Black Sails Saga - Part 4 - Kahli and Beyond

Discussion in 'The Library' started by Boris Mondragon, Mar 24, 2019.

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  1. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Docking at your port soon
    Earlier that week !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Boris and Catherine ran towards the confrontation between Trinity and Desiree. He had not seen anyone so well trained in seduction and subterfuge before and both were baffled as the woman dove into the water and disappeared from sight. They ran up to Trinity who was also surprised how fast the woman disappeared.

    "Lady Catherine, Captain Trinity, nay worry as I will send Sergeant Millott after her immediately. If anyone can track her he can. Make the necessary preparations for the fleet readiness and I will go after her myself. This is personal now between me and that woman".

    Boris had Sergeant Millott summoned to his quarters on the "Dragon". He gave him the glove Desiree had given him with her scent still on it. Sgt Millott was prepared and took his tracking bird with him. This black seahawk could cover vast distances and would ensure a quick reply to Boris once Desiree's tracks and final destination were found. As Millott departed towards lands unknown, Boris stepped downstairs to the scene of the theft.

    Out of sight from the others downstairs on the ship tavern he unleashed his fury.

    "THAT *****". He ripped the cork off the rum bottle with his teeth and spat it against the floor in disgust , took a deep swig from it and threw it against the wall. The bottle shattered in a thousand pieces. He kicked the nearest chair and then flipped the tables leaving the place a mess.

    Razulah heard the commotion and feared the captain had lost his mind. He ran downstairs to see Boris kicking chairs, breaking bottles and in a state of pure rage.

    "Captain, I can bring more chairs and bottles for you to finish your outburst then regain your composure if you wish"

    Razulah stood here looking at him and then broke into laughter to lighten up the intensity.

    Boris looked back at him still in a rage with another bottle of rum in his hand, he grinned at Razulah then put the bottle down on the last remaining upright table.

    He saw the look on Razulah's face and he started to laugh himself.

    "Razulah, this has just begun. We must get the map back before she gives it to the Obsidians and I know they are behind this. I will deal with her personally after its over and she has no idea what I have in store for her.

    Boris stormed out of the ship and went to the shore. He found the highest area of Dragomir and sat there thinking and waiting for the sun to rise. He heard the voice of the Sea Goddess speak to him.

    "Do not let the woman they sent cloud your mind nor your heart. You were fooled with the oldest tricks available to mankind. You are human after all and your intense passion for life and women will continue to get the better of you. Control it and it will not lead to your downfall. Succumb to it and you will fail. Have faith and go to where your voyage in this land started and you will get your guidance and answers there"

    Boris heard the voice vanish from his mind. He was calm now and he knew of what land he spoke. He would travel to that secluded beach in Paxlair. He would find his answers there. For now he would look to the Coastline in front of him and gather his thoughts. The sun rose and he had a new purpose with the future of Novia shaped by his victory or failure. Desiree must be found at all costs.

    Lily Byrd, Jaesun, Adam Crow and 7 others like this.
  2. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    ... Dragomir Mori ...

    After they recognized, that Michael wasn't here any longer, Ariel and Samael decided to follow where he was last seen.
    Razulah told them about the attack of the Obsidians and how he followed one of them and in what direction.

    Something was more than strange - this was not at all the Michael that they all knew. Something was wrong!
    Also the theft of the map by this woman named 'Desiree'! Someone who must be very strong in the way of water magic!

    Again they had to go different ways to prevent the Obsidian Ebon Dawn to get the Medaillons - but again, different paths should end up in one destination ...

    [ to be continued ... ]
    Lily Byrd, Jaesun, Adam Crow and 6 others like this.
  3. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Resting in Devil's Lair in Mistrendur
    "Captain Boris I am glad to see your resolve to find Desiree return to you today. The betrayal and theft of the map by Desiree was so very discouraging . I was angry and very upset, Boris, for she claimed to be a friend but she was just a deceiver sent by the dastardly and evil Obsidians. It is for sure to lead to another battle."

    "We will find her for we must find her. Our very existence depends on stopping the Obsidians from gaining control and using these powerful artifacts of communication. We will succeed!"

    "Boris, Captain Boris! Over here. Look, here is a piece of her clothing!"


    "She has to be here somewhere. This is such a huge area to search with many outposts spaced quite a distance apart from each other. She could be hiding anywhere in here. She may even have found refuge with Obsididan sympatizers."

    " I am so glad you contacted Sergeant Millott and his black seahawk, his tracking bird.. We must find her before she and her Obsidian companions get to the buried artifacts."

    "Thank you. What was that?! Those bears came out of no where. I think I will keep my weapon out for now."

    I turned toward the voice when Boris spoke.

    Boris answered the woman's voice with "Yes, we are ok. Thank you."

    The woman said "What are you doing here?"

    "We have come to Kahli to search for an Obsidian seductress named Desiree."

    The woman then introduced herself as Helvig Ingvildsdottir.

    "It is a pleasure to meet you Helvig Ingvildsdottir. This my friend Lady CatherineRose from Dragomir Mori. I am Captain Boris Mondragon from Port Dragomir. We have a fleet of Pirate ships, The Black Sails, of which I am the captain of one named the Dragon."

    Helvig replied "We have met CatherineRose before and it is with pleasure we meet again. Please come and have a drink with us."


    Helvig introduced us to her brother, Voelund Ildhammar, as well as her friend, Ashyeena Marsh.

    We enjoyed the very good wine as we told them about the Seductress Desiree.

    "So, why do you think Desiree is in Kahli?" asked Helvig.

    "Desiree is a cunning seductress who fooled all of us beginning in the Tavern in Hammaberg. I invited her along with Lady Catherine to have a drink and visit the Dragon. During the tour of the Dragon I became quit dizzy and during that time Desiree reached into my coat pocket and stole the map. She ran as fast as the wind. Captain Trinity attempted to stop her but she escaped.
    We knew to start searching Kahli for Desiree because the artifacts the Obsidians are after were buried in Kahli and she now has the map to the location of these artifacts."

    "We must find Desiree before the Obsidians are able to locate the map which if found would lead to the artifacts when constructed will lead to the control of the evil Obsidians and to the fall of Novia.

    Boris said "Helvig, we enjoyed this conversation and wine but we must take our leave and continue our search."

    Helvig said "If we hear any news about Desiree we will let you know."

    We took our leave.

    "Captain Boris, that was a very pleasant time. I'm glad we were able to have a conversation and wine with them. Now they know we are looking for Desiree and will be on the look out for her as well."

    "Maybe they will visit us sometime soon."

    Boris said "lets continue on our search."

    We continued searching Kahli the rest of the day and on through the night.
    Lily Byrd, Jaesun, Adam Crow and 6 others like this.
  4. Fionwyn Wyldemane

    Fionwyn Wyldemane Avatar

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    :::Apparently the search led to Britt Mart where Fionwyn was restocking her vendor:::

    Such tedium, but it has to be done.
    As she counted the dye in her bags and verified which colors had to be restocked, she heard a familiar voice behind her, "Good Afternoon Lady Wyldemane".

    It was @Boris Mondragon , a pirate she recently met while attending a gathering at a local pub. "Hello Boris, good to see you again. I had concerns you'd be in jail by now." She frowned a bit to shield her eyes from the sun glaring on the water.

    "The lady may press charges, mayhaps as early as next Tuesday."

