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Sowing and watering efficiency not being applied after release 71

Discussion in 'Crafting, Harvesting, Salvage, & Agriculture' started by Tonin2, Nov 11, 2019.

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  1. Tonin2

    Tonin2 Avatar

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    11/11/2019 16:11
    Title: Sowing and watering efficiency not being applied after release 71
    Reproduction Rate: 100%
    Details: When sowing seeds in an area or watering an area, there is no efficiency being applied so for instance, sowing and watering 5 large beds would take me, at my current skill level, around 92 seeds and 184 water buckets (92 for each, sowing and watering). After release 71, it just takes 100 seeds and 200 water buckets.
    Steps to Reproduce: drop seeds and watering glyph in hotbar and then do an area sowing and area watering, resources will be used in the exact amount of available unused soil with no efficiency being applied, at least in my case.
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7400 CPU @ 3.00GHz (4) System RAM: 8099
    GPU: Radeon RX 560 GPU RAM: 4041
    Area: POT_grassland_metropolis_01a_template/Soryn Fields
    Area Display Name: Soryn Fields
    Loc: (60.8, 36.2, -360.0)
  2. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    @Tonin2 i don't believe it ever was supposed to. those skills have always affected range, radius, and speed, not materials used.
  3. Tonin2

    Tonin2 Avatar

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    Thanks for your reply Alley Oop. However, if that's the case then the bug was that it was affecting materials used before release 71 and it was fixed. I started using this area sowing and watering just about 2 or 3 weeks ago during release 70 so i can only talk about that release and have no clue as to how it worked before that. I just checked and you might be right about the sowing part as the description shows no % effectiveness I was probably confused because watering and harvesting do have said percentage. Still thought, I'm pretty sure i was getting both before release 71.

    In any case, any clue as to what that percent means for the watering part if it is not meant to water a set amount of plants with less buckets?
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