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(solved) xDelta3 patches: experimental mode availability

Discussion in 'Release 70 Feedback' started by Gussak, Oct 15, 2019.

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  1. Gussak

    Gussak Avatar

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    I saw bad posts about xdelta dated of 2013 2016 and 2017.
    It seems xdelta patches are gone right? I had to download 1051 in full despite having 1049 available on my machine.
    I wonder if the xDelta3 patches could be made available again but not so easily (not from the launcher to everyone).

    I xdelted StandaloneLinuxUniversal_1049.sotapatch VS StandaloneLinuxUniversal_1051.sotapatch and got a 2GB file, it is worth the gain, 20% than downloading 1051 in full.

    They could be made available in experimental mode, may be from a globally accessible thread (everyone can download and try it), and restrict all problems to that thread (everyone can comment). We could help on providing scripts (all OSs) to apply the patch properly with sha1 checks before and after and so on...

    Users would have to issue the xdelta commands manually and so, be required to have a minimum experience on the terminal command line.

    ps.: I use linux btw
  2. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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  3. Gussak

    Gussak Avatar

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    I bookmarked that so I can download xdelta patches manually next time if needed!

    I had initially version 1049.
    Apparently I missed version 1050.
    For some reason it fully downloaded 1051.

    I think (quite sure) I still had 1049 there when it begin downloading 1051 in full,
    it could have downloaded 1049-1050 and patched,
    then 1050-1051 and patched again,
    I will test again when the next patch comes.

  4. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    don't apply them manually. download them seperately if you wish, but let the launcher apply them.
    Jaesun and Gussak like this.
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