    She studied him and then replied in a droll voice, "Well that's understandable. Her eyes are scarred for life. I'm sure the...enormity...of the situation was quite overwhelming for her." Fionwyn grinned, snickered softly and then laughed out loud when he replied, "Well if that was the first time she saw a man in state of undress it could be overwhelming." Boris was quite a rascal, she'd give him that.

    "Indeed, quite overwhelming! Kidding aside, I have misgivings about your future freedom. The young lady strikes me as one who will not let this go. But I could be wrong." Fionwyn shook her head. She had done all she could do to intervene on his behalf.

    His reply was no surprise for it was the reply of a rascal, "So long as I get visits with rum I will be fine if locked up!" He smiled just then and she was sure THAT smile had caused many a damsel to swoon. However, she was immune to such charms. And beyond the cheery facade she could see something was wrong. His eyes did not match his smile. And his posture did not match the words he was saying.

    Men. So typical in how they try to hide behind a facade of bravado.

    They continued with small talk about other charges against him that "carry a death sentence", as well as Obsidian warships he had pirated from, but even then she could sense that whatever was amiss, it was a greater threat to him. Then he got to the point, "The Sea Goddess spoke to me, about you in particular. She said something about a woman with hair of gold who would be approached by the seductress that stole the map from me. The seductress would seek shelter and protection in that vast land called Paxlair which I must visit soon."

    Fionwyn was gobsmacked, her mouth literally hanging open. When he spoke those words to her, she knew it was truth he was relaying, not some tall tale or lie. He appeared almost...reverential...when he mentioned the Sea Goddess. It did not occur to her to ask what map he was talking about.

    "Why would the Sea Goddess say anything to you about me? I lived most of my life on the plains of Rohan."

    "She spoke of the future," was his simple reply.

    Fionwyn felt a surge of anger. Her fists balled up at her sides. Her blood pulsed in her veins like hooves thundering across the vast grassland sea and her nostrils flared as a horses would. "If I find any seductress on Serenity Isle, Sequanna help her. For I'll not tolerate Obsidians there. I labor each day to cleanse the place of their filth!" She spat out the word "filth" the way one spits out a curse. "Any vile seductress will find the iron fist in my velvet glove. For a rider of Rohan knows how to deal with such."

    If he was surprised at her demeanor, he did not show it. "I see you are also very passionate, yet she may look for compassion. The woman's name is Desiree Orchidea, also known as the Wild Orchid. This Desiree stole a map of much value. We think it fell to the hands of the Obsidians. We need Desiree alive so she may be persuaded in telling us who she gave the map to. So if she does look for shelter in the lands of Paxlair please keep her alive and let me know. I will bring her myself in chains and put her on the pillory until she speaks."

    "Have a care Boris," Fionwyn warned. "If she is a seductress, then a man putting her in a pillory will work to her advantage. Have you no women on your crew who can do it? You may put yourself in greater jeopardy if you harm this Desiree Orchidea." Her fists had un-clenched, but her heart was still racing. Whatever was going on, she was now a part of it.

    So much for restocking a vendor in Britt Mart.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2019
  5. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    ... outside of Dragomir Mori ...

    Ariel and Samael followed the direction, Razulah told them.
    Ariel shook her head in a very unpatient way.
    "Ariel, what do you think?", Samael asked her.
    She sighed. "Look, we should have been here as the battle began! I should have been here! I was so close ..."
    Samael nodded. "Yes, may be. But do you think things would have turned in another direction?"
    She paused for a moment, looking down to the ground. "I don't know. May be not. I gave him one of my magic pigeons, you know."
    "Yes, you also gave one to Kardan.", Samael replied and they walked on again.

    "I can't tell why, but I feel he tried to send this pigeon back to me! The flicker in the air I recognized ..."
    Samael smiled. "He came back - and now he is gone. What could this mean?"
    "May be he wants to finish something he began?", Ariel answered.
    "He tried to get the map back - all his effort for nothing - and now it has been stolen again, but now it was the right map!"
    "Makes sense, Samael."

    So they walked for a while, until Ariel froze.
    "What, Ariel?", Samael asked excited.
    "I feel the presence of my magic! My pigeon! And another kind of magic ... this direction!"
    They accelerated their steps ...

    A few minutes later they stood infront of a mysterious hole in the ground.
    "What is this?", Samael asked more to himself.
    "Looks like a hole - big enough to ...", started Ariel.
    "... catch an animal - or something or somebody else ...", Samael continued.
    "But not big enough to catch a troll!", Ariel said, smiling.
    "You got your humor back, Ariel!", Samel said pleased.
    "Of course! I am smelling my own magic and this looks like a clue to find our lost companion!"
    "Let's see ...", Samael said, laying down on the ground while Ariel made a light.
    "Can you recognize something, Samael?"
    Samael answered: "Solis-Desen-Presti" and than he also said: "Solis"
    Ariel smiled. "More light could reveal something in the dark."

    "Ariel! You are right! Look there! One of your magic pigeons."
    Ariel stepped closer. "Indeed! Come on, my little pigeon. Come here!", she said and after a few seconds of deep concentration a black cloud appeared for a moment, until Ariel made a wave with her pole and with a light bolt the cloud was destroyed.
    "Obsidian magic ...", Samael said while he got on his feets.
    Ariel nodded. "Obsidian magic! But the caster wasn't as old as the source of this magic.", she said, while the magic pigeon flew into her opened hand."
    Samael said: "Some people say, noone in this lands is older than the titans ..."
    Ariel smiled, answering: "And ME, of course!", she laughed.
    "Often it's a good thing to be older - it means more years to gain more power ...", Samael replied.

    "Fly, little pigeon! Show us, where your master is gone! Show us the way!", Ariel said, while the magic stone with the beautiful image of a pigeon turned into a real pigeon ...
    "We will find him." Ariel was full of confidence ...
    Samael knew, those magic pigeons were connected to persons. Ariel's magic was great ...

    [ to be continued ... ]
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2019
  6. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    ... outside of Dragomir Mori ...

    A man ran very fast through the surrounding area of Dragomir Mori ...
    His eyes were motionless and he was only inspired by one thought:
    The map!

    [ to be continued ... ]
  7. Fionwyn Wyldemane

    Fionwyn Wyldemane Avatar

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    :::Serenity Isle:::

    Images swirled in her mind filled with darkness and chaos.

    Wild Orchid. Wyldemane. The Sea Goddess speaking words she could not fathom. The Lady of the Sea, Uinen, shivering with cold. Maps fluttering like the crows of Mordor. Obsidian magic putrefying all it touched. The Eye. The eyes painted at the Grannus Colossus. Images splitting in two and then blending again. The same, yet different.

    Blood and battle, ice and flame.
    Everywhere, 'tis all the same.
    Fight or flight, love or hate,
    All worlds joined by hand of fate.

    Fionwyn jolted up from her troubled sleep, finding herself alone in the garden and staring up at Sequanna with bleary eyes. It was the quiet of dawn, when all is hushed and even the trees whisper in greeting. Cherry blossoms drifted down from the branches like wee pink fae dancing on sunbeams. She rubbed her eyes remembering how she drifted off to sleep with @Lily Byrd playing the harp and @Tailz visiting with them.

    She shook dark thoughts from her head, feeling a slight unease. She'd been dreaming about things she did not want to recall.

