LVL 52 Exp Farm

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ederius, May 2, 2018.

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  1. ederius

    ederius Avatar

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    Good morning!

    I'm hoping for a little insight - I'm currently a lvl 52 adventurer. Focused mainly on ranged combat with some bladed combat and death magic (can summon skeletons). Where would you suggest I hunt to farm xp during this double xp event?

  2. WrathPhoenix

    WrathPhoenix Avatar

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    In my neck of the woods, Elysium, I'd recommend maybe whispering woods or Twin foothills. Any tier 4 or low tier 5 spot should be good though.
  3. Weins201

    Weins201 Avatar

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    your level is irrelevant (a number to use a guide for things) you need to look at your Exp pool and skills training.

    If you are training skills and most are below 80 try and maintain your exp pool at least to 100K when you get to training skills over 80 then look at keeping your pool above 500K

    If you are killing things and your Pool is just going down you are either killing things that too hard or have too many skills set to train. If they are too hard you are using to many skills in each kill resulting in a net loss of exp points.

    There is a direct correlation between Skill Level / Number Skills vs Difficulty of critters killing.

    Learn to manage your skills. There are time when you will want to lock them all then what oyu are killing is irrelevant since every kill gains exp some only a little some a lot. If oyu want to gather leather then animals, If just things to sell humanoids.

    to many players are looking at their Level and not really managing their skills.
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