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WTS Player Owned Town

Discussion in 'Sell Items (WTS Gear, Decorations, Crafted Items)' started by Sea Hunter, Nov 12, 2019.

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  1. Sea Hunter

    Sea Hunter Avatar

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    Not quite sure where to place this post, so anyone know a better place feel free to let me know.

    Anyway I would like to sell my Player Owned Town.

    The name of it is Sea Bear's Black Market. it is located just north of Brittany on an island, just run north about 10 steps or so and look for the boat sitting along the bank.
    It is a Metropolis in size and has all the items that came with it plus a few extra items as I had 4 pots at one time and somehow ended up with a few extra things after selling them awhile back.

    Feel free to stop by or leave me a PM with any questions you may have.

    I am a trusted trader within the Discord community and many folks thru out this game can vouch as to my honesty and desire to make your purchase a enjoyable transaction. I have been a part of SOTA since early 2015 and am not going anywhere, just trying to correctly size my ambitions and commitments to the game.

    POT's are a whole lot of fun if you are wiling to spend some time and effort on them! Just ask any governor you see in the game on a regular basis.

    Unfortunately due to some on going health issues, I know longer can sit in front of a computer for all the time I would like to continue and take care of and build up my town.

    I have no one living there at the moment so getting players to move or out of the town in case you wish to move it, change the biome, name etc. It should not be an issue.

    I also have left the miles of hand crafted wooden walls up in case you are interested in a look that makes your town a bit unique. I also have left tons of crafted cobblestone down also in case you like the look. If not I will remove everything on short notice and before deliver so you can do as you wish.

    I believe I have a token to cover the cost notifying Portalarium and having the POT switched over to your account.

    Once funds have been received to me via PayPal , I will give all POT items to you so you can start building your town into the one of your dreams right away if you like.

    I will immediately send an email to Port requesting the transfer of ownership to your SOTA account. and give you a copy of that email as well as ask Port to notify you asap they complete the transfer. Which you will be able to check each day when ever you like by logging into your account home page and just looking to see if they have made you the new owner yet.

    From my experience it takes Port about a week to 10 days to actually get the POT switched from one account to another. It could be more or less so don't get nervous.
    Your funds will be safe and secure until all loose ends are buttoned up.
    I also can provide the name of governors who have purchased Player Owned Towns from me in the past as references if needed.

    I will submit the request to Port immediately upon funds receipt and give you a copy of the email as well as request that Port notify you once they have completed the ownership swap. Here is a link if anyone has a few questions or concerns: https://www.shroudoftheavatar.com/f...rades-pot-rewards-and-service-vouchers.67648/


    Sea Bear

    PS... not going anywhere, just need to put this little puppy into better hands as I am unable to provide the town all it needs in order to grow and thrive. I would like to maybe request a place to put a home within the town for as long as you will allow me or until until I figure out where else to live if possible? But not a big deal if I need to move on. I understand. Who wants a grumpy old man living in their town besides another grumpy old man :(

    As an after thought, I have hundreds if not thousands of items and decorations you may or may not be interested in for your POT. I am in the process of making up a list as I would like to get find a new home for a good bit of items if possible. Lot deeds of all sizes, at least one of every home in the game many no longer available. Tons of deco items and so forth.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2019
  2. Fionwyn Wyldemane

    Fionwyn Wyldemane Avatar

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    @Sea Bear sorry to hear of your health concerns! It is my hope that you get well. <3
  3. Warrior B'Patrick

    Warrior B'Patrick Avatar

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    Athens, Georgia, USA
    Greetings @Sea Bear
    I can personally vouch for Sea Bear and his honesty and drive to help this community. Sorry to hear of your issues but I have high hopes you will persevere and be back playing full time soon. I have a new Island POT off the coast of Port Titan and you are always welcome to come live there and be a part time steward if you want.

    PS POT sales are usually posted in the House and Lot Listings.
    Fionwyn Wyldemane likes this.
  4. Proteus Tempest

    Proteus Tempest Avatar

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    @Sea Hunter

    Sorry to hear about your health concerns.

    Prayer sent for you.
    Fionwyn Wyldemane likes this.
  5. Sea Bear

    Sea Bear Avatar

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    I appreciate that friends. Will move my post as well thank you.
    Fionwyn Wyldemane likes this.
  6. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Resting in Devil's Lair in Mistrendur
    @Sea Hunter and the one I know betteer @Sea Bear I am sad to see you selling your town but when some actions are necessary we do what we need to do. Thank you for all the years of knowing you. Hopefully there are many more to come. There is always room for one more "old" person in Dragomir Mori. It is no longer a "Mori" town for I am in Carpe Noctem guild. The name still fits in meaning....Precious Peace by remembering you will die. Just as I remember that all will die so I will always remember the guild along with Greyfox, Night Fury, Roper DocHoliday, Stu, Monkeysmack and you.....Sea Bear. Take care of your health as you go about each day whether in this game or in real life activities.
  7. Fionwyn Wyldemane

    Fionwyn Wyldemane Avatar

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    @Sea Bear I bought my first RF account from a man named Gallucio. He had health issues and back then I had the extra cash to spend. He needed help and I liked the idea of having a RF account. I have never forgotten him all these years later.

    Hang in there, you have friends here and we are rooting for you! Something I should have done on my first post - I'll vouch for you too. <3
    Warrior B'Patrick likes this.
  8. Frederick Glasgow

    Frederick Glasgow Avatar

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    @Sea Bear I am sorry to hear you are battling health issues also.
    Just throwing my 2 cents in, Sea Bear is a trusted seller and I would never have issues buying from him, no matter the amount involved.
    Fionwyn Wyldemane likes this.
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