    Grabbing a soft pillow, Fionwyn placed it behind her head and laid back down to look up at the the statue towering above her. Love conquers all. Looks like that will be put to the test soon enough.

    "Pirates and their maps. Pirates and their wenching. Wenches who steal pirate maps. Stolen pirate maps that are dangerous." Fionwyn spoke to Sequanna, counting on her fingers how things were connected in ways that went beyond mere mortal ken. "Dangerous Obsidians. Obsidian magic. Magic maps. Pirates and their maps..." She sighed, rose, stretched. Then she said a prayer to Sequanna before exiting the garden.

    Pirates and their damn maps...
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2019
  8. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    What a coincidence that Boris found Fionwyn in Britt Mart while tending their business endeavors. Boris always went with his gut feeling and this woman must be the one the Sea Goddess talked about when she spoke to him. So many things to keep track of at once yet he returned to the Dragon to find everything in order except the lack of news from Sergeant Millott.

    He also had that legal issue to deal with which kept him at bay. The trip to Kahli had not produced any information either which made him even more concerned. Was Sgt MIllott part of this scheme or paid off by Obsidians. Was Helvig, her brother and guest allies or enemies. He decided to tackle these obstacles one at a time when a large bird flew overhead. It was the large black seahawk and he landed loudly getting Boris' attention immediately. He took a cooked rabbit and approached the large bird which opened its beak. He gave the bird the rabbit and quickly removed the note attached to its talon. Boris slapped his hands twice quickly and the bird took off towards his master.

    Boris opened up the letter and read it slowly.

    "Captain Mondragon. I have tracked the woman and saw her give something to a dark robed man near the Dark Towers of Kahli. I remained clear of their sight yet kept following her as ordered. She stayed the night in those towers and departed at sunrise. I climbed down from the tree and followed her yet keeping a prudent distance. She travelled all days using various means of transport and hooded to avoid recognition. As I write this reconnaissance brief I see her enter the Pax Lair lands. I will brief you again tomorrow once I find her final destination. Respectfully Submitted. Sergeant Millott"

    Boris smashed his fist on the table sending the brief flying. This woman was far more cunning than any he had met before. What training she must have received in deception and subterfuge. He called Razulah and had him prepare his armour and weapons. Tonight he had to go face a possible hearing and or arrangement for the misunderstanding from last week. He assumed he would be innocent of the charges and planned to leave the next morning for Pax Lair. For now it would be Port Graff as previously arranged. He needed a few drinks and some relaxation to clear his mind and this short trip would offer that and who knows what more. He donned his best attire and resembled more a rich lord than a pirate. Tonight was a night to find a piece of heaven in the middle of this turmoil.

  9. Adam Crow

    Adam Crow Avatar

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    After hearing the map was stolen from Boris, Adam and his guards immediately departed for Kahli. After arriving, they hurried to the spot the medallions had been hidden and uncovered the obsidian sarcophagus.

    Adam opened the lid and frowned when he realized they were too late, the sarcophagus was empty. "Looks like those bastards beat us here. Let's split up and search Kahli for information. Maybe someone around here saw something." He reached into his pack and handed a firework to each man. "Set one of these off if you find anything and meet me at Boreus village!"

    As the men split up and began to search, Adam was having trouble keeping his emotions in check. He felt frustrated and angry with himself for letting the others down. He should have stood guard of the artifacts or at least left his guards to watch over them. Nothing bothered him more than failure and as he was walking by one of the old dilapidated obsidian walls he started to pound on it with both of his fists. He stood there smashing the wall over and over, as hard as he could, but only a few loose rocks fell from the wall. He stopped, let out a deep breath and looked down at his bloodied hands. He was about to cast a healing spell, but instead just clenched his fists and let the blood flow from his wounds as he searched around the ruins in rage. He needed to find a way to rectify his mistake and help the others or he wouldn't be able to live himself.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2019
  10. Fionwyn Wyldemane

    Fionwyn Wyldemane Avatar

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    ~Port Graff~

    The tavern was crowded with familiar faces and some faces Fionwyn did not recognize. There was laughter, drinking, carousing - the usual activities one finds no matter what world you're from. However, the shenanigans from last week were playing out once again with @Drya pressing charges against @Boris Mondragon and Boris denying the charges. It was all Fionwyn could do to keep her wits about her.

    Don't get upset, don't get angry.'s all absurd, but it's not really your business.

    Still, she could not keep her mouth shut and offered commentary here and there. "It is impossible for a man to pull up his pants AND hold his member to wag at anyone!"

    And of course poor @Twilight Tempest trying to deal with things, "You better find better places to urinate from now on Boris."

    Ugh. Round and round she goes. Sequanna help me.

    Fionwyn was at the tavern for one reason only, she desperately needed to speak privately with @CatherineRose , but until the commotion over Drya and Boris was concluded she had to wait. She never was very patient when it came to matters of urgency so she sat alone smoking her pipe. It reminded her of the Shire-folk and their great love of tobacky.

    Finally...they are done.

    Drya was gone and her ears perked up when Boris said, "Desiree was found in Kahli near the Dark towers. She gave the map to a person, Captain Millott could not tell if it was a man or woman. Then she disappeared."

    "That is great news but now what?" asked CatherineRose.

    It was time for Fionwyn to request a private discussion about Serenity Isle and a possible reason why Desiree was heading in the direction of Paxlair.

    "Serenity Isle was once an Obsidian stronghold..."
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2019
  11. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Resting in Devil's Lair in Mistrendur
    "@Fionwyn Wyldemane, we have reason to believe that the thief, Desiree Orchidea, ran from Kahli after she gave the stollen map to someone in Kahli. She was seen running toward the east coast. She may have taken transportation from the town of Kingsport into Nova. If she did then she may be attempting to go into the Paxlair area since there had been Obsidians living there in the past. Much History has been written about the Obsidians and where they had locations around Novia. We shall begin searching in those places first. "

    "It may be that Desiree is heading to the towns in the Paxlair area. Since your town is right off the coast and at one time in the past history of the Obsidians were one of the last strongholds of the Obsidians would you allow us to search your town for this Desiree? Of course we would prefer if you would accompany those who go to search. This would make it so much faster if you were to help in the search since you not only know your own town but the surrounding towns as well. If you are willing to help us I am planning on going this evening at about sun down. Would you help us in this search please?"

    "Thank you Fionwyn. I will meet you at sunset on the docks of your town, Serenity Isle. Make sure you have your weapon in case we meet with trouble"
  12. Fionwyn Wyldemane

    Fionwyn Wyldemane Avatar

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    ~Serenity Isle~

    @CatherineRose and Fionwyn were on the hunt, but Fionwyn had concerns about finding @Desiree. The Paxlair alliance had numerous cities where one could "hide".

    "Boris was deceived by her...she seduced him into believing she was his friend. She stole the map to artifacts we had hidden in Kahli. If the Obsidians get all the parts...they will be able to build a communications device that is so powerful they can rule all of Novia." CatherineRose was speaking softly as they wandered the perimeter of the Obsidian wall that had withstood the shattering of the moon centuries ago.

    "This is worse than Boris let on. That man. I am starting to wish I had never met him..." Fionwyn grumbled back.

    And so they continued their search for Desiree, until at last they arrived at the lone remaining Obsidian tower on the island. "She can't be in there, I locked the gate and the door." However, the gate was unlocked. "Damn," Fionwyn whispered, "It's unlocked just as some of the doors on the wall were unlocked."

