This Weeks Combat Changes

Discussion in 'Skills and Combat' started by Rook Strife, Jun 26, 2020.

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  1. Rook Strife

    Rook Strife Avatar

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    Stacking Debuff on Shadowmobs - Great

    On a general note, skills like Douse / Purify / Etc - all should be a guaranteed cleanse.
    Small chance to not cleanse a debuff even when fully skilled is crap
    This is in general not talkin about the shadowmob debuff

    Collision - No one cares. Wasting time

    Fizzle Proximity - Ugh
    Should be evident that forcing players to space just for normal combat GUARANTEES broken crap all over the place
    Gimps casters only
    Confined space combat
    PVP melee vs caster
    Could fill this entire post with places fizzle proximity is gonna break combat and require extra work for XX circumstance

    Tank / Shield work - Good
    StarLord and Net like this.
  2. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    Quick question, as I haven't logged on for a few days now, but how bad is Fizzle Proximity? Is it fast to apply? does the debuff remove quickly? How close do you need to be to get the debuff?

    If you only get the debuff after a few seconds of being stacked on someone else, I don't see the issue, even less if the debuff removes itself as soon as you move a bit, but since I haven't tested it myself, I can't say for sure.
  3. Rook Strife

    Rook Strife Avatar

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    Not in-game yet. They plan to put it in

    That is the point of this thread lol

    Get rid of junk before it makes it into the game and provide feedback
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2020
  4. Cora Cuz'avich

    Cora Cuz'avich Avatar

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    I understand tank/shield work, stacking debuff from shadow mobs, bu the others are either things I haven't heard of, or I don't understand your short hand. What is collision? What is z\fizzle proximity?
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  5. Rook Strife

    Rook Strife Avatar

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    Collision = you can't run through people

    Fizzle Proximity = increasing your fizzle rate when near other players
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  6. Cora Cuz'avich

    Cora Cuz'avich Avatar

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    Ah, thanks.

    Those sound like terrible ideas. Why the hell...?
  7. Toular

    Toular Avatar

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    It's not "near" other people, it's "in/on" other people.
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  8. Net

    Net Avatar

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    Is this based on what any player sees or what scene master (first player in the instance who partially runs it) sees? Because sometimes for some reason scene master sees players at a location they are not.
    Rook Strife likes this.
  9. A'chelata

    A'chelata Avatar

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    Why are you against social distancing? Do you want people to die?
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  10. Lazlo

    Lazlo Avatar

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    Seems like a pretty random thing to add.
  11. kaeshiva

    kaeshiva Avatar

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    Ugh, don't we have enough problems without adding more?
    What is fizzle proximity meant to achieve exactly other than to make things more irritating?
    You have skills that require players to stack up to get buffs (like soothing rain etc), there's often tactical reasons for players to stack up and coordinate instead of running around like headless chickens, and now you don't want people to stack up because....reasons? Is this a knee jerk response of "lets break the game for the legit players to try and stifle bots who will just find another way to bot?"
    Rook Strife likes this.
  12. Cora Cuz'avich

    Cora Cuz'avich Avatar

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    That is SotA logic. Always remember, in the game called Shroud of the Avatar, where the main reward to completing the story is getting your Shroud of the Avatar, the devs nerfed the Shroud of the Avatar, because in this game called Shroud of the Avatar, too many people were wearing the Shroud of the Avatar.
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  13. Chemeck

    Chemeck Avatar

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    My guess is it's next stage of fighting with ERG afkers.
  14. kaeshiva

    kaeshiva Avatar

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    Sadly its just another example of trying to police the game interfering with the ability to play the game.
    There's a few ways to deal with botters, cheaters and that ilk:

    a) Detection & Punishment
    Lots of manpower/resource needed for both, and in a game that is struggling for population ban-sticking people is not going to do it any favors. I get why they don't do this.

    b) Fix the tedious system/process/thing that people are botting to avoid
    This is really the best solution; you see people bot because they are trying to get something, whether it is experience, money, items, etc. and getting it by playing the game through normal means is either tedious, boring, etc. and so they look to automate.

    c) Change how something works so its not worth doing at all (and subsequently, not worth botting) or add frustrations that interfere with normal gameplay in an attempt to also frustrate bots.
    The problem, other than the obvious problem of it interferes with normal gameplay, is that this wont work to stop botting. They'll just find a workaround and then something else will have to be ..."adjusted."

