease or it won't help. All things have an innate DA of DEX/2 plus armor and skill mods.
  4. agra

    agra Avatar

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    If it's working as intended, that's fine, but I will say this: As working, with this short duration, it seems extremely difficult to justify using this skill at all.
    If it doesn't make your target easier to hit, or if it doesn't make YOU harder to hit (which is what the flavor text claims, despite the actual effect) then what's the point?
    Under what combat conditions would this skill be of use? Debuffs are hard enough to justify in Shroud combat as it is, if this doesn't increase DPS or some other quantifiable/parseable effect, I can't see anyone ever using this.

    Logically, "reducing someone's damage avoidance" should "increase your hit chance" against them. If their ability to avoid a hit is lower, it should be easier to hit them.
    Unless this effect is completely wrong, and what it should be doing is making it harder for the target to hit the player/caster, in which case, a buff to the player/caster increasing their damage avoidance would seem to satisfy the name and flavor text.
    Fister Magee likes this.
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