    "It feels like she is here - I can feel her fear." CatherineRose exchanged a glance with Fionwyn as they both entered the tower.

    Yes, Desiree was hiding like a cornered animal. "Here she is! Stop or we will kill you!" shouted CatherineRose while she grappled with the Obsidian seductress.

    "I don't want to fight you, I don't want to hurt you. I am afraid to tell you the truth." Fionwyn stood guard at the door, with an arrow aimed at Desiree's lying mouth.

    "Who did you give the map to...speak now !!!!" bellowed CatherineRose.

    And so it went until they had Desiree in leg irons, pulling her to the garden to stand before Sequanna.

    "Please I am not the threat you believe. It was never my plan to hurt any of you, especially, CathereineRose and Captain Boris. In my travels I heard that all were welcome and safe in Paxlair. I am trying to find my way there. The Obsidians have my family! I was told to get the map or they would be tortured more until they died or went insane." Desiree flopped down on a bench weeping while Fionwyn knelt in prayer.

    "She is telling the truth....look at her." CatherineRose was about to weep too.

    "I WAS looking at her and if she really wants to save her family she will tell us who she gave the map to!"

    The best way for a seductress to seduce a woman is through emotions and Fionwyn was having none of it. Her years of training and the battles she had been a part of taught her that emotions can be manipulated so the enemy can get the upper hand.

    Oh joy, now they are hugging. And CatherineRose is crying bloody tears...

    "I don't know names! I delivered the map to someone in Luna City."

    "So you don't know that in their hands the map would lead to the destruction of all of Novia?" CatherineRose seemed incredulous.

    "I was told to get to Boris, get the map, use any method. I was even given the perfume they knew would draw him in. The Obsidians know him well - they know his desires and dreams. They know his weakness..."

    Fionwyn rose from her prayer. "How do they know him so well?"

    Desiree seemed calmer and she seemed to "finally" be telling the truth. "The people they capture are tortured and they don't all hold their tongues. There are Obsidian spies all about."

    In the end, Fionwyn removed the leg irons from Desiree, gave her some food and drink. Then CatherineRose and Fionwyn decided to believe her and allow her to continue on to Paxlair to find @Winfield or @Sean Silverfoot .

    "I am no barbarian. If she lies, then fate will deal with her." Fionwyn looked at CatherineRose who replied, "I tend to be too soft I am afraid. However, my heart usually sees the truth. I believe she WAS telling the truth."

    Boris is going to LOVE that we let her go. I'll let CatherineRose tell him.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2019
  13. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Resting in Devil's Lair in Mistrendur
    "Hello again Fionwyn Wyldemane"

    "It is good to see you again even under these circumstances for I bring you dark tidings. I contacted you yessterday to ask for your help in finding an evil and very beautiful woman named Desiree Orchidea. She has been trained by the Obsidians in the art of seduction."

    "Yes, CatherineRose, Captain Boris told me last night at the tavern in Port Graff that she had escaped Kahli with a map she had stollen and was heading toward these lands. Now that Boris told me some about the map I find myself drawn into your war."

    "Fionwyn, that is what we fear, that not just you but all of novia and all of our world will be in mortal danger if we do not stop Desiree from giving the map to the Obsidians."

    "WHAT" Fionwyn exclaimed in alarm. "Boris said nothing of that!" Wait, what kind of map is this. What do you mean? I don't understand. Please explain" Fionwyn pleaded.

    "Well" I said, "Boris was deceivd by her. She seduced him into believing she was his friend, all of our friend. He was much taken by her beauty and her seeming interest in him. We all were deceived."

    I heard Fionwyn mutter under her breath "that man, I am starting to wish I had never met him..."

    "Desiree stole the map to artifacts we had buried in Kahli. Did you know that my father was murdered by the Obsidians as well as two other Black Sails ship captains in Port Dragomir while they were looking for these artifacts. In fact the battle in Dragomir Mori was caused by the obsidians as they had returned to find the artifacts again since they were not successful the first time. Again, they were unable to find the artifacts but did learn that there was a map to the location of the artifacts which were hidden somewhere in Kahli.

    The Obsidians sent the trained Desiree to find and steal the map.

    Desiree was successful in stealing the map and escaped with it. For that reason we have asked for your help. Please lets go now to the ruins you spoke of that at one time were Obsidian strongholds.

    "Why is it so important you get the map back. What makes these artifacts so important?"

    "If they get all the parts including the one part they have not found yet they will be able to build a communications device that will be so powerful that whey can rule all of Novia. We found these artifacts, placed them in a chest and buried them in Kahli. We must get the map back before the Obsidians find them."

    "Desiree must be found. She is a very beautiful woman. No wonder they chose her to teach the art of seduction."

    Fionwyn said " Indeed. This is worse than Boris let on, but I knew something was wrong."

    "Yes, I feel sorry for the weight he has to carry. He knows far more than he lets others know."

    "This whole island was an Obsidian stronghold. The wall over there is pretty much intact along with some ruins and a tower which still remain."



    "Boris was going to help us search but thought it best not because he was so angry he would kill her and we need her to tell us any information she may have."


    "CatherineRose", Fionwyn said " this may sound rude, but Boris is hurt because he was fooled."

    Fionwyn led the way as we searched the whole area. We realized that Desiree could be anywhere and we wished we had more help.

    Just when we had searched most of the area Fionwyn yelled "WAIT" "Those doors are open. They should not be open. The other doors are closed. She may have jumped down from here. Oh no! Perhaps she went there."


    I followed where Fionwyn was pointing just as she said those doors are usually locked but lets check anyway.
    We continued our search when Fionwyn said "the gate is unlocked. Dammit!

    This one is unlocked too. "If you are in here come out now. Do not make us come for you, yelled Fionwyn. I can hear you, I know you are here!"


    I said "It feels like she is here. I can feel her fear. Well maybe it's mine...but I feel it anyway"

    "Stop" yelled Fionwyn "I suggest you come down here and sit!"

    I yelled" here she is. Stop or we will kill you. You have no way to escape"

    Then Desiree said " I don't want to fight you nor do I want to hurt you."

    Good, hand over the map then" said Fionwyn.

    Desiree said " I don't have it any more."

    "What do you say? You don't have it anymore? Speak, Where is it. Who did you give it to?

    Desiree said "I am afraid to tell you the truth."

    "Who did you give the map to....speak now". Tell us now"

    Desiree said " there are those who are more dangerous and I fear more than you. Please I am not the threat you believe There is more than what you see on the surface."

    "What are you talking about"

    "I don't like women so don't even try to use your wiles on me" said Fionwyn.

    "CatherineRose I do not believe one word she says, she speaks with a wormtongue. She speaks in riddles and circles. No. I want answers"

    Desiree said "It was never my plan to hurt any of you, especially, CatherineRose and Captain Boris"

    "Well you stole the map to the artifacts so you are evil. You want us all to die a horrible death"

    "There are things worse than death. I did not come here to cause trouble, this place looked like a place I could rest until I moved on"

    "But Desiree, you did cause trouble. Michael almost died and Adam is still in danger and look at all the ones who died in the battle. This is all because of you!"

    Desiree said " there are still other lives at risk"

    "Fionwyn what do you make of her rattle"

    "CatherineRose, bring her down here so I can look into her eyes."

    "Go down, Desiree. Go. Go!

