Letters and notes (green letters) can't be placed in buildings ...

Discussion in 'QA Feedback Archive' started by Paladin Michael, Feb 22, 2020.

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  1. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    There are some letters (green colored), like:
    - From Hobart to Zorabeth --> only provides information, not exactly a required quest item.

    I understand this for items we receive for free, like items (armor, weapons) in starter scenes (not tradeable)

    --> and there are some (also green colored!) quest items, like
    - Ancient Experimental Logbuch 1
    - Ancient Experimental Logbuch 2
    - Ancient Experimental Logbuch 3
    which should be yellow colored, I assume ...

    Why can't the letters, just providing information, be like others (A drawing, A Curious Ledger, A letter, must get out ... --> white letters) ?

    Problem is: you can't place those (green, same with yellow) letters inside a building.
    [--> For example: Museum of Virtues ;)]

    There is used
    - yellow color for especially quest items (not tradeable)
    Unfortunately we receive a lot of interesting -story related- letters in game.
    Would be great if we could place them in houses. May be colored blue or something like this? ;)

    @Sannio, can we please have all letters/notes in normal color so we can use / place them in buildings? :)
    --> especially those providing information and are not required quest items...
    Aldo likes this.
  2. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    @Paladin Michael, green items are no-trade. no-trade items ARE placeable now. if you're having trouble placing a specific item, it's a problem with the specific item, not with the no-trade flag.
    Anpu likes this.
  3. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    Yes, you're right, they can be placed separate ... unfortunately not in a container (because they are not tradeable).
    So placing them on a table, floor or shelf, yes. Placing them in a Backpack, no.

    If I have 1 or more of the green letters in my backpack and want to place the backpack at the wall or a shelf, it's not possible.
    And in the special case of some letters, like the letter of Hobart, I don't understand, why they are marked as not tradeable ...
  4. Sannio

    Sannio Lead Quest and Level Designer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    We've had a variety of updates to different letters of all types (quest, non-quest, trade, no trade, etc.) over the years. We've got probably hundreds of letters and I'm not intimate with each, so going through all of them on-by-one isn't feasible. If you have a request for a specific letter to be changed, feel free to add a request for that letter in the bug forums. Looking into these letters would be a low priority, but if the requirements of the letter allow for it to be changed then I'll do it. However, although it's unlikely, please keep in mind that I may determine some requested letters should have settings that make them "worse" for placement, so make your requests wisely!
    Alley Oop, Paladin Michael and Anpu like this.
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