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[Responded] Recurring stutters

Discussion in 'Release 44 Bug Forum' started by moko, Aug 9, 2017.

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  1. moko

    moko Avatar

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    8/9/2017 1:50 PM
    Title: Recurring stutters
    Reproduction Rate: 100%
    Blocker? yes
    Details: I get recurring stutters since at least the last two patches (haven't played in at least half a year before). The stutters occur approximately every 2 minutes and don't last long but are still annoying. I've switched to the "fastest" graphics settings, tried windowed mode, a lower resolution but that didn't change the stutters. I've recorded a video, the stutter occurs 5 seconds in, the password to access the video is "avatar"

    I don't think it's my system's resources so it's probably a bug?
    (Here's a screenshot of the task manager in regards to resources http://imgur.com/a/bOdEz)

    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz (8) System RAM: 32720
    GPU: AMD Radeon R9 290 GPU RAM: 4071
    Area: Novia_R1_Hills03_01
    Area Display Name: Whiteguard Foothills
    Loc: (16.2, 71.9, -82.0)
    Debug: Tm92aWFfUjFfSGlsbHMwM18wMXx8KDE2LjIxNywgNzEuODY4LCAtODIuMDQzKXwoMCwgMC44NzcsIDAsIDAuNDgpfDExOTcuNDExfDcwfDEuNzI4ODU1
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  2. Lexie

    Lexie Bear Queen Emeritus

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    Sound stuttering is a known issue as of late, it is something that didn't happen when you played last, most likely. Performance boosts will help with this in general, which is on us.
    BUT you are seeing it way too frequently, every 2 minutes. There may be some ways to improve this, like updating your sound drivers. Is it mostly with spells like fire? Let us know if you find a certain pattern of it happening.

    Sometimes I get a sound hitch problem, but most of the time I don't, and when it does happen it is usually in very busy places. I also check my system memory because if that is all in use I get the sound stutter quite a bit.
  3. moko

    moko Avatar

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    So far I have not seen any indication of it occuring while doing special things or visiting busy places, it is kind of a permanent, regular occurance, independent from what I do or where I am. My system memory has yet to run full, so I assumed that is not the problem. I reported it as bug because I didn't change anything on my system and I didn't have this problem 6-9 months ago. I'll try updating my drivers though, maybe it will help.
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