    "I am not sure if I can tell you what happened. Lives are at risk. Those I love depend on me."

    "Well, Desiree you appear to have put all our lives at risk including mine. Who did you give the map to? No, Desiree, you are wrong, we all have a choice"

    Desiree you have already caused many to die. You may as well tell us all you can or you will die as well. All of us will die as well.

    "Would you take a map from strangers if that could save lives?" Desiree asked.

    Let me ask you ,Desiree, "who did you give the map to"

    "No, CatherineRose, I don't believe her"

    I asked "Who are the ones you speak of. Are they just in your imagination. Just made up to save your own life?"

    "You have said nothing to convince me that you speak the truth" said Fionwyn.

    I said "We are waiting for the truth. You don't have much longer. Answer her, Desiree!"

    Desiree said "I hear there are those in Paxlair with intelligence and justice and understanding. I want to go there to find a place for those at risk"

    "So, Desiree, you think we have no understanding or justice? You don't know what you are even saying."

    "My whole family is at risk. I am afraid to tell you. Look at you with the weapons drawn. You could be as bad as the Obsidians who sent me. You could be as dangerous as they are"

    "Hump" I muttered.

    Fionwyn said "They will stay drawn for I am Fionwyn Wyldeman, follower of Sequanna. I am part of Pax Lair and you have brought war to my island."

    Desiree said" Just because you wear pink does not mean you are not cruel!"

    I replied "and just because you speak with a crocked tongue with beauty in your face does not mean you are NOT evil!"

    Fionwyn put irons on her arms so that we could take her to Sequanna

    "So, Sequanna who teaches love tells you to draw a bow?

    "Love teaches to not be stupid. Lucky for you I am one of those with intelligence"

    "You tell me what I should have done? All that I love and care for, my family, are at risk"

    "We know Sequanna teaches all about love and she can judge you fairly just as we can but we will do as Fionwyn says is best this day"

    "I want to be sure she has not chance to escape her bonds. Check her irons" said Fionwyn.

    Desiree, you have placed all of Novia at risk including you."
    "What could I do? What could I say?"

    " more excuses" How did the Obsidians make you do this thing?"

    "Desiree, yes, we know the truth but do you?" "We know that we can not survive alone. No one can but love will survive and will overcome"

    Desiree said" Love can not stop this great evil" What they have done to people I would give my life for. It was for them I did what I did. My mother, was raped and tortured in front of me, my father and my younger sibblings"

    I could not help then to cry out "ohhhh....noooo" and my tears would not stop. My heart was breaking when I heard the torment in her heart.


    "They were taken and I was told to get the map or they would be tortured more until they died or went insane."

    Fionwyn asked " who trained you in the art of seduction?

    Desiree replied "This the greatest evil known they.....

    "Fionwyn, I cried, she is telling the truth...look at her!"

    "The Obsidians study the ways of the outlanders. They know your hearts desires"

    "I am looking at her, Fionwyn said, "if she really wants to save her family she will tell us who she gave the map to"

    "They know how to weaken a mind"

    I went to Desiree and put my arms around Desiree.

    "Yes, said Fionwyn, weaken the the way CatherineRose weakens? I see you put your arms around her so now are you best friends? I want to know who you gave the map to.

    I answered simply "No, not at all. My heart just breaks in grief."
    "Fionwyn lets go to Sequanna and seek her truth. She will tell us this truth. "

    "I hear this sad tale of woe. But, it does not add up. If she wants to save her family. Again I say, she will tell us who she gave the map to"

    Serenity Isle is part of Pax Lair. If you want safety for your family you will tell us WHO. NAMES!

    I said, "Desiree you have to know who you gave it to after you stole it. How did you get away from them anyway?"

    "I do not know. I gave it to a hooded person. That is all I know. However, I will tell you all I know but please get my family to a safe place."

    Fionwyn said "No. First you go with us in irons so you do not escape again. We will go to Sequanna. Then, you tell us what we need to know. Then....we help your family. That is the offer OR you go back to Dragomir and stand up on charges."

    "Desiree, what do you say? will you go with us in irons and then to Sequanna? Do you agree?"


    "Well, that is a start at least"

    "I agree"
    "Let us follow Fionwyn."

    Fionwyn quickly puts her in irons that are impenetrable to being lockpicked.
    "I want to hear the truth. Speak!"

    "I have told you all I know, I was sent to get the map. I took it to Luna City. I then ran. I ran as fast as I have ever run in my life."


    "Why would you take it there?"

    "I was sent there"

    " Is that where they told you to take it?"

    "Were you told what that map is?"


    "No. I was told to get to Boris and to use any method to get it."

    "So, you don't know that in their hands the map would lead to the destruction of all of Novia?"
    "I was even given perfume they knew would draw Boris in. They know him and his weakness well"

    Fionwyn asked " How do they know?"

    "The people they capture are tortured to the point they do not hold their tongues. Their spys are all about. That is why I was so afraid of you"

    Fionwyn said" I am not the one you need to fear."

    I said "These Obsidians are the ones to fear. They are evil. That is why we could put no trust in you until we knew you spoke the truth."

    "Yes, said Fionwyn I know they are vile I have dedicated my life to rid this island of their taint."

    Desiree said "They are like a storm. They come when they want"

    "You are right Desiree,they are like a storm and they cause destruction and death like a storm. That is true."
    Desiree said "When it is quiet that is when you know the storm is coming."

    Fionwyn said Sequanna gives me images. I can see this one is full of fear and speaks with a mix of truth and deception. She can not help it.

    I think " she must still be afraid for her family just as I would be.


    Fionwyn in a quiet voice said "Desiree, there is no desire to kill you."

    "CatherineRose, as for me you must decide this matter, I lack clarity."

    "I have no desire to kill her either. I see her sorrow and fear. I think she truly loves her family and wants their protection. I think she is truthful and so we can provide protection for her family. Desiree, you must understand, however,that if you deceive again there will be no more chances for you."

    "But how did her family escape the Obsidians?" asked Fionwyn

    Desiree said "I do not know that yet"

    Fionwyn said" Mother, Father...raped....the sad story she has told"

    I said, "We ill locate your family and bring them to safety. It is not wise for her to go to them for she will be killed and cause their deaths as well"

    "That will be a dangerous journey" said Desiree

    "I would send the best scouts, said Fionwyn, in case this is a ruse"

    "Yes, I said, it is so sad that it just could not be made up but must be the truth."

    "CatherineRose, how better to seduce women than with a tale of woe?"

    "Fionwyn, do you know of a place where she can find housing anywhere in this area?"

    "Many towns in PaxLair have spaces. As you can see I have mush and I'm willing to give them sanctuary until arrangements can be made in PaxLair proper."

    "I tend to be too soft I am afraid. However, my heart usually sees and hears the truth. Giving refuge here in the PaxLair area is agreeable to me and I am sure to the other offended ones as well.

    Desire said " I know PaxLair. I have heard of both @Winfield and @Sean Silverfoot. I will not make any demands. I am at your mercy.

    "Yes, they are my friends. If they agreed to give you sanctuary, I have no say in it. Sean and Winfield are fair. They took me in long ago. It now is up to CatherineRose. I am in the middle of a war I had not intended to be in."

    Fionwyn knelt before Desiree and removed her irons and rubbed ointment on her ankles. Fionwyn said " I am no barbarian. If you lie, then fate will deal with you."

