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Virtue hats aren't dyeable even though Heraldry ones are

Discussion in 'Items & Inventory' started by Vladamir Begemot, Nov 13, 2019.

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  1. Vladamir Begemot

    Vladamir Begemot Avatar

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    11/13/2019 14:13
    Title: Virtue hats aren't dyeable even though Heraldry ones are
    Reproduction Rate:100%
    Details:The Grand Tour hats still aren't dyeable, even though more and more of their non Virtue versions are. Was told by Starr to bug it ages ago (and did).

    The list: http://sotawiki.net/sota/Grand_Tour/History

    Steps to Reproduce:Check the bonnet and pilgrim hat now in the store, compare to your "rare" Grand Tour hat, realize that the Grand Tour hat isn't dyeable, try not to fall into deep depression.
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor (16) System RAM: 32704
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 GPU RAM: 8079
    Area: POT_mountain_metropolis_01_template/S Mart Factorium
    Area Display Name: S Mart Factorium
    Loc: (-18.0, 78.3, -50.7)
    Debug: UE9UX21vdW50YWluX21ldHJvcG9saXNfMDFfdGVtcGxhdGV8UyBNYXJ0IEZhY3Rvcml1bXwoLTE3Ljk4NSwgNzguMzA1LCAtNTAuNzE3KXwoMCwgMC4xNjUsIDAsIDAuOTg2KXwyNS4wOTU3Nnw1Ni4xNDIzNnwyLjY4Nzg2OA==
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