    The only way to stop people botting is to make content interesting/dynamic/rewarding enough that there's no need for it. People wouldn't try to box multiple accounts to grind exp if you could make the same exp (or kill the same whatever) playing on your own. Why do people afk fight in ERG? For more exp while they are sleeping or whatever, of course. And why do they do that? Because you need billions of exp to make a dent these days and you're looking at hundreds of hours of tedium. I thought the bump to quest XP (encouraging active gameplay) was a step in the right direction but that got backpedalled. In a game with no effective caps and literally an endless uphill experience battle to climb, then yeah, people will go for the afk-exp. I'd consider alternatives like rested /fatigue systems (requiring a town trip to clear it, so you can't just park for hours and hours), or bringing back the daily bonus system that used to exist pre persistence, to encourage active play (not to mention getting people to log in every day just for a couple hours)

    Lastly, accept that some people are going to cheat no matter what you do. If they are not punished, it ruins the integrity of the game for everyone else. Part of my hesitation in playing right now is seeing people accomplish in a few weeks' time abusing systems, what took me years to do playing "properly". Progression needs to have more horizontal elements, not make new character, walk to eastreach gap, and park until level 120 (or 140, or whatever it is people are grinding to now with all the quadruple xp silliness)
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  15. Chemeck

    Chemeck Avatar

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    Yeah, i simply tried to find a reason, also not a fan of what is happening and i also think there is many better ways to do it, starting from balancing other activities. Me grinding locations with friends is not even close to what i can earn standing still in ERG. Why would i bother doing quests that give me, lets say, 50k exp, when i can earn it in a minute standing still in ERG. I know it's not the same with crafting exp, but then, why wont you just seperate adventure and crafting exp when it comes to rewards. Gain 500k adv and 50k crafting from daily quest, that would be more accurate. If it takes you 30 minutes to complete, with good, oped party in ERG you will be at cap after 30 minutes and with additional 8m exp in pool. I know SOTA offers interesting quests and world you can dive in and enjoy, but lets be serious, MMO players like to see their character developing, mostly that genre is about leveling up. And if you can do it 8x faster and with less efforts put into it, we can't even blame the players they're using shortcuts. Just make other activities worth doing. I'm not saying to add some better dungeon mechanics, raids, other stuff to do in dungeons than just running in circles and killing mobs, that would be great, but also needs many resources. I'm just saying to add few 0's to some numbers. There will still be idle gamers doing ERG, but you can't change their playstyle. I'm talking about people who are doing ERG just because the exp reward is so better, that it's just worth the risk of going crazy :p
    kaeshiva likes this.
  16. Cora Cuz'avich

    Cora Cuz'avich Avatar

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    It would be nice if there were some more solo alternatives. I'd be fine earning a half or a quarter of the xp doing a zone myself that I could in a group at ERG; at least I'd et all the loot. I had high hopes for Spindelskog, and while the per mob xp is good, I can't kill stuff fast enough to really get anywhere. It might be more worth it if/when they fix loot (five to ten minutes to kill two spiders that drop about 20 gold and some corpse wax? Really?) but otherwise, it's back to the small part of the Rise that doesn't murder me.

    And by "small part of the Rise that doesn't murder me" I mean "ESO."
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  17. A'chelata

    A'chelata Avatar

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    Especially, when Chris said himself on stream that they were NOT BOTTING . . . . . so why do we need this? Asking for a friend. Don't Ban Me
  18. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    It's really hard to not invade another player's space especially when everyone is trying to stay within bard range.
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  19. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    Yes please.
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  20. kaeshiva

    kaeshiva Avatar

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    Indeed, indeed.
    Are we going to see things like bard range, I don't know, QUADRUPLED since if you actually stand in it you get this fizzle bullcrap?
    It doesn't really make sense that you can only hear someone singing from 3 feet away, I can hear my cat meowing across the house through a closed door. ;)

    Agree. All this 'scaled difficulty' stuff that's being added is honestly a waste of resources when the reality is players don't want challenge, they want effiiciency and progress. Nobody goes and kills something for the 'challenge' - its pretty much, learn to hop around and spin big things so you can 'dodge' by getting ahead of their animation. That's the mechanics for the most part. Nobody's going to bother with that when the rewards are so bad, they are better off standing still at ERG. Especially when "harder content" just seems scaling up the HP to a billion and making it able to 1-shot you. No thanks. That doesn't encourage players to group, it encourages soloists with fast connections, fast computers, and fast reflexes to steamroll content via hippityhop and the rest of us to not even bother with it. Oh, it also encourages people to find ways to exploit, rocks to stand on and so forth, since doing things 'properly' is a pain in the butt.

    Instead, going the other direction and coming up with meaningful solo/smallgroup experience/loot would actually entice folks back. The main reason I don't play is I log in and think "what shalL I go do" and the answer is the most lucrative use of my time is planting crops or grinding tier 5. I've been grinding tier 5 since 2016 and it hasn't gotten any more interesting but its still the most efficient use of my time solo and I'm still in the same 2-3 scenes. Increasing tier means things get more hp, take twice as long to kill, and drop the same loot and experience ends up being the same. So you find the scene with the biggest stuff that you can gather up in mass and aoe down. If I actually want experience, I can stop off at the ERG parking lot for a bit until I max out in 30 mins getting more exp than I'll get ALL DAY doing anything else lol. This is silly.

    The reason we're playing other things is we can log in and actually accomplish something in a play session.
    Even if I get 'lucky' and get a 1% drop off something, it really just translates to "more gold" and there's nothing to buy and no good market interface to buy it with.
    Stockpiling resources from crafting used to a thing but the artifacts have taken over so get yer gold/silver ingots and well, that's about it really. So, log off.
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