    I said, "Yes, you are in the middle but I can vouch for those involved that you are in safe hands. I rest my life in that fact"
    Desiree spoke "Thank you"

    Fionwyn said to Desiree " please eat drink for it will do you good. Then after your rest we will take the boat to PaxLair."


    "Thank you" Fionwyn, " you are so very gracious. We will follow you out to the boat. I will speak with you again with both of you again. Good bye, you will see your family again very soon. "

    "If she lies, fate will deal with her." said Fionwyn.

    "Yes, I agree, thank you for helping find her. I will see you again and hope all is well until that time"

    "Aye" replied Fionwyn Wyldemane
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2019
  14. Karuton

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    HRK Hss! KRK!
    ::: Kahli :::

    Karuton examines the disturbed feathers and emits a low hissssss.

    "Sssrrrk. Silly humans have passed this way. Karuton will find them, Korabor will know."

    The flying mechanical device buzzes lowly as it follows the kobold into the darkness.
  15. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Docking at your port soon
    ::: Earlier That Week :::

    Boris returned hastily to the "Dragon". The night had started on a light note as he had travelled to Port Graff and enjoyed a few drinks. Elijah hosted the usual weekly events which besides a social outing had also become a place where spies, socialites and even pirates visited. A Mecca for the Socialites to mingle freely with the Avant Garde. He arrived early and took the time to go near the shore of Port Graff. He had a habit of picking up a seashell from every new port he visited and this would be no exception. As he bent to collect a light blue seashell that caught his eye the voice of the Sea Goddess spoke to him yet again.

    "Ye found the lady with the golden hair. Ye will visit the land where the artifacts were hidden and removed. Ye will go to the place where it all began here for you."

    Boris walked toward the gathering place remembering those words of guidance from the Sea Goddess yet trying to make sense of what she said. He had met @Fionwyn Wyldemane earlier by pure coincidence while tending business in Britt Mart and she was surprised during their conversation about the Sea Goddess. Both he and @CatherineRose had searched Kahli without finding any tracks nor trail of the artefacts which were now in enemy hands. He knew he would have to travel to PaxLair, that beach where he washed up was calling him to return for a reason which he could not quite understand.

    He walked into the tavern and saw the regulars and new folk arrive. Lady Catherine Rose , Lady Twilight Tempest , Lady Fionwyn Wildemane and Lady Drya were all in a conversation and as expected the unfinished business came up again. Lady Drya made the accusation towards Boris. This unfortunately turned into a legal challenge and a request for an apology from Boris. His stubbornness to not apologize he now regretted. One simple apology to the Lady Drya and the air would have been cleared yet by the time he felt like he should apologize some in the crowd turned on Lady Drya and insulted her. This upset Boris even more than all the charges or convictions the accusers could have put on him. This young lady was not being treated right and he would have a word with those that were offending her. Yet Lady Drya disappeared in the midst of those accusations toward her. He would clear the air and reestablish the young lady's image regardless of the cost or how many he would kill in the process.

    The conversation came up about the stolen map and a woman stood up and approached him. At first he did not recognize her due to her concealing attire yet once he heard the voice and its mysterious tone he knew he was in front of Malice Lanart once more. Something about this woman's mysterious nature captivated his attention yet he knew he was dealing with danger. They had a brief conversation about the stolen maps and the fact some "family heirlooms" had been unearthed from an area in Kahli. Apparently Malice was not pleased with their previous conversation at another gathering and he remembered how they had a sharp conversation that time about Obsidian followers and those in opposition to them. It was his brashness that led him to turn down her offer for a drink and further conversation. These memories of that night and his lack of tact also bothered him as he asked Malice to sit at a table where they could speak away from the music and singing. He saw the woman's interest in the missing "Family Heirlooms" and instantly thought of an ally that could help him get to the bottom of the stolen map. She had this intense look in her green eyes that felt hypnotic and he was planning to set up a day where she might show him other areas of Kahli he had not searched. He had to know who had the stolen map and where Desiree might be hiding.

    Suddenly a black sea hawk flapped his wings nearby and Boris knew a message from Sergeant MIllott had arrived. This place was not discreet enough to read this message and he abruptly excused himself from the conversation with Lady Malice. He wanted to end this brief conversation on a good note and gently took lady Malice's hand and kissed it as a respectful goodbye yet this gentlemanly action was rebuffed with anger from the woman. He took out a recall scroll from his pouch and disappeared like a shadow quickly arriving back aboard his ship.

    Razulah ran to him with a note and he knew who it was from.

    "Captain Mondragon; I have tracked the woman for several days. She is heading to PaxLair from Kingsport. I have her on my sights and will continue to track her to her final destination from within the shadows. I will again notify you once she reaches that final destination. Sergeant Millott".

    He walked to the fireplace and threw the note there to avoid having it found by anyone. He sat there thinking of the night events and how to proceed with his return to Kahli. Those mysterious green eyes kept calling to him and he had to follow his instinct as usual. Razulah came to him again with another note, this one from Lady Catherine Rose. He opened it quickly and read the brief contents,

    "Boris I had a brief conversation with Malice. She wanted to find out if we had any kind of "relationship" to which I quickly responded about our friendship. She also gave me this request to pass on to you."

    "Please let Captain Boris know to leave a note with the quartermaster at the barracks for me......….".

    Boris turned to Razulah who was eagerly waiting to find out what was going on that had Boris so tense.

    "Razulah, take charge of the "Dragon" and its crew and be ready to sail upon my request to the destination I order. I am going on a trip to Kahli and will send notice of what i find soon"

    Boris quickly changed clothes and donned his black armor and a long black robe. He took his swords and two daggers and a small pack filled with items he might need on this trip. He looked like a black shadow as he departed Dragomir on his trek towards the Kahli quartermaster at the barracks. He would rest once he left the note and found a place to stay there in that mysterious land. It seemed to him that at this moment in time Kahli was the center of attention.

    Lily Byrd, Drya, Adam Crow and 5 others like this.
  16. Sean Silverfoot

    Sean Silverfoot Avatar

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    Hudson Valley area of NY
    ::: PaxLair :::

    Sean Silverfoot stood on the small rise in front of the PaxLair docks. His gaze was skyward as he watch the great airship maneuver as it approached a landing on the island in Spindrift Bay just at the riverhead of the the Briasch River. Past that island he could see the lights of other islands that were part of PaxLair, Serenity Island, Caelestis Canton, Island of Wonders & Knowhere.
    PaxLair had indeed spread it's wings since it's founding so long ago. Sean always enjoyed watching the SS Justice, it was one of his favorite past times.

    Out in the bay a shadowy figure of a ship slid into the harbor, after it sailed a bit closer to the docks Sean noticed the Pirate banner flying. This did not give him pause or concern. PaxLair was a neutral city, all were welcome, none were to be bothered. As long as all followed the rules things were peaceful. It had been quite a while since a pirate ship had docked here, Sean thought as it slipped past Themo Locks ship heading to the dock west of it.

    Sean lit his pipe and turned heading for the tavern. A nice pull of his pipe and a tall tankard is what he yearned for now.
  17. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Resting in Devil's Lair in Mistrendur
    Am I dreaming or am I awake?

    I was walking from tree to tree in Kahli once again. Walking as my beloved husband and I so often did.

    My body began to tremble as I remember Greggori's touch.

    Five years have passed but I see his eye's smiling at me as we lie in each others arms planning the hope for our new town, Dragomir.

    It has been so long ago that he died. So much has happened since his death.

    I reach out and touch his face I feel the brush like hair in my hand as I stroke the beard I loved so much.
    I lean in closer to his bare chest I loved to bury my face into. I never tired of the strength of his arms around me.
    He always said "you are so beautiful" yet I knew that he just saw me through love eyes for I was not a beautiful woman by any standard.

    Even my own mother could never say "I love you".

    My heart ached to hear her say those words all of my growing up years but it never came to pass.

    I never understood why except I figured because I was not beautiful to her.

    Yet, Greggori never seemed to notice. He would gather me in his arms in the warmth and care of his caress.
    He would kiss me on my neck and we would laugh out loud in the joy of being one together.

    How I miss him.

    He always knew just what to say and when to say it.

    We used to go on these long walks together in our beloved outpost, Dragon Bone Hill, in Kahli.
    I thought we would always have our special time there.
    We would spend time between Dragomir and Kahli always watching the seasons change
    from the heat of summer to the stark cold of winter and to the sweet smell of spring
    which always brought the song of the birds.

    Suddenly I stopped and stood transfixed and silent for there a short distance in front of me was what looked like a large bird.

    At first I thought it was a baby dragon but as it came closer into view I saw it was not a dragon at all.
    It's feathers seemed to ruffle as he shook his body to straighten them back into the correct placement.
    He seemed to be saying something which I could not quite hear.
    The sight of a bird, any bird, always attracts me.

    I opened my weary eyes in a saddened state for I realized I was dreaming.
    I felt the sting of knowing I was only remembering my husband's embrace. He was not really here.

    There in front of my eyes was sweet, beautiful Snow making sounds to remind me that she wanted my attention.
    She was hungry and wanted something to eat this morning.

    I began the day feeding Snow but could not but wonder why I not only dreamed of my husband but of a strange looking,
    well what appeared to be a bird in Kahli.

    I must go tell Captain Boris right away. Maybe he will know the meaning of my dream.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2019
  18. Vicious Malice

    Vicious Malice Avatar

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    Everything was quiet around the Tower of Daggers, the ancient headquarter of the Obsidian assassins in Kahli that had only recently been taken into use again after a centuries long slumber. A petite figure shrouded in black sat at a writing desk on the top floor, in what looked like an office or study and wrote a report of the week’s events to her superior. A knock was heard from far below, and the woman looked up from her work. With the graceful and fluent movements of a predator she was on her feet and hurrying down the stairs and ladders of the tower. She opened the door to a trembling recruit holding a sealed missive in his hand. “L-Lord C-C-Commander”, he stammered as he saluted and then wordlessly offered the missive. The short woman took it from his hand and looked at him inquiringly. “Why are you shivering, boy?”. The recruit, barely younger, perhaps even older than the shrouded woman, if what you could see of her teenage face was not misleading, did not reply. The woman’s tone grew colder, her emerald green eyes looked at the boy sternly. “What is your name, recruit?”. “Ma-ma-manfield, Lord C-Commander.” – “I asked you a question and expect an answer. Why are you shivering, Recruit Manfield?” There was a pause, and an impatient hiss from the shrouded woman. The boy looked as if he was about to faint. The scent of fear, the faint odors of sweat and piss, were carried through the open door by a sudden lovely breeze. Finally the boy took a deep breath, straightened up and said “There are r-rumors among the recruits, Lord C-Commander, about… things you do.” The woman could not hide a smile. “Oh? Things I do? Be off, then, before I do… “things”.” – “Y-yes, Lord Commander.”, the boy saluted in a grotesque way and dashed off.

    The woman opened the missive and started reading. So Boris did indeed come to Kahli to see her. Very confusing. She was unsure of what to think of the things she had heard and seen. Were the things Boris had spoken about real? At least he seemed to consider them real. The objects of great power he had spoken to her about would be too good to have, if they were indeed real. To destroy this awful planet once and for all and perhaps open an opportunity to get back to a more civilized place. Or if not destroy it, then rule over it. The woman pulled back her shroud. A lovely face, sweet, innocent, certainly not older than 20. The Lord Commander of the Obsidian Remnant in Kahli, Malice Lanart. She always chuckled to herself at the title “Lord Commander”. Kala Sharee, the undead prince of Kahli, had not exaggerated when he said he’d give her everything her heart desires, even the one thing that so much research was necessary for before he could finally give her the gift. He had made her the head of the lousy little remnant of the once great Obsidian Army here in Kahli and given her the Tower of Daggers as her office, and the apartment beneath for her personal use. And that was where she was heading. She had to change into her armor before meeting with Boris. He seemed to be the type of man for an ambush.

    Minutes later Malice Lanart left her souterrain apartment wearing her armor and her hair tied up neatly in a bun. Instead of the Obsidian Army cloak she usually wore when at the base, she had donned a black cloak with a skull embroidery. Her twin blades were strapped to her hips in a fashion that did not hinder her movement at all. She hurried down to the barracks, where the rabble that would fancy themselves recruits of the Obsidian Remnant was practicing their swordsplay one on one, under the supervision of Captain Shadowbane. Spoiled Novian middle class brats hoping for adventure and fame, enjoying the thrill of doing “something naughty” by running away from home to join the “evil” Obsidians. Malice knew they were not worth Captain Shadowbane’s time. Most of them would not even make it to be cannon fodder, should ever the order from command arrive that they were to march to war. Luckily, this tiny remnant in the most remote corner of the Hidden Vale did not often receive any orders at all. Walking through the crowd that was snapping to attention, Malice kept her eyes out for one recruit that had gained her special attention. Not such a worthless bum as the others. One that had had previous training, was disciplined, and not half dead with fear whenever he looked at her. She could not find him. “Where is Recruit Copan?”, she asked the Captain. “I gave him leave after he had defeated six of these at once”, Captain Shadowbane replied and sighed. “We need more of his kind.” Malice nodded in agreement. “Any idea where he could have gone?” – “He likes to take walks around the lake, Lord Commander, or sometimes the ruins of the house on the hill that burned down a few weeks ago.” Malice turned to go. “Thank you, Talon”, she said, and left the barracks to head towards the mentioned house. She knew who was the culprit, but she would never tell. It worried her a little, that Balour Copan seemed to have taken such great interest in the place.

    And really, there he was, standing near the charred ruins, practicing these graceful katas that he had learned in a land far away. Malice called to him. He immediately snapped to attention and saluted in the most perfect manner. Malice quickly gave him instructions to go find the man that had taken a room at the Gluttony Inn and to bring him here, to the ruined house, and to then stay near and discretely guard her.

    She had to wait a while. Then she saw Recruit Copan come up the hill, with the pirate in tow. Yes, more recruits like this one, that’s what is needed, she thought. All the more was she negatively surprised when Recruit Copan addressed her as “Lord Commander” right in front of Boris. That had been so unnecessary. No chance of hiding her affiliation anymore, now. Boris however was as pleasant as always, though he quickly came to the point. The person that had received the map and, obviously, stolen the items of power from their hiding place, has still not been found. Boris seemed to suspect that the person was still in Kahli. At Malice’s request, Boris shared some more information about these objects. That to activate them, a certain magic was needed, only known to Boris and his priest. Malice listened, looking deeply into Boris’ eyes, which seemed to please him. For the telepath that had grown up on Cottman IV, this made it easier to try and catch a few of his currently most prominent thoughts and emotions. She smiled inwardly. He was “that” type of man. How she hated using her female features to get what she wanted, but that’s the weapon, so she reasoned, that was best fit for the job. Besides, Boris was not unattractive by far, and to imagine him as a decoration on her torture rack… So, Primal Magic. The “Garden of Blood and Bones”. That did sound interesting for sure. Wait! Did he just offer to teach her that magic in return for a bit of information? “When can we start with my first lesson in primal magic? As soon as I have the feeling that you are serious and not just playing with me, I will assist you immediately to find that person.” – “First you must pass our test, Milady.” Malice looked disappointed. “I fear we are in a deadlock here. You will not give me what I desire if I do not provide what you want first. And I, sadly, feel the same.” And that’s where it happened. Talk of power. Two similar minds speaking to one another, making each other horny for the power that could be had. Boris needed the stolen objects. And he needed guidance to allow himself to be strong enough to take the power, without remorse. Malice needed the knowledge about how to activate the objects, should she get her hands on them. They were dependent on one another.

    After Boris had promised to let his priest perform some mumbo-jumbo to gain permission to teach Malice in the arts of that Primal Magic, and Malice had promised to turn over every stone in Kahli in her search for the person that got the map or any other clues, Malice had Recruit Copan escort Boris back to the Gluttony Inn. She decided to follow silently, hidden through the shadows that she could draw around herself like a veil, only to find out that Boris, too, had disappeared. She unleashed her anger on the recruit that had let him go and gave the order to immediately return to the base. Unthinkable if the man was snooping around the towers again, like the first time they met.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2019
  19. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Docking at your port soon
    Boris waited patiently for the messenger who would take him to see Malice and he assumed some forbidden room in the tower he had looked at months ago with Lady Catherine. He had sent Catherine a brief note about meeting Malice and brief instructions to await a response from him within 3 days or to coordinate a full attack upon the towers they had visited together. He knew this would be dangerous territory especially meeting Malice in her own territory yet he had to find out who the stolen map was given to here in Kahli. He took a swig from the rum bottle on the counter and turned to see a uniformed man who greeted him formally announcing he would lead Boris to where Malice waited for him. He noticed the military bearing of this military escort. His first impression led him to believe this was an organized outpost which could be a challenge to overtake if the situation led to it.

    Boris was led to an abandoned building where the military escort asked him to stop. A signal was sent and Malice appeared in armor. The signal was loud and clear from both the battle attire she wore to her demeanor. This woman was all about business at least from this first official meeting. He noticed the military escort was within earshot and would step in immediately should the meeting not go as she planned. Boris and Malice shared the initial pleasantries yet he was not her for pleasure but for business and quickly proceeded to let her know.

    "Lady Malice , lets be direct and to the point. The transfer of the stolen map occurred here in Kahli between a woman called Desiree and an unknown individual. I need to know who this individual is".

    Malice wanted to know what she would get in return. From that moment onwards Boris knew exactly what this woman wanted and its something we know as power. He explained what was in the chest that was stolen and that it could not be activated without the use of Primal Magic. He immediately realized she wanted knowledge of how to use this older magic and her body language revealed her ambitions. As she stepped closer to him and he breathing quickened he knew he had one thing to tempt her with and to ensure she would get him the name of the person who received the map. He also realized that he could teach this woman a spell or two without many consequences if needed. He was interested in this woman and what made her and the Obsidians tick and he would risk the danger if necessary to establish a more enjoyable arrangement. Though a young woman, Malice showed much experience in the way she carried herself and the title of "Commander" was something he assumed the Obsidians would bestow to one of great leadership. He did not dwell on all these sudden thoughts this woman provoked though it was very tempting and the thought of what pleasures this woman could give along with knowledge of Obsidian plans and fortresses was worth considering.

    The conversation ended on a friendly tone with Malice committed to obtaining the much needed information and Boris committed to see if she would be "acceptable" as a candidate for knowledge of the Primal Magic. Boris was again escorted from the meeting location by the "military escort" yet disappeared from his sight within seconds as he cast the spell of silent movement. He still did not trust this woman and needed to pick up his few belongings. He also needed to speak to @Adam Crow and ask him to be his official point of contact here. Boris met him briefly, exchanged pleasantries and a brief request for assistance in case he had to return to Kahli again. The words were brief as he had to return to Port Dragomir. His plans were to sail to PaxLair as soon as he could and personally interrogate Desiree Orchidea. The thoughts of tying all these ends together and then getting more information about the Obsidian order was worth the danger of a "relationship" with this exotic woman called Malice Lanart if she could give him the name of the stolen map recipient.

    Brief images of a new horizon formed in his mind as he looked back again upon the wonders of this land called Kahli with both dangers and pleasures hidden deep within it.

  20. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    Perennial Coast
    ... The day the map was stolen and Paladin Michael vanished - the day as Samael and Ariel arrived in Dragomir Mori and followed to find him ...

    Ariel and Samael followed the magic pigeon.
    Amazingly, she led them to the nearest Lunar lift!

    Where would they have to go?
    They patiently waited for the lunar passage, which the magical pigeon would choose ...

    "Ariel, you have to work on your magic.", Samael said, his arms crossed.
    "What exactly, Samael?", Ariel asked seriously.
    "Well, could not the pigeon just tell us the target?", Samael said with a grin.
    "Keep calm, my boy, and then maybe she should teleport us right away?", Ariel replied with a thunderous hand movement.
    "Why not?", Samael said quietly.
    "Because we are not Outlanders, Samael! Our body structure is different ... That's why we really die when we really die ... but they do not ..."
    Samael nodded - his thoughts escaped to Muriel, his heart raced - "To whom do you say that, Ariel? Unfortunately it is so ...". His throat was dry, he smiled.
    Ariel put her hand on his shoulder and looked at him lovingly. "You're never alone, and Muriel is not."
    At that moment, the Moon entered another phase and the magical pigeon flew into the center of the Lunar rift.

    "It's time!" Ariel said.
    "Off to Owl's Head!", Samael said ...

    ... Owl's head and Kahli ...

    After they reached Owl's head, the magic pigeon led them deeper into the hidden vale.
    "I assume, I know where we will end...", Samael told while they were walking faster.
    "Me too, Samael. If it isn't Ravensmoor - it will be Kahli!"
    And so it was!

    It was dusk, as they arrived. The pigeon flew slower ...
    ... suddenly they saw somebody! Somebody with a dark cape - walking straight forward, ending infront of a small hut.

    "Can you see anything?", Samael whispered, hiding with Ariel behind a few trees.
    "No, not yet. Let's wait for a moment ...", Ariel replied.


    The person knocked at the door. After a few seconds, the door opened and the moonlight showed a good looking woman.
    She handed her visitor something and he nodded.

    "This must be her! Desiree who stole the map! Let's go on and get it back!", Ariel whispered.
    "Slowly, Ariel", Samael replied fast, "Your pigeon brought us here - so tell me please: where is Paladin Michael?"
    Ariel was confused - how could she forget about him?
    "You're right - may be he is inside the hut."

    The woman took no further time for a small talk. After she gave the unknown person the map she ran away in an impressive speed.

    The unknown person stepped into the hut.

    "Now!", Ariel said and went to the hut, before Samael could say anything ...

    [ to be continued